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Re: MB12, GFCF diet - no change.....at all :(

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That is amazing - and awesome - was she a gut kid? K in JY likes raw

dairy once the intestinal flora encironment is suitable to handle it

and thinks it is a shame that thr removal of real dairy for many of

our kids is a permanent choice since it is not a healthful one

supported by research. Di


> This happened when we took ours off milk for three weeks, she lost

language. We put her right back on the milk and the language came

back. Try to use raw goat's milk, or goat's milk which can now be

found at Super WalMarts.


> Ours also did not need mb12, we used TMG which made her language

explode so much in 5 days that she then scored two years above age



> A lot of this is trial and error, if what you are doing is not

working don't continue, try something else.



> MB12, GFCF diet - no change.....at all :(



> My son is almost 3 1/2 years old. Have been giving him daily MB12

> injections for 5 weeks. Overall we have seen absolutely no


> Before we started all he could ever verbalize is counting to


> even mom or dad. Now after 5 weeks of MB12...he doesnt say one


> anymore. He regressed even more. Became more irritable on top of


> He never had bowel issues in his life. All his labwork came back

> negative. Gluten free, casein free diet (noooo more milk at

> all)...for 5 weeks : no change AT ALL !!!


> I am so disappointed and frustrated. I feel i had the perfect

> solution. But now I feel I was so wrong. After all he became


> Lost even the last words that he had. It took a lot to convince


> wife to poke my son with those MB12 injections...spent a fortune


> see a dan doctor that wasnt covered by my insurance. I am giving


> on MB12 and GFCF diet. I am happy it works for so many others...i

> really am. But I guess my thinking was flawed. I have to rethink

> autism for my son.


> Thanks everyone for the help you offered in the few posts that I


> And good luck :)


> Chris


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That is amazing - and awesome - was she a gut kid? K in JY likes raw

dairy once the intestinal flora encironment is suitable to handle it

and thinks it is a shame that thr removal of real dairy for many of

our kids is a permanent choice since it is not a healthful one

supported by research. Di


> This happened when we took ours off milk for three weeks, she lost

language. We put her right back on the milk and the language came

back. Try to use raw goat's milk, or goat's milk which can now be

found at Super WalMarts.


> Ours also did not need mb12, we used TMG which made her language

explode so much in 5 days that she then scored two years above age



> A lot of this is trial and error, if what you are doing is not

working don't continue, try something else.



> MB12, GFCF diet - no change.....at all :(



> My son is almost 3 1/2 years old. Have been giving him daily MB12

> injections for 5 weeks. Overall we have seen absolutely no


> Before we started all he could ever verbalize is counting to


> even mom or dad. Now after 5 weeks of MB12...he doesnt say one


> anymore. He regressed even more. Became more irritable on top of


> He never had bowel issues in his life. All his labwork came back

> negative. Gluten free, casein free diet (noooo more milk at

> all)...for 5 weeks : no change AT ALL !!!


> I am so disappointed and frustrated. I feel i had the perfect

> solution. But now I feel I was so wrong. After all he became


> Lost even the last words that he had. It took a lot to convince


> wife to poke my son with those MB12 injections...spent a fortune


> see a dan doctor that wasnt covered by my insurance. I am giving


> on MB12 and GFCF diet. I am happy it works for so many others...i

> really am. But I guess my thinking was flawed. I have to rethink

> autism for my son.


> Thanks everyone for the help you offered in the few posts that I


> And good luck :)


> Chris


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You mentioned you are using Kirkman's powdered methyl B12. After

reading this post I looked for this on the Kirkman site and couldn't

find it? My daughter is currently getting MB12 shots and I may be

interested in trying the powder at some point. Could you point me to a

link where I can buy this?



Ambitionn01@... wrote:


> Chris:


> Don't get caught up in science. I have a Master's Degree in Science.

> I have done hundred of scientific studies. Thus, I can read them, do

> them, and pick them apart. For nearly every scientific study that

> says there is no difference in A plus B, there will be a scientific

> study that says basically the opposite. There are even scientific

> studies that say most scientific studies are biased and not credible.

> Thus, realize that science is always changing its mind, does not have

> many answers, and is not very reliable and valid. Do you really trust

> science now that you come on this Internet and see a whole different

> world than what the media and your local doctor portrays? I still

> look at scientific reports, but know I recovered my child based on

> parental reports. I trusted them; they have no money to make. They

> don't represent a company; they are just people on a journey. People

> on these forums told me what works, how to do things, what to expect,

> etc. They also gave me links and pointed me to websites that were

> priceless. But the bottom line is, are you going to believe a bunch

> of scientists who have already let us all down, or you going to

> believe people like me who have kids in regular school after their

> docs said NOTHING could be done for them. Take the word of those who

> have had success. If you look for a study that says Z works, you will

> find it. If you look for a study that says Z doesn't work, you will

> find that too. You will find whatever you are looking for. If you

> are looking for recovery, ask those who are doing it. I know diets

> and MB 12 shots are expensive, but the pay-off is priceless. My now

> 16 year old was on MB 12 shots about 6 months and then I switched to

> Kirkman's powdered methyl B12 (methylcolbamin) and the powder worked

> even better than the shots and was much cheaper. Thus, once you see

> the gains after a few months from the shots, you can transfer over to

> the inexpensive powder and see if your child keeps his gains, mine

> did. I imagine everyone is different and its impossible to tell, but

> since you say you are seeing regression, that's a great sign that the

> MB 12 shots are going to work.


> Love and prayers,


> Heidi N




> I read those articles. However, it is always dangerous to not take

> into consideration for example, the medical literature.


> Let's take the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, April

> issue of 2006 where they had a randomized double blinded clinical

> trial which showed no difference :


> This study tested the efficacy of a gluten-free and casein-free

> (GFCF) diet in treating autism using a randomized, double blind

> repeated measures crossover design. The sample included 15 children

> aged 2-16 years with autism spectrum disorder. Data on autistic

> symptoms and urinary peptide levels were collected in the subjects'

> homes over the 12 weeks that they were on the diet. Group data

> indicated no statistically significant findings even though several

> parents reported improvement in their children.


> Or even better : A Cochrane Database review of all medical literature

> ever published about GFCF diets. Article published April 18, 2008.


> AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Research has shown of high rates of use of

> complementary and alternative therapies (CAM) for children with

> autism including gluten and/or casein exclusion diets. Current

> evidence for efficacy of these diets is poor.


> This seems more plausible to me.

> Chris


> Chris




> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for fuel-efficient used

> cars <http://autos.aol.com/used?ncid=aolaut00050000000007>.


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You mentioned you are using Kirkman's powdered methyl B12. After

reading this post I looked for this on the Kirkman site and couldn't

find it? My daughter is currently getting MB12 shots and I may be

interested in trying the powder at some point. Could you point me to a

link where I can buy this?



Ambitionn01@... wrote:


> Chris:


> Don't get caught up in science. I have a Master's Degree in Science.

> I have done hundred of scientific studies. Thus, I can read them, do

> them, and pick them apart. For nearly every scientific study that

> says there is no difference in A plus B, there will be a scientific

> study that says basically the opposite. There are even scientific

> studies that say most scientific studies are biased and not credible.

> Thus, realize that science is always changing its mind, does not have

> many answers, and is not very reliable and valid. Do you really trust

> science now that you come on this Internet and see a whole different

> world than what the media and your local doctor portrays? I still

> look at scientific reports, but know I recovered my child based on

> parental reports. I trusted them; they have no money to make. They

> don't represent a company; they are just people on a journey. People

> on these forums told me what works, how to do things, what to expect,

> etc. They also gave me links and pointed me to websites that were

> priceless. But the bottom line is, are you going to believe a bunch

> of scientists who have already let us all down, or you going to

> believe people like me who have kids in regular school after their

> docs said NOTHING could be done for them. Take the word of those who

> have had success. If you look for a study that says Z works, you will

> find it. If you look for a study that says Z doesn't work, you will

> find that too. You will find whatever you are looking for. If you

> are looking for recovery, ask those who are doing it. I know diets

> and MB 12 shots are expensive, but the pay-off is priceless. My now

> 16 year old was on MB 12 shots about 6 months and then I switched to

> Kirkman's powdered methyl B12 (methylcolbamin) and the powder worked

> even better than the shots and was much cheaper. Thus, once you see

> the gains after a few months from the shots, you can transfer over to

> the inexpensive powder and see if your child keeps his gains, mine

> did. I imagine everyone is different and its impossible to tell, but

> since you say you are seeing regression, that's a great sign that the

> MB 12 shots are going to work.


> Love and prayers,


> Heidi N




> I read those articles. However, it is always dangerous to not take

> into consideration for example, the medical literature.


> Let's take the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, April

> issue of 2006 where they had a randomized double blinded clinical

> trial which showed no difference :


> This study tested the efficacy of a gluten-free and casein-free

> (GFCF) diet in treating autism using a randomized, double blind

> repeated measures crossover design. The sample included 15 children

> aged 2-16 years with autism spectrum disorder. Data on autistic

> symptoms and urinary peptide levels were collected in the subjects'

> homes over the 12 weeks that they were on the diet. Group data

> indicated no statistically significant findings even though several

> parents reported improvement in their children.


> Or even better : A Cochrane Database review of all medical literature

> ever published about GFCF diets. Article published April 18, 2008.


> AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Research has shown of high rates of use of

> complementary and alternative therapies (CAM) for children with

> autism including gluten and/or casein exclusion diets. Current

> evidence for efficacy of these diets is poor.


> This seems more plausible to me.

> Chris


> Chris




> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for fuel-efficient used

> cars <http://autos.aol.com/used?ncid=aolaut00050000000007>.


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My son sadly was a bit of a lab rat this past year as I di not know

what I was doing, and though I treid many things - not all but many

including valtrex with an antifungal - big responder, gut

interventions - tanked on GFCF, improved on SCD legal foods, but only

so much....and then per the advice of a rather amazing guy in NY my

kid is doing really well and really fast on ABSOLUTELY NOTHING...we

rae formalizing his stools, healing inflammatory bowel disease and

testing GOldberg's viral theories since the drugs that we are on

through him will not undermine the gut healing that is a big part of

our son's healing froma misdaignosis of autism that is really neuro

immune disfunction combined with inflammatpory bowel disease that

probably happened when he had nerve damage as a result of rotavirus -

the gut got injured and the toxicity built up - our protocols did

more harm than good in some ways - at least where the gut was

concerned...it took a YEAR to figure out what our child has it will

take months more restore him if it is mostly IBD and years if it is

that as well as an immune disfunction - jury still out on that. The

expert in NY who helped us put the pieces together believes in some

supplementation for our kids - though not the ones he distributes as

they are not ideal for our pop - and he is researching for me some

options that are liquid and therefore more assimilable. Though your

kid does not seem a gut kid, per this guy, he could have sterile gut

and therefore not be producing the bs andthe k vits and there are a

tone of cuero sonsequences when that happens...sterile gut is not IBD

or IBS and it is a real diagnosis in europe and many countries, just

not here...it is possible that you actually have a true autism,

genetic, beurological untreatable case on your hands....anything is

possible....BUT SO UNLIKELY, per this guy. Is you kid healthy, no

food sensitivities, but locked off in his own world unresponsive and

uninterested in you or anyone else...I don;t know what he has, but it

probably isn;'t autism as it was defined to us when we got Matt's

scary label. I am sorry you did not get more responses...but just bc

you are giving up on giving " stuff " until you have a better

footing...nothing wrong with that...Matt is doing better, as I said,

on nothing at all but the diet recs of this forensic nutritionist in

NY and an antiviral rxs by Goldberg....it took us a YEAR to flounder

to this point...with a few hiccups along the way. Don't give up.

God Bless. Di

> > >>>>>

> > >>>>> My son is almost 3 1/2 years old. Have been giving him daily

> > > MB12

> > >>>>> injections for 5 weeks. Overall we have seen absolutely no

> > > change.

> > >>>>> Before we started all he could ever verbalize is counting to

> > >>> 10...not

> > >>>>> even mom or dad. Now after 5 weeks of MB12...he doesnt say


> > >>> word

> > >>>>> anymore. He regressed even more. Became more irritable on


> > > of

> > >>> it.

> > >>>>> He never had bowel issues in his life. All his labwork came

> > > back

> > >>>>> negative. Gluten free, casein free diet (noooo more milk at

> > >>>>> all)...for 5 weeks : no change AT ALL !!!

> > >>>>>

> > >>>>> I am so disappointed and frustrated. I feel i had the


> > >>>>> solution. But now I feel I was so wrong. After all he became

> > >>> worse.

> > >>>>> Lost even the last words that he had. It took a lot to

> > > convince my

> > >>>>> wife to poke my son with those MB12 injections...spent a

> > > fortune

> > >>> to

> > >>>>> see a dan doctor that wasnt covered by my insurance. I am

> > > giving

> > >>> up

> > >>>>> on MB12 and GFCF diet. I am happy it works for so many

> > > others...i

> > >>>>> really am. But I guess my thinking was flawed. I have to

> > > rethink

> > >>>>> autism for my son.

> > >>>>>

> > >>>>> Thanks everyone for the help you offered in the few posts

> > > that I

> > >>> had.

> > >>>>> And good luck :)

> > >>>>>

> > >>>>> Chris

> > >>>>>

> > >>>>>

> > >>>>

> > >>>

> > >>>

> > >>

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

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My son sadly was a bit of a lab rat this past year as I di not know

what I was doing, and though I treid many things - not all but many

including valtrex with an antifungal - big responder, gut

interventions - tanked on GFCF, improved on SCD legal foods, but only

so much....and then per the advice of a rather amazing guy in NY my

kid is doing really well and really fast on ABSOLUTELY NOTHING...we

rae formalizing his stools, healing inflammatory bowel disease and

testing GOldberg's viral theories since the drugs that we are on

through him will not undermine the gut healing that is a big part of

our son's healing froma misdaignosis of autism that is really neuro

immune disfunction combined with inflammatpory bowel disease that

probably happened when he had nerve damage as a result of rotavirus -

the gut got injured and the toxicity built up - our protocols did

more harm than good in some ways - at least where the gut was

concerned...it took a YEAR to figure out what our child has it will

take months more restore him if it is mostly IBD and years if it is

that as well as an immune disfunction - jury still out on that. The

expert in NY who helped us put the pieces together believes in some

supplementation for our kids - though not the ones he distributes as

they are not ideal for our pop - and he is researching for me some

options that are liquid and therefore more assimilable. Though your

kid does not seem a gut kid, per this guy, he could have sterile gut

and therefore not be producing the bs andthe k vits and there are a

tone of cuero sonsequences when that happens...sterile gut is not IBD

or IBS and it is a real diagnosis in europe and many countries, just

not here...it is possible that you actually have a true autism,

genetic, beurological untreatable case on your hands....anything is

possible....BUT SO UNLIKELY, per this guy. Is you kid healthy, no

food sensitivities, but locked off in his own world unresponsive and

uninterested in you or anyone else...I don;t know what he has, but it

probably isn;'t autism as it was defined to us when we got Matt's

scary label. I am sorry you did not get more responses...but just bc

you are giving up on giving " stuff " until you have a better

footing...nothing wrong with that...Matt is doing better, as I said,

on nothing at all but the diet recs of this forensic nutritionist in

NY and an antiviral rxs by Goldberg....it took us a YEAR to flounder

to this point...with a few hiccups along the way. Don't give up.

God Bless. Di

> > >>>>>

> > >>>>> My son is almost 3 1/2 years old. Have been giving him daily

> > > MB12

> > >>>>> injections for 5 weeks. Overall we have seen absolutely no

> > > change.

> > >>>>> Before we started all he could ever verbalize is counting to

> > >>> 10...not

> > >>>>> even mom or dad. Now after 5 weeks of MB12...he doesnt say


> > >>> word

> > >>>>> anymore. He regressed even more. Became more irritable on


> > > of

> > >>> it.

> > >>>>> He never had bowel issues in his life. All his labwork came

> > > back

> > >>>>> negative. Gluten free, casein free diet (noooo more milk at

> > >>>>> all)...for 5 weeks : no change AT ALL !!!

> > >>>>>

> > >>>>> I am so disappointed and frustrated. I feel i had the


> > >>>>> solution. But now I feel I was so wrong. After all he became

> > >>> worse.

> > >>>>> Lost even the last words that he had. It took a lot to

> > > convince my

> > >>>>> wife to poke my son with those MB12 injections...spent a

> > > fortune

> > >>> to

> > >>>>> see a dan doctor that wasnt covered by my insurance. I am

> > > giving

> > >>> up

> > >>>>> on MB12 and GFCF diet. I am happy it works for so many

> > > others...i

> > >>>>> really am. But I guess my thinking was flawed. I have to

> > > rethink

> > >>>>> autism for my son.

> > >>>>>

> > >>>>> Thanks everyone for the help you offered in the few posts

> > > that I

> > >>> had.

> > >>>>> And good luck :)

> > >>>>>

> > >>>>> Chris

> > >>>>>

> > >>>>>

> > >>>>

> > >>>

> > >>>

> > >>

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

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if you want some scientific backbone why not contact the

researcher I mentioned whose specialty is gut...bc a friend contacted

him recently about her child with a chromosone syndrome, very rare,

missing part of chromosone 17, described some symptoms, what she was

feeding etc...he responded, made suggestions, that child is improving

on his recommendations - he cannot change the genetic issues, but he

has helped them understan dthe role that gut was playing in other

areas of developmental delay that based on his research did n ot fit

the diagnostic criteria of the syndrome...you can have a confirmed

genetic disorder and still have bad flora and malabsorption of

specific vits and minerals and other undiagnosed obstacles to optimal

health - and he didn't SELL them a thing, though he directed her to

where they could find some things that would help.

This is a family that was not doing anything about the gut bc his

issues were not gut ones, but genetic....but THERE WERE some gut

issues. She wrote to tell me " I think this guy is amazing " . What can

I tell her except that I agree - some of his answers to her about

chromosonal mutations and the ONLY one - this thing with a name I

cannot respell, pronounce, let alone reiterate all the diagnostic

criteria for was the only one with medical evidence procluding it

from benefiting from the amino acids he rec that she supplement to

speed healing - not anything he sells, he was simply directing her to

the right thing for her kid...he is very special and very into what

he does - just loves his work. When I asked him how he knew about

the things he recommended to her he shot back, " I did not and do not

claim to know about autism or even her specific syndrome - I

researched it and I am very good at what I do, that's all.

Everything I recommend is backed by extensive medical research - I

rec nothing to a person esp a parent that isn't. It amazes me some of

the things you people will try with so little good science behind

them. I wrote him back that many of us HAVE to try bc we have no

choice, even less hope given the diagnosis, and we do the best we

can. His response. " You are right of course, and I was being

insensitive. I am glad I was able to help. " He is really quite a nice

guy, and IF there is anything afoot with your kid's gut, he might be

able to laser beam to it for you, as he did with our Matt, and get

you to where things do start to work or help you understand why they

are not. IF he has no insights he will be the first to say so, and

nicely. Look at his research, check the gut sense section and see if

your kid is actually stooling proerly and regulrly as this is the

most basic and improtant pathway to detox of all. Best of luck. Di---

In mb12 valtrex , " bogner81 " wrote:


> Thanks for your words of encouragement.

> Chris



> > > >

> > > > My son is almost 3 1/2 years old. Have been giving him daily

> MB12

> > > > injections for 5 weeks. Overall we have seen absolutely no

> change.

> > > > Before we started all he could ever verbalize is counting to

> > 10...not

> > > > even mom or dad. Now after 5 weeks of MB12...he doesnt say


> > word

> > > > anymore. He regressed even more. Became more irritable on top

> of

> > it.

> > > > He never had bowel issues in his life. All his labwork came


> > > > negative. Gluten free, casein free diet (noooo more milk at

> > > > all)...for 5 weeks : no change AT ALL !!!

> > > >

> > > > I am so disappointed and frustrated. I feel i had the perfect

> > > > solution. But now I feel I was so wrong. After all he became

> > worse.

> > > > Lost even the last words that he had. It took a lot to


> my

> > > > wife to poke my son with those MB12 injections.. .spent a

> fortune

> > to

> > > > see a dan doctor that wasnt covered by my insurance. I am

> giving

> > up

> > > > on MB12 and GFCF diet. I am happy it works for so many

> others...i

> > > > really am. But I guess my thinking was flawed. I have to


> > > > autism for my son.

> > > >

> > > > Thanks everyone for the help you offered in the few posts


> I

> > had.

> > > > And good luck :)

> > > >

> > > > Chris

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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-By the way if your kid is a nonresponder to b12 shots he

merely pees them away...it is hardly that big of a deal - there are

other far worse or rather riskier interventions and sometimes doing

nothing at all if there is something afoot is also the worst thing

you can do...so easy there, fella, everyone here is doing the best

they can and EVERYONE here loves their child just as much as you love

yours....Di-- In mb12 valtrex , " Fithen "



> Hi


> Why are you on this group site? Gosh, you nearly sound like a mole


> some sort sent here to bash biomed treatments. I have been trying


> follow this conversation, I can hear your frustration with the way

> things are progressing for your child. I feel for you. This is a


> process. There is no magic pill for our kids. It is the big picture

> process, instead. That is immensely frustrating, but the truth.


> You are getting lots of good feedback from a lot of knowledgeable

> parents on here. Take the advice, dump the advice, do whatever.


> being, most people on this group believe " modern medicine " like you

> said is what caused their child's autism to begin with.


> You are giving up GFCF because you saw " no change " in 5 weeks.


> after person is telling you that's not long enough to see change


> most kids. But that's not good enough for you, fine. Your allergy

> tests came back " normal " for your child. Good. But ASD kids don't

> have " allergies " to gluten and casein, their bodies don't absorb


> process it the same way as other kids. Someone mentioned that SOY


> can mimic casein, that if you haven't removed soy you may not see


> changes. It is all people's opinions based on their own research


> doctor recommendations, and you are entitled to yours.


> Let me tell you all the ABA and ST in the world did not help my son

> until we started the mB-12 shots and began other biomedical

> treatments. He tripled his vocabularly the two months after we


> the shots, after having a year of ST. So once again, what works


> my kid may not work for your kid. But don't trash the other parents

> or try to make us sound like wack jobs for finding treatments that

> work. You wouldn't have had a problem " blindly injecting " vitamins

> into your child if you had seen improvement! But now that you

> haven't, all of a sudden it is crazy. Dr. Neubrander has a few


> on his site of people that didn't have improvement with the mB-12

> shots as well, as nothing is 100%.


> I hope things improve for you. But I think you just sound too


> off to any other constructive advice, so I offer none.





> > > >

> > > > My son is almost 3 1/2 years old. Have been giving him daily

> MB12

> > > > injections for 5 weeks. Overall we have seen absolutely no

> > change.

> > > > Before we started all he could ever verbalize is counting to

> > > 10...not

> > > > even mom or dad. Now after 5 weeks of MB12...he doesnt say


> > word

> > > > anymore. He regressed even more. Became more irritable on top

> of

> > > it.

> > > > He never had bowel issues in his life. All his labwork came

> back

> > > > negative. Gluten free, casein free diet (noooo more milk at

> > > > all)...for 5 weeks : no change AT ALL !!!

> > > >

> > > > I am so disappointed and frustrated. I feel i had the perfect

> > > > solution. But now I feel I was so wrong. After all he became

> > worse.

> > > > Lost even the last words that he had. It took a lot to


> > my

> > > > wife to poke my son with those MB12 injections...spent a

> fortune

> > to

> > > > see a dan doctor that wasnt covered by my insurance. I am

> giving

> > up

> > > > on MB12 and GFCF diet. I am happy it works for so many

> others...i

> > > > really am. But I guess my thinking was flawed. I have to

> rethink

> > > > autism for my son.

> > > >

> > > > Thanks everyone for the help you offered in the few posts


> I

> > > had.

> > > > And good luck :)

> > > >

> > > > Chris

> > > >

> > >

> >


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MB12, GFCF diet - no change.....at all :(> > > My son is almost 3 1/2 years old. Have been giving him daily MB12 > injections for 5 weeks. Overall we have seen absolutely no change. > Before we started all he could ever verbalize is counting to 10...not > even mom or dad. Now after 5 weeks of MB12...he doesnt say one word > anymore. He regressed even more. Became more irritable on top of it. > He never had bowel issues in his life. All his labwork came back > negative. Gluten free, casein free diet (noooo more milk at > all)...for 5 weeks : no change AT ALL !!! > > I am so disappointed and frustrated. I feel i had the perfect > solution. But now I feel I was so wrong. After all he became worse. > Lost even the last words that he had. It took a lot to convince my > wife to poke my son with those MB12 injections...spent a fortune to > see a dan doctor that wasnt covered by my insurance. I am giving up > on MB12 and GFCF diet. I am happy it works for so many others...i > really am. But I guess my thinking was flawed. I have to rethink > autism for my son.> > Thanks everyone for the help you offered in the few posts that I had. > And good luck :)> > Chris>

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They refer to it as methylcolbamin on the site which is just the long way of saying Methyl B12 Look under vitamins, methylcolbamin.

Heidi N

Heidi,You mentioned you are using Kirkman's powdered methyl B12. After reading this post I looked for this on the Kirkman site and couldn't find it? My daughter is currently getting MB12 shots and I may be interested in trying the powder at some point. Could you point me to a link where I can buy this?Thanks,-PatienceGet the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live music scene in your area - Check out TourTracker.com!

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Thanks found it!

Ambitionn01@... wrote:


> They refer to it as methylcolbamin on the site which is just the long

> way of saying Methyl B12 Look under vitamins, methylcolbamin.


> Heidi N



> Heidi,


> You mentioned you are using Kirkman's powdered methyl B12. After

> reading this post I looked for this on the Kirkman site and couldn't

> find it? My daughter is currently getting MB12 shots and I may be

> interested in trying the powder at some point. Could you point me to a

> link where I can buy this?


> Thanks,


> -Patience





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