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Re: Confused about giving tons of supplements/ yeast issues

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Totally understand you wanting to throw every bottle into the trash

right now.

But this is how I understand the " protocol " (every kid is different)

1)Start filling in the " gaps " in the nutrition with supplements and

diet. (From what you wrote, this is where you're at)

2) KILL STUFF! (Yeast, Bacteria, Viruses, Parasites)

3) Repair (sores in the gut, damage from the stuff killed in #2)

4) Get garbage out (Chelation)

5) Catch-up (Therapy like Speech, RDI, ABA, etc.)

Now, there is no particular order to doing this, just what's right

for your child. In fact, you may be doing several things at once! But

the foundation of filling the nutritional gaps is sound. Have

patience and have your DAN explain the use of each supplement for

your education (Because of " A " on the lab tests, we will counteract

that with supplement " A " ...etc.) That way, it will make sense to you,

and if you need that cerebral reinforcement for what you are doing,

it will go a long way to give you patience for your child's treatment.


> I currently am giving my 10 yr old PANDAS boy (Full of OCD and

> spacey) all these supplements..

> Super nu thera 2 tsp a day

> folic acid caps 2x a day

> lithium caps 1x a day

> Trace minerals 2x a day

> cal/mag powder 1 a day

> Vitamin C 500mg 2x a day

> Amino acid caps 2x a day

> Inositol powder 1/4 tsp 2x a day

> gaba powder 1/4 tsp 2x a day

> Idebenone caps 2x a day

> Klaire probiotics 2x a day

> ketoconazole 2ml once a day

> OLE full dropper 2x a day


> Enzymes before each meal, Omega 3 at night, B-12 shots every 3 days,

> LDN cream at night..


> gotta vent)I've been giving him supplements since Feb.

> So many of you have posted about high dose vitamin A, lysine ..Do I

> possibly add more to all of this?

> Also how do you know if a kid has yeast?

> DAN! wants to start valtrex too next week...

> I appreciate any input!!!!


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Guest guest

Totally understand you wanting to throw every bottle into the trash

right now.

But this is how I understand the " protocol " (every kid is different)

1)Start filling in the " gaps " in the nutrition with supplements and

diet. (From what you wrote, this is where you're at)

2) KILL STUFF! (Yeast, Bacteria, Viruses, Parasites)

3) Repair (sores in the gut, damage from the stuff killed in #2)

4) Get garbage out (Chelation)

5) Catch-up (Therapy like Speech, RDI, ABA, etc.)

Now, there is no particular order to doing this, just what's right

for your child. In fact, you may be doing several things at once! But

the foundation of filling the nutritional gaps is sound. Have

patience and have your DAN explain the use of each supplement for

your education (Because of " A " on the lab tests, we will counteract

that with supplement " A " ...etc.) That way, it will make sense to you,

and if you need that cerebral reinforcement for what you are doing,

it will go a long way to give you patience for your child's treatment.


> I currently am giving my 10 yr old PANDAS boy (Full of OCD and

> spacey) all these supplements..

> Super nu thera 2 tsp a day

> folic acid caps 2x a day

> lithium caps 1x a day

> Trace minerals 2x a day

> cal/mag powder 1 a day

> Vitamin C 500mg 2x a day

> Amino acid caps 2x a day

> Inositol powder 1/4 tsp 2x a day

> gaba powder 1/4 tsp 2x a day

> Idebenone caps 2x a day

> Klaire probiotics 2x a day

> ketoconazole 2ml once a day

> OLE full dropper 2x a day


> Enzymes before each meal, Omega 3 at night, B-12 shots every 3 days,

> LDN cream at night..


> gotta vent)I've been giving him supplements since Feb.

> So many of you have posted about high dose vitamin A, lysine ..Do I

> possibly add more to all of this?

> Also how do you know if a kid has yeast?

> DAN! wants to start valtrex too next week...

> I appreciate any input!!!!


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For figuring out the gut stuff we got the FIber Menace book and read

his website and started top to bottom working out Matt's gut

stuff...this guy is good and he nailed some stuff for us, big time,

and helped us alot with Matt's gut stuff - more than any dr

actually...yeast can be measured by an OATS test I think, but there

are also many hard signs of it that you can watch for...I think the

NIDS tests are very useful and your DAN should have those in hand

before just beginning valtrex - that was a mistake we made that I

regret..I am leery now of DANs doing antivirals bc most do not know

what they are doing....what if he plateaus on valtrex and another

antiviral needs to be rotated in, di dyou DAN tell you how he plans

to evaluate whether or not this intervention is working - and what if

the titers creep back up as Cheryl's have - what is his next move in

response to that...if we had asked these questions we would not have

used the dr we did for Matt;s rxs and treatment, but gone to someone

with more experience spec to immune issues....it is not a DAN

strength and is only used as often as it is bc of Stan Kurtx's

efforts to get the word out about how it worked for his kid...but I

cannot find another kid, yet, recovered on just that one antiviral -

I am not saying they do not exist, I just do not know of

any....Stan's son was very blessed in that regard and also had an

improtant diet intervention in place that greatly assisted his

success with the antiviral approach...and Stan did not do a ton of

supps I noticed...it is hard, I know, and manybe others wil have good

advice for you...I would just make sure that your DAN is the right

w=one to supervise your antiviral/antifungal strategy if you are

going that route...esp if you have not seen changes with all the vits

and stuff 0 which is BIG with the DANS, but not a part of NIDS -

Cheryl's kid was not a supps and vits and DAN responder and has done

GREAT with the NIDS approach - see if she will write you with some



> I currently am giving my 10 yr old PANDAS boy (Full of OCD and

> spacey) all these supplements..

> Super nu thera 2 tsp a day

> folic acid caps 2x a day

> lithium caps 1x a day

> Trace minerals 2x a day

> cal/mag powder 1 a day

> Vitamin C 500mg 2x a day

> Amino acid caps 2x a day

> Inositol powder 1/4 tsp 2x a day

> gaba powder 1/4 tsp 2x a day

> Idebenone caps 2x a day

> Klaire probiotics 2x a day

> ketoconazole 2ml once a day

> OLE full dropper 2x a day


> Enzymes before each meal, Omega 3 at night, B-12 shots every 3 days,

> LDN cream at night..


> gotta vent)I've been giving him supplements since Feb.

> So many of you have posted about high dose vitamin A, lysine ..Do I

> possibly add more to all of this?

> Also how do you know if a kid has yeast?

> DAN! wants to start valtrex too next week...

> I appreciate any input!!!!


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Stool and/or urine tests can show yeast. Ask your DAN about testing.

I hear the frustration in your voice. We've been doing biomed for years and nothing... My husband things this is all a big witch hunt and waste of money.

Confused about giving tons of supplements/ yeast issues

I currently am giving my 10 yr old PANDAS boy (Full of OCD and spacey) all these supplements..Super nu thera 2 tsp a dayfolic acid caps 2x a daylithium caps 1x a dayTrace minerals 2x a daycal/mag powder 1 a dayVitamin C 500mg 2x a dayAmino acid caps 2x a dayInositol powder 1/4 tsp 2x a daygaba powder 1/4 tsp 2x a dayIdebenone caps 2x a dayKlaire probiotics 2x a dayketoconazole 2ml once a dayOLE full dropper 2x a dayEnzymes before each meal, Omega 3 at night, B-12 shots every 3 days,LDN cream at night..AND HE'S IN NO BETTER SHAPE THAN THE DAY I STARTED ALL THIS!(sorry. gotta vent)I've been giving him supplements since Feb.So many of you have posted about high dose vitamin A, lysine ..Do I possibly add more to all of this?Also how do you know if a kid has yeast? DAN! wants to start valtrex too next week...I appreciate any input!!!!

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Stool and/or urine tests can show yeast. Ask your DAN about testing.

I hear the frustration in your voice. We've been doing biomed for years and nothing... My husband things this is all a big witch hunt and waste of money.

Confused about giving tons of supplements/ yeast issues

I currently am giving my 10 yr old PANDAS boy (Full of OCD and spacey) all these supplements..Super nu thera 2 tsp a dayfolic acid caps 2x a daylithium caps 1x a dayTrace minerals 2x a daycal/mag powder 1 a dayVitamin C 500mg 2x a dayAmino acid caps 2x a dayInositol powder 1/4 tsp 2x a daygaba powder 1/4 tsp 2x a dayIdebenone caps 2x a dayKlaire probiotics 2x a dayketoconazole 2ml once a dayOLE full dropper 2x a dayEnzymes before each meal, Omega 3 at night, B-12 shots every 3 days,LDN cream at night..AND HE'S IN NO BETTER SHAPE THAN THE DAY I STARTED ALL THIS!(sorry. gotta vent)I've been giving him supplements since Feb.So many of you have posted about high dose vitamin A, lysine ..Do I possibly add more to all of this?Also how do you know if a kid has yeast? DAN! wants to start valtrex too next week...I appreciate any input!!!!

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Have you tried going to a homeopath or Bioset? My daughter is 21 and we've tried things over the years and this is what helped her the most.

Re: Confused about giving tons of supplements/ yeast issues

Stool and/or urine tests can show yeast. Ask your DAN about testing.

I hear the frustration in your voice. We've been doing biomed for years and nothing... My husband things this is all a big witch hunt and waste of money.

Confused about giving tons of supplements/ yeast issues

I currently am giving my 10 yr old PANDAS boy (Full of OCD and

spacey) all these supplements..

Super nu thera 2 tsp a day

folic acid caps 2x a day

lithium caps 1x a day

Trace minerals 2x a day

cal/mag powder 1 a day

Vitamin C 500mg 2x a day

Amino acid caps 2x a day

Inositol powder 1/4 tsp 2x a day

gaba powder 1/4 tsp 2x a day

Idebenone caps 2x a day

Klaire probiotics 2x a day

ketoconazole 2ml once a day

OLE full dropper 2x a day

Enzymes before each meal, Omega 3 at night, B-12 shots every 3 days,

LDN cream at night..


gotta vent)I've been giving him supplements since Feb.

So many of you have posted about high dose vitamin A, lysine ..Do I

possibly add more to all of this?

Also how do you know if a kid has yeast?

DAN! wants to start valtrex too next week...

I appreciate any input!!!!

The Famous, the infamous, the lame - in your browser. Get the TMZ Toolbar Now!

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Have you tried going to a homeopath or Bioset? My daughter is 21 and we've tried things over the years and this is what helped her the most.

Re: Confused about giving tons of supplements/ yeast issues

Stool and/or urine tests can show yeast. Ask your DAN about testing.

I hear the frustration in your voice. We've been doing biomed for years and nothing... My husband things this is all a big witch hunt and waste of money.

Confused about giving tons of supplements/ yeast issues

I currently am giving my 10 yr old PANDAS boy (Full of OCD and

spacey) all these supplements..

Super nu thera 2 tsp a day

folic acid caps 2x a day

lithium caps 1x a day

Trace minerals 2x a day

cal/mag powder 1 a day

Vitamin C 500mg 2x a day

Amino acid caps 2x a day

Inositol powder 1/4 tsp 2x a day

gaba powder 1/4 tsp 2x a day

Idebenone caps 2x a day

Klaire probiotics 2x a day

ketoconazole 2ml once a day

OLE full dropper 2x a day

Enzymes before each meal, Omega 3 at night, B-12 shots every 3 days,

LDN cream at night..


gotta vent)I've been giving him supplements since Feb.

So many of you have posted about high dose vitamin A, lysine ..Do I

possibly add more to all of this?

Also how do you know if a kid has yeast?

DAN! wants to start valtrex too next week...

I appreciate any input!!!!

The Famous, the infamous, the lame - in your browser. Get the TMZ Toolbar Now!

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Have you tried going to a homeopath or Bioset? My daughter is 21 and we've tried things over the years and this is what helped her the most.

Re: Confused about giving tons of supplements/ yeast issues

Stool and/or urine tests can show yeast. Ask your DAN about testing.

I hear the frustration in your voice. We've been doing biomed for years and nothing... My husband things this is all a big witch hunt and waste of money.

Confused about giving tons of supplements/ yeast issues

I currently am giving my 10 yr old PANDAS boy (Full of OCD and

spacey) all these supplements..

Super nu thera 2 tsp a day

folic acid caps 2x a day

lithium caps 1x a day

Trace minerals 2x a day

cal/mag powder 1 a day

Vitamin C 500mg 2x a day

Amino acid caps 2x a day

Inositol powder 1/4 tsp 2x a day

gaba powder 1/4 tsp 2x a day

Idebenone caps 2x a day

Klaire probiotics 2x a day

ketoconazole 2ml once a day

OLE full dropper 2x a day

Enzymes before each meal, Omega 3 at night, B-12 shots every 3 days,

LDN cream at night..


gotta vent)I've been giving him supplements since Feb.

So many of you have posted about high dose vitamin A, lysine ..Do I

possibly add more to all of this?

Also how do you know if a kid has yeast?

DAN! wants to start valtrex too next week...

I appreciate any input!!!!

The Famous, the infamous, the lame - in your browser. Get the TMZ Toolbar Now!

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For us nothing has mattered as much as the antiviral stuff - he was

rocking on it, but we were not in the care of an eperienced immune

doctor, so ther was a BIG hiccup in his care...he just started on

Famvir and ran around at the playground today - great eye contact and

happy...he isn;t even up to full doe yet and it is so WEIRD to be

giving one little tiny piece of a pill from 30 plus pills a day

etc....he isn;t on anything right now excpet that smidgen of

antiviral bc we wanted to see, yeast or not, what it was or wasn;'t

doing for him....it is doein SOMETHING...call Goldberg's office, get

the viral titers pulled, adn see if six months on that type of

protocol without all the other stuff except diet chnges of

course...if that is your kids answer perhaps....Di I remain curious

about all the biomed option, but if this works I am so grateful that

we found it as it is som much simpler and less harrowing than some of

the other options...Di


> Have you tried going to a homeopath or Bioset? My daughter is 21

and we've tried things over the years and this is what helped her the





> Re: Confused about giving tons of

supplements/ yeast issues









> Stool and/or urine tests can show yeast.? Ask your DAN about



> ?


> I hear the frustration in your voice.? We've been doing biomed for

years and nothing... My husband things this is all a big witch hunt

and waste of money.


> ?




> ?



> Confused about giving tons of supplements/

yeast issues






> I currently am giving my 10 yr old PANDAS boy (Full of OCD and

> spacey) all these supplements..

> Super nu thera 2 tsp a day

> folic acid caps 2x a day

> lithium caps 1x a day

> Trace minerals 2x a day

> cal/mag powder 1 a day

> Vitamin C 500mg 2x a day

> Amino acid caps 2x a day

> Inositol powder 1/4 tsp 2x a day

> gaba powder 1/4 tsp 2x a day

> Idebenone caps 2x a day

> Klaire probiotics 2x a day

> ketoconazole 2ml once a day

> OLE full dropper 2x a day


> Enzymes before each meal, Omega 3 at night, B-12 shots every 3 days,

> LDN cream at night..


> gotta vent)I've been giving him supplements since Feb.

> So many of you have posted about high dose vitamin A, lysine ..Do I

> possibly add more to all of this?

> Also how do you know if a kid has yeast?

> DAN! wants to start valtrex too next week...

> I appreciate any input!!!!


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For us nothing has mattered as much as the antiviral stuff - he was

rocking on it, but we were not in the care of an eperienced immune

doctor, so ther was a BIG hiccup in his care...he just started on

Famvir and ran around at the playground today - great eye contact and

happy...he isn;t even up to full doe yet and it is so WEIRD to be

giving one little tiny piece of a pill from 30 plus pills a day

etc....he isn;t on anything right now excpet that smidgen of

antiviral bc we wanted to see, yeast or not, what it was or wasn;'t

doing for him....it is doein SOMETHING...call Goldberg's office, get

the viral titers pulled, adn see if six months on that type of

protocol without all the other stuff except diet chnges of

course...if that is your kids answer perhaps....Di I remain curious

about all the biomed option, but if this works I am so grateful that

we found it as it is som much simpler and less harrowing than some of

the other options...Di


> Have you tried going to a homeopath or Bioset? My daughter is 21

and we've tried things over the years and this is what helped her the





> Re: Confused about giving tons of

supplements/ yeast issues









> Stool and/or urine tests can show yeast.? Ask your DAN about



> ?


> I hear the frustration in your voice.? We've been doing biomed for

years and nothing... My husband things this is all a big witch hunt

and waste of money.


> ?




> ?



> Confused about giving tons of supplements/

yeast issues






> I currently am giving my 10 yr old PANDAS boy (Full of OCD and

> spacey) all these supplements..

> Super nu thera 2 tsp a day

> folic acid caps 2x a day

> lithium caps 1x a day

> Trace minerals 2x a day

> cal/mag powder 1 a day

> Vitamin C 500mg 2x a day

> Amino acid caps 2x a day

> Inositol powder 1/4 tsp 2x a day

> gaba powder 1/4 tsp 2x a day

> Idebenone caps 2x a day

> Klaire probiotics 2x a day

> ketoconazole 2ml once a day

> OLE full dropper 2x a day


> Enzymes before each meal, Omega 3 at night, B-12 shots every 3 days,

> LDN cream at night..


> gotta vent)I've been giving him supplements since Feb.

> So many of you have posted about high dose vitamin A, lysine ..Do I

> possibly add more to all of this?

> Also how do you know if a kid has yeast?

> DAN! wants to start valtrex too next week...

> I appreciate any input!!!!


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For us nothing has mattered as much as the antiviral stuff - he was

rocking on it, but we were not in the care of an eperienced immune

doctor, so ther was a BIG hiccup in his care...he just started on

Famvir and ran around at the playground today - great eye contact and

happy...he isn;t even up to full doe yet and it is so WEIRD to be

giving one little tiny piece of a pill from 30 plus pills a day

etc....he isn;t on anything right now excpet that smidgen of

antiviral bc we wanted to see, yeast or not, what it was or wasn;'t

doing for him....it is doein SOMETHING...call Goldberg's office, get

the viral titers pulled, adn see if six months on that type of

protocol without all the other stuff except diet chnges of

course...if that is your kids answer perhaps....Di I remain curious

about all the biomed option, but if this works I am so grateful that

we found it as it is som much simpler and less harrowing than some of

the other options...Di


> Have you tried going to a homeopath or Bioset? My daughter is 21

and we've tried things over the years and this is what helped her the





> Re: Confused about giving tons of

supplements/ yeast issues









> Stool and/or urine tests can show yeast.? Ask your DAN about



> ?


> I hear the frustration in your voice.? We've been doing biomed for

years and nothing... My husband things this is all a big witch hunt

and waste of money.


> ?




> ?



> Confused about giving tons of supplements/

yeast issues






> I currently am giving my 10 yr old PANDAS boy (Full of OCD and

> spacey) all these supplements..

> Super nu thera 2 tsp a day

> folic acid caps 2x a day

> lithium caps 1x a day

> Trace minerals 2x a day

> cal/mag powder 1 a day

> Vitamin C 500mg 2x a day

> Amino acid caps 2x a day

> Inositol powder 1/4 tsp 2x a day

> gaba powder 1/4 tsp 2x a day

> Idebenone caps 2x a day

> Klaire probiotics 2x a day

> ketoconazole 2ml once a day

> OLE full dropper 2x a day


> Enzymes before each meal, Omega 3 at night, B-12 shots every 3 days,

> LDN cream at night..


> gotta vent)I've been giving him supplements since Feb.

> So many of you have posted about high dose vitamin A, lysine ..Do I

> possibly add more to all of this?

> Also how do you know if a kid has yeast?

> DAN! wants to start valtrex too next week...

> I appreciate any input!!!!


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Hi from Sue,

We,too found best results for deterining what supplements to take

through ND's and energy therapies.. & muscle testing learned from our local ND's...etc..It takes most of the guesswork out of it.:)

( Now I do it myself...)


Re: Confused about giving tons of supplements/ yeast issues

Posted by: "w3m1@..." w3m1@... jcnym

Sun Jul 6, 2008 2:47 pm (PDT)

Have you tried going to a homeopath or Bioset? My daughter is 21 and we've tried things over the years and this is what helped her the most. Re: Confused about giving tons of supplements/ yeast issuesStool and/or urine tests can show yeast.? Ask your DAN about testing.?I hear the frustration in your voice.? We've been doing biomed for years and nothing... My husband things this is all a big witch hunt and waste of money.?? Confused about giving tons of supplements/ yeast issuesI currently am giving my 10 yr old PANDAS boy (Full of OCD and spacey) all these supplements..Super nu thera 2 tsp a dayfolic acid caps 2x a daylithium caps 1x a dayTrace minerals 2x a daycal/mag powder 1 a dayVitamin C 500mg 2x a dayAmino acid caps 2x a dayInositol powder 1/4 tsp 2x a daygaba powder 1/4 tsp 2x a dayIdebenone caps 2x a dayKlaire probiotics 2x a dayketoconazole 2ml once a dayOLE full dropper 2x a dayEnzymes before each meal, Omega 3 at night, B-12 shots every 3 days,LDN cream at night..AND HE'S IN NO BETTER SHAPE THAN THE DAY I STARTED ALL THIS!(sorry. gotta vent)I've been giving him supplements since Feb.So many of you have posted about high dose vitamin A, lysine ..Do I possibly add more to all of this?Also how do you know if a kid has yeast? DAN! wants to start valtrex too next week...I appreciate any input!!!!

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Hi from Sue,

We,too found best results for deterining what supplements to take

through ND's and energy therapies.. & muscle testing learned from our local ND's...etc..It takes most of the guesswork out of it.:)

( Now I do it myself...)


Re: Confused about giving tons of supplements/ yeast issues

Posted by: "w3m1@..." w3m1@... jcnym

Sun Jul 6, 2008 2:47 pm (PDT)

Have you tried going to a homeopath or Bioset? My daughter is 21 and we've tried things over the years and this is what helped her the most. Re: Confused about giving tons of supplements/ yeast issuesStool and/or urine tests can show yeast.? Ask your DAN about testing.?I hear the frustration in your voice.? We've been doing biomed for years and nothing... My husband things this is all a big witch hunt and waste of money.?? Confused about giving tons of supplements/ yeast issuesI currently am giving my 10 yr old PANDAS boy (Full of OCD and spacey) all these supplements..Super nu thera 2 tsp a dayfolic acid caps 2x a daylithium caps 1x a dayTrace minerals 2x a daycal/mag powder 1 a dayVitamin C 500mg 2x a dayAmino acid caps 2x a dayInositol powder 1/4 tsp 2x a daygaba powder 1/4 tsp 2x a dayIdebenone caps 2x a dayKlaire probiotics 2x a dayketoconazole 2ml once a dayOLE full dropper 2x a dayEnzymes before each meal, Omega 3 at night, B-12 shots every 3 days,LDN cream at night..AND HE'S IN NO BETTER SHAPE THAN THE DAY I STARTED ALL THIS!(sorry. gotta vent)I've been giving him supplements since Feb.So many of you have posted about high dose vitamin A, lysine ..Do I possibly add more to all of this?Also how do you know if a kid has yeast? DAN! wants to start valtrex too next week...I appreciate any input!!!!

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Guest guest

Hi from Sue,

We,too found best results for deterining what supplements to take

through ND's and energy therapies.. & muscle testing learned from our local ND's...etc..It takes most of the guesswork out of it.:)

( Now I do it myself...)


Re: Confused about giving tons of supplements/ yeast issues

Posted by: "w3m1@..." w3m1@... jcnym

Sun Jul 6, 2008 2:47 pm (PDT)

Have you tried going to a homeopath or Bioset? My daughter is 21 and we've tried things over the years and this is what helped her the most. Re: Confused about giving tons of supplements/ yeast issuesStool and/or urine tests can show yeast.? Ask your DAN about testing.?I hear the frustration in your voice.? We've been doing biomed for years and nothing... My husband things this is all a big witch hunt and waste of money.?? Confused about giving tons of supplements/ yeast issuesI currently am giving my 10 yr old PANDAS boy (Full of OCD and spacey) all these supplements..Super nu thera 2 tsp a dayfolic acid caps 2x a daylithium caps 1x a dayTrace minerals 2x a daycal/mag powder 1 a dayVitamin C 500mg 2x a dayAmino acid caps 2x a dayInositol powder 1/4 tsp 2x a daygaba powder 1/4 tsp 2x a dayIdebenone caps 2x a dayKlaire probiotics 2x a dayketoconazole 2ml once a dayOLE full dropper 2x a dayEnzymes before each meal, Omega 3 at night, B-12 shots every 3 days,LDN cream at night..AND HE'S IN NO BETTER SHAPE THAN THE DAY I STARTED ALL THIS!(sorry. gotta vent)I've been giving him supplements since Feb.So many of you have posted about high dose vitamin A, lysine ..Do I possibly add more to all of this?Also how do you know if a kid has yeast? DAN! wants to start valtrex too next week...I appreciate any input!!!!

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essential fatty acid, i.e. coromega, cod liver oil, flax seed oil, etc.

Confused about giving tons of supplements/ yeast issues> > > I currently am giving my 10 yr old PANDAS boy (Full of OCD and > spacey) all these supplements..> Super nu thera 2 tsp a day> folic acid caps 2x a day> lithium caps 1x a day> Trace minerals 2x a day> cal/mag powder 1 a day> Vitamin C 500mg 2x a day> Amino acid caps 2x a day> Inositol powder 1/4 tsp 2x a day> gaba powder 1/4 tsp 2x a day> Idebenone caps 2x a day> Klaire probiotics 2x a day> ketoconazole 2ml once a day> OLE full dropper 2x a day> > Enzymes before each meal, Omega 3 at night, B-12 shots every 3 days,> LDN cream at night..> AND HE'S IN NO BETTER SHAPE THAN THE DAY I STARTED ALL THIS!(sorry. > gotta vent)I've been giving him supplements since Feb.> So many of you have posted about high dose vitamin A, lysine ..Do I > possibly add more to all of this?> Also how do you know if a kid has yeast? > DAN! wants to start valtrex too next week...> I appreciate any input!!!! > > > > > No virus found in this incoming message.> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com > Version: 8.0.138 / Virus Database: 270.4.5/1537 - Release Date: 7/6/2008 5:26 AM>

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essensial fatty acids

Recovering from Autism is a marathonNOT a sprint, but FULLY possible!Read more about it on my BLOGs athttp://www.myspace.com/christelkinghttp://foggyrock.com/MyPage/recoveringwishes

Confused about giving tons of supplements/ yeast issues> > > I currently am giving my 10 yr old PANDAS boy (Full of OCD and > spacey) all these supplements..> Super nu thera 2 tsp a day> folic acid caps 2x a day> lithium caps 1x a day> Trace minerals 2x a day> cal/mag powder 1 a day> Vitamin C 500mg 2x a day> Amino acid caps 2x a day> Inositol powder 1/4 tsp 2x a day> gaba powder 1/4 tsp 2x a day> Idebenone caps 2x a day> Klaire probiotics 2x a day> ketoconazole 2ml once a day> OLE full dropper 2x a day> > Enzymes before each meal, Omega 3 at night, B-12 shots every 3 days,> LDN cream at night..> AND HE'S IN NO BETTER SHAPE THAN THE DAY I STARTED ALL THIS!(sorry. > gotta vent)I've been giving him supplements since Feb.> So many of you have posted about high dose vitamin A, lysine ..Do I > possibly add more to all of this?> Also how do you know if a kid has yeast? > DAN! wants to start valtrex too next week...> I appreciate any input!!!! > > > > > No virus found in this incoming message.> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com > Version: 8.0.138 / Virus Database: 270.4.5/1537 - Release Date: 7/6/2008 5:26 AM>No virus found in this incoming message.

Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com Version: 8.0.138 / Virus Database: 270.4.5/1537 - Release Date: 7/6/2008 5:26 AM

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essensial fatty acids

Recovering from Autism is a marathonNOT a sprint, but FULLY possible!Read more about it on my BLOGs athttp://www.myspace.com/christelkinghttp://foggyrock.com/MyPage/recoveringwishes

Confused about giving tons of supplements/ yeast issues> > > I currently am giving my 10 yr old PANDAS boy (Full of OCD and > spacey) all these supplements..> Super nu thera 2 tsp a day> folic acid caps 2x a day> lithium caps 1x a day> Trace minerals 2x a day> cal/mag powder 1 a day> Vitamin C 500mg 2x a day> Amino acid caps 2x a day> Inositol powder 1/4 tsp 2x a day> gaba powder 1/4 tsp 2x a day> Idebenone caps 2x a day> Klaire probiotics 2x a day> ketoconazole 2ml once a day> OLE full dropper 2x a day> > Enzymes before each meal, Omega 3 at night, B-12 shots every 3 days,> LDN cream at night..> AND HE'S IN NO BETTER SHAPE THAN THE DAY I STARTED ALL THIS!(sorry. > gotta vent)I've been giving him supplements since Feb.> So many of you have posted about high dose vitamin A, lysine ..Do I > possibly add more to all of this?> Also how do you know if a kid has yeast? > DAN! wants to start valtrex too next week...> I appreciate any input!!!! > > > > > No virus found in this incoming message.> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com > Version: 8.0.138 / Virus Database: 270.4.5/1537 - Release Date: 7/6/2008 5:26 AM>No virus found in this incoming message.

Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com Version: 8.0.138 / Virus Database: 270.4.5/1537 - Release Date: 7/6/2008 5:26 AM

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essensial fatty acids

Recovering from Autism is a marathonNOT a sprint, but FULLY possible!Read more about it on my BLOGs athttp://www.myspace.com/christelkinghttp://foggyrock.com/MyPage/recoveringwishes

Confused about giving tons of supplements/ yeast issues> > > I currently am giving my 10 yr old PANDAS boy (Full of OCD and > spacey) all these supplements..> Super nu thera 2 tsp a day> folic acid caps 2x a day> lithium caps 1x a day> Trace minerals 2x a day> cal/mag powder 1 a day> Vitamin C 500mg 2x a day> Amino acid caps 2x a day> Inositol powder 1/4 tsp 2x a day> gaba powder 1/4 tsp 2x a day> Idebenone caps 2x a day> Klaire probiotics 2x a day> ketoconazole 2ml once a day> OLE full dropper 2x a day> > Enzymes before each meal, Omega 3 at night, B-12 shots every 3 days,> LDN cream at night..> AND HE'S IN NO BETTER SHAPE THAN THE DAY I STARTED ALL THIS!(sorry. > gotta vent)I've been giving him supplements since Feb.> So many of you have posted about high dose vitamin A, lysine ..Do I > possibly add more to all of this?> Also how do you know if a kid has yeast? > DAN! wants to start valtrex too next week...> I appreciate any input!!!! > > > > > No virus found in this incoming message.> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com > Version: 8.0.138 / Virus Database: 270.4.5/1537 - Release Date: 7/6/2008 5:26 AM>No virus found in this incoming message.

Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com Version: 8.0.138 / Virus Database: 270.4.5/1537 - Release Date: 7/6/2008 5:26 AM

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