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Hi Sheila...

Generally speaking....a cat, or cat like creature denotes a gatekeeper,

in Celtic myth, I think it is....much like the snakes represents the

same thing. The gatekeeper of deeper knowledge.

I once had a dream that was one of the few that remains with me because

of it's intensity...and this has been about 4 years ago. In the dream, I

was under a house, with a dirt cellar like crawl space, not tall enough

to stand up, so was kind of crouching. The house above it sat on rock

pillars and I was making my way towards the back of the house, where a

rock wall and a wooden door separated what was beyond it.

Just as I came up to 2 pillars before I reached the door, maybe 15 feet

away, I saw movement, and just as I caught the glimpse of what was

something of a python snake, all of at least 30-40 feet long and pretty

big, I froze, and dropped slowly to the dirt, trying to not move. Our

eyes locked at the same time, and no sooner had I felt my body go super

tense, and the sensation shoot up my spine, it was to me within seconds,

winding around multiple pillars, as it hit and slide straight up m

spine, my neck tensing up for the bite, that never came...as I woke

up...it was like the only difference in this dream and being awake was

that my eyes were open and the scene changed.

Through some research into it, I found it has to do with guardian of a

deeper knowledge, and it resides there do challenge any who dare go

deeper to see if they are worthy. Is it any wonder I can do without ever

seeing snakes...and I grew up being able to tell you which were which

and could handle them.

Further research, and because I had looked into kundalini yoga and

energy before...it came to me it might have had to do with the energy

rising, or to say, spiritual awakening, to some extent.

There are other dreams of like intensity and clarity but will save those

for now.

When we lived back out in the country, I believe we lived on a ley line

for an underground water course...I had check this with rods so knew

where they were. One came right up under where the hallway was. I could

sit in meditation in the living room in the dark and see almost

regularly, one to three beams, like you see on the old Star Trek, " beam

in " , and slowly slide across the floor to me, and as i watch them come

upon me, I'd feel that spine tinkling as they seemed to blend into me.

Every so often, it would be a smoky gray single beam that would come.

Still, other times, I could be laying in bed and feel someone climb and

start to crawl up from the foot...you could feel the weight...but as

soon as I'd open my eyes, whatever it was would be gone.

I still am always seeing figures move just out of my direct line of

vision...usually light, but the occasional shadow.

Anyway...I think the key here will be more in how you relate to what

you've seen, much like a dream would be understood. There's the general

meanings, and then the ones closer to what they mean to you. Take notice

but not issue I've heard it said before. In other words, just notice it,

as natural to " something " , don't worry with figuring it out...it could

be as simple as dimensional residue or bleed, to much more. Be thankful

that you are noticing more things...and as you do, more will become

apparent. You can also Google such terms as cat, cat like, shadows,

dreams, visions, meanings...etc.

In some Christian circles the cat or cat like shadow can mean positive

or negative...like a guide of sorts. It can be an angel or " that other

thing " ...but I would give it much weight either way...if it's good for

you, the message will become clearer. If not, in some way, it will

vacate for lack of attention.

On sending love/energy/healing to others...some will say no, don't do it

without permission...and in most cases, do it that way...but, if your

not sure or still feel drawn...keeps calling for your attention...then

send it, but do it to and for the " bigger " part of the one your sending


That is, you send it to the higher self and or soul, and it will use

that energy in the " best way " . The best thing may be for some experience

to be happening in order to clear or bring wellness...you can heal

directly to be sure, yet, doing so could be something worse in the

scheme of the souls mission. As you tune in to this more and more it

should become easier to tell. If your just not sure, send it the souls

way...it will take care of the rest.

Again, you may receive lots of different answers to this, but your

brother may need to ground more...excessive energy, regardless of it's

type can cause these kinds of things to happen. When I was really into

the kundilini and yoga related study for awhile, I found I could not

even study it any longer due to huge power build up, and would blow

fuses, light bulbs and power supply's in the computers just being near

them. Generally this means there's a blockage someplace in the body, and

in the chakras, and need clearing. A side note being that if there is a

cause in the body..or to say, an ailment, disease, or other problem, it

is more generally the associated chakra and a blockage in that

area...clear the block and you clear the bodies problem as well.

Nearly burning down a house...that's kundinli energy...and happens

often. Short of gasoline and matches that is...lol

What's good will come natural. Don't stress over any of it.


--- In , Sheila Wall-Wahab <penlady5@...>



> Hi gang;

> The Rapid Eye Technique that I am taking has almost the same

script as this energy template, and the post from last week that cleared

so many other unseen, unknown forces, even to back generations.

> So many freaky scary things keep happening to my brother, but I

can't get him to believe in energy healing and these scripts. Can I do

the work FOR HIM without him knowing, or does he have to be present?

> Every week he is in a car accident or attacked by a Dog or his

house is almost burned down, its every week and its VERY dramatic! Today

when I was driving him to the auto parts store (from car accident), the

electronic locks on the doors started clicking on/off/on/off over and

over. We looked at each other and he said " I'm serious Sheila, I THINK I

AM CURSED! " I prayed, and IT STOPPED! He has some kind of mental illness

from his birth, where he can not see anything as being good or happy or

positive. I know that the more negatively you talk and think, the more

negative energy you draw to yourself, but he won't listen to 1 word of

things that might help him...so all I can do is pray that God will find

other people that he will listen to, that he will read things that will

make him enlightened, and that we can send as much positive energy to

him as possible. Can I help him by proxy or without him present?

> Another freaky thing happened this morning. I don't know if I saw

this because I am getting closer to the veil, which is thinning, or what

is going on...but I have NEVER heard of this happening before. In all

the Sylvia Brown stuff I've studied, in all the OOB experiences, NDEs,

encounters with spirits, I have NEVER heard of this. I am still shaking.

A spirit of some animal about the size of a cat went through my room.

I'm trying to think of every possible thing it might be, every possible

reason that I was allowed to see it, every possible thing it might

symbolize, until my head hurts from trying to figure it out. Is there

anyone here who has any clue? My house has been blessed many times, in

many different religions, because I have my degree in world religions,

so I use many different things.

> Any ideas anyone? Can I help my brother without him present, and what

was the little black animal and why did it come?

> Blessings, Sheila


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