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Ascension : Levels of Initiation

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Levels of Initiation As

we progress on our spiritual quest, there are definite "steps" that are

undertaken. Each of these levels serves to demonstrate a phase of our

journey. These levels of initiation are conferred (by Ascended Masters

who overlight our development) and inferred ( in that it is our

initiative that propels the development, hence our success is dependent

upon our desires and our endurance). Path of the Probationer This

probationary path is the first step that one takes on their spiritual

development. This is the stage where one realizes there IS a path and

sets about to prepare him/herself for the journey. This

is a time of critical, exacting self-assessment, not for the purpose of

deriding the self, but rather for seeing where work needs to be done.

To know one's weakness and faults is the first step towards correcting

them. The personality self must be balanced and fit receptacle for the

soul self. Through the Law of Attraction the soul self is attracted to

this particular incarnation by virtue of the appropiateness of the

vehicle and the lower bodies. Even

at this early stage of spiritual development, motive compels or

inhibits future growth. If the desire for advancement comes from a

deep sense of service and helping others, progress is enhanced. If

however, there are selfish motives blocks constantly appear along the

way. Guidance and

instruction take place even at these begining steps of the journey.

Every aspirant is known by one of the Ascended Masters, this also

occuring by affinity. That Master's disciples take charge of the

observation and instruction of the probationers who are in line with

the Master's vibration. No longer in the Hall of Ignorance, aspirants

are taken to Halls of Learning while their bodies sleep at night. Most

of this education occurs without the conscious awareness of the

probationer. Changes

are noticed in the individual's life however. One notices that there

is an interest in spiritual and metaphysical topics. One life path

begins to move in accord with the ideals embodied in these teachings.

There is a heightened increase in one's intuitive nature and an

increased psychic sensitivity. Because

these classes occur on the higher planes at night, there are times when

the physical body is awakened by such journeys. If you find yourself

being awakened at a particular time during the night repeatedly ask

that the energy signatures be corrected so that you physical self can

remain asleep during these studies. Also, ask that you retain a clear

memory of such travels as they are able to be understood by your

conscious mind. The First Initiation This

is the first step of the spiritual path. One moves now from the Halls

of Learning to the Halls of Wisdom. One moves from being a probationer

to a disciple. The first initiation shows commencement and commitment

to the Path. It is seen by the Masters as showing admission to the

Path. The task to be undertaken with this first initiation is the

control of the physical body. The higher self takes its correct place

of rulership over the physical form. No longer do the excesses or

desires of the body control the disciple. This is a time of

purification and cleansing of the form on all levels. Energies of

unconditional love, service and responsibility are felt and expressed

by the first-degree initiate. Lord

Maitreya is the Hierophant for this initiation. The initation awakens

the throat chakra to a new level of vibration. A connection is made, a

spark of the soul self is visualized, and brought into a functional

existence within the lower bodies. The Second Initiation The

task of the second initiation is control over the emotional self and

mastery of the astral form. This is a very difficult initiation as

this is the task of humanity in this lifewave. By completing this

initiation one is actually moving out beyond the vast energy body of

humanity into the reaches of future development. Once it is

successfully accomplished, however, the next two initiations happen

more quickly. With

control of the emotional self there is death of desire. By bringing

the emotional self into a calm, balanced state one's energy can readily

rise above that plane. Contol of the astral self means that even when

we leave our physical form to travel about on the various levels of the

astral plane we are not stirred or distracted by the impressions we

receive there. Control of the astral self also implies that we can

travel on that plane at will, as well as being in control of what

occurs on those sojourns. Lord

Maitreya is again the Hierophant of this initiation. The chin chakra

is vivified with this initiation. Concerned with the perception of

will, one now exerts one's will over the lower two bodies. Freedom is

the keynote of this initiation, freedom from the vissitudes of the

lower two bodies. The Third Initiation The

task of the third initiation is one of control over the mental body.

With this initiation, higher control is now in place over the entire

three-fold-personality. The soul self now infuses the personality.

There is a blending and merging with the higher self. This initiation

is also called "the soul merge" for this reason. This is the first of

the major initiations. An awareness and a conscious connection with

the Master's ashram become apparent. The initate is more attuned to

the energy of the Spiritual Hierarchy. Here lies the ability to create

and control mental currents in line with Universal Laws. Here lies an

understanding of the Laws as they apply to the self. The soul self

dominated rather than the personality self. The energies in the three

lower bodies are purified. This

initiation is under the direction of Sanat Kumara, the Planetary Logos,

and the Hierophant of the working. He holds a sacred rod to transfer

the high voltage spiritual energy through the initate in that

ceremony. The third eye chakra is stimulated in this initiation. The Fourth Initiation The

event of the fourth initiation is the merging of one's soul self with

one's monadic self. Just as the personality self was, in effect,

merged into the soul self in the third initiation, now the soul self

cedes to the monadic self. Everything that was part of the personality

ceases to affect the fourth level initate. Consciousness expands out

to a greater whole, leaving the small issues of the personality far

behind. At this level one has freed one's self from the wheel of

rebirth. In merging with the monad, the casual (soul) body is left

behind, just as upon physical death the form is left behind. The

monadic self(the Mighty I Am Presence) is now the director, the guiding

light. Energy is now devoted to the Divine Plan. With the Rainbow

Bridge (the antakarana) completed, connection and communication with

the monad is clear and constant. The lower nature is "crucified",

burned as an offering on the altar to the monadic self. With this

oneness comes a connection to all the wisdom, insight and experience

that one has gained throughout the course of the development of the

individuality, over the lifetimes of countless personalities. Sanat

Kumara is again, the Hierophant of this initiation. The initiate is

now in the realm of the Buddhic state of consciousness and is known as

an "arhat". The chakra stimulated here is the back head chakra, giving

the aura of a halo as it blooms. At this point one's body is light

filled. The Fifth Initiation The

fifth initiation follows closely with the fourth. At this level there

is a merge with the atmic plane. The initiate at this level is known

as an adept. This is the level of the first cosmic initiation. The

energies of the planet become available for the adept to be put to use

for world service. The body becomes a body of light. The adept can

keep the body or create a new one, as one so choose. The chakra stimulated in this initiation is the root. Now is the true time to bring the energies back to earth in service. The Sixth Initiation At

the sixth initiation ascension is achieved and one becomes an Ascended

Master. At this level, one is total light. One is now dwelling in

their Lightbody. Being completely merged with the higher levels of

oneness, one is now beyond the Law of Karma, one is so attuned to the

totally of the One. The energy of the One flows into the Ascended

Master. Materialization and dematerialization, bi-location and

physical immortality are all powers of this initation. Realize

that at a point beyond space and time you are already an ascended

being. Call out to that ascended self now, to assist you as you climb

towards it. Invite a blending of auras, a strength and determination

on your journey, ask for your ascended self's assistance on your path.

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