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FROM TWO TO TWELVE STRAND DNA (PART TWO) By Pam Murray, Speaking From WellspringThereis no one right way to activate all twelve strands of your DNA. It alldepends on your incarnational "heritage." Some of you have spent mostor all of your incarnations on earth and some of you are from otherstar systems or planets. There are those of you who were "planted" andhave evolved from star seeds. Still others are experiencing their firstincarnation on this planet. Pam is an example. She had no intention ofincarnating again, but agreed that earth needed a go-between to helpsome of the souls evolve more quickly, so she took on "animal skins"and came here.It matters not what your heritage is. One is notbetter than another. It is simply the path your soul has taken tolearn, grow and eventually reintegrate with what you call God, or theAll-That-Is. Your heritage can make a difference, however, in the orderin which the strands are re-activated and, to an extent, the processused. The one we are presenting here is the most universal and willwork for anyone whose soul has been cleared and the twophysical/chemical strands of DNA, called the Backbone DNA, are aligned.You may find that when the strands begin to activate, that youexperience a flood of emotions: anger, fear, grief, or any number ofthem. You may also remember strange details of your childhood on thisplanet and, perhaps, even glimpses of past lives whose energy is stillhanging around. These emotions are reflections of energy that is tryingto leave in order for the activation to continue.Look at theemotions and feel them, but then thank them for showing you what needsto go and allow them or ask them to leave. Allow yourself to grieve forthat which is leaving, for it is a parting and a change, and with everychange, even for the better, there is grief. This grieving will not bea one-time event, although there may be some major breakthroughs in thebeginning. Every cell of your body remembers everything and has anintelligence. Washing them clean is a long-term commitment.Manyincarnates on your planet at this time are what is called "star seeds."Lately, this has taken on an aura of glamour. But, I want to tell youthat, just because someone has a heritage from another system, thatbeing may or may not be more evolved than someone without thisheritage. It is simply different, much like your earthly population andits rich skins colors. The heritage of your Jesus was entirely onearth, so you who have this heritage are in good company.Youare all working toward returning to our common heritage which is thatof Light Seeds. This is a very good time and an excellent place to workon that because your race and your planet are evolving at everincreasing rates and at ever higher vibrations. More and more childrenare being born as Light Seeds. They are physically more fragile thanthe rest of you, as they are vibrating at this higher rate. So, youmust take even better care of your children now and turn theirattention toward that which is of high quality.It is awell-known fact that the earth is what's called a heart planet. Andmany will advise you to "go with your heart." This is good advice, butwith a caveat: "going with your heart" at the creation level means togo with a heart that has not been damaged. Many confuse emotions withthe heart, and most emotions are dysfunctional, being burdened withlifetimes of pain. This is why it is so important to clear the soul andwork on releasing old hurts. You must also not rely only on yourintellect, as the brain has recorded too many images of the illusion ofthe three-dimensional world. You must continually strive to getyourself to a place of what you call agape. This is a form of pure loveand is not an emotion, but a state of being. It is a knowing and anunderstanding. It is a state reached only by those who have clearedtheir soul programs and can view the world with a heart that knows nopain, and maintained only by those who have, as you say, ascended.There are a few on your planet who are in this state now, most of whomare unknown to you and must remain so in order to complete theircommissions.But now, back to the activation of your twelvestrands of DNA-the incorporation of the Super DNA pattern we havetalked about into your astral and eventually your physical bodies.Onceyou have cleared yourself and aligned your Backbone DNA strands, youare ready to ask for activation. Remember, always ask Spirit to do thework through you. Using your own power depletes the physical vehicleand this is totally unnecessary. Here is a meditation to help begin theactivation of stands three through twelve.Become quiet.Visualize the Backbone DNA helix following the contours of your spine.This may manifest as an actual vision, a feeling of warmth in that areaand/or tones. You will come to know your own signals. In your own way,ask Spirit to begin the activation and anchoring of the remainingstrands of DNA. Know that Spirit will take you through this process atthe perfect speed for you. Sit quietly, focusing on your spine, untilyou sense completion with this segment. Slowly come back to anawareness of your surroundings and give thanks.Some of youmay be a little disappointed that it is so simple. Well, let me tellyou that the activation is, indeed, simple. However, you may find workstill to do whilst this is going on.Your work is to continuallyclear yourself of all the negative emotions that parade before you.This process is a little like a ferris wheel, with each chair being adifferent color and representing the various issues still lurking inyour bodies. You get to ride in each chair for a revolution, but, justwhen you think the ride is over, you get to start again with the firstchair. You will be peeling away layers from each issue.Don'tget discouraged, though. You will notice a sensation of ever increasinglightness if you persist in this process. Sometimes you will havesetbacks. Sometimes you may go through what is known as "The Dark Nightof the Soul." This is a very real phenomenon, as the ego attempts tohang on to the illusion of lack and powerlessness. Be gentle withyourself during these times. Allow yourself to go through it and togrieve for the lost illusions. Get good spiritual help. Don't take ontoo much.At this point, if you are not doing so already, beginto drink at least two quarts of water each day and to lighten youreating habits. Don't you get this same advice from almost all advancedbeings? So, why aren't you following it? I will not tell you toeliminate all animal products, as some of you require a small amount tohelp you function in the three-dimensional world. Remember, you arestill in this world by choice and one of the lessons you came to learnwas how to work with the three dimensions from a fifth dimensionalperspective. Some of you become very light before you are equipped tohandle the higher vibrations and are then unable to fulfill yourcommission on earth. Therefore, you must continually experiment to findjust the right diet, meditation time, and so forth for you. And, as youadvance in your activation, your diet and daily activities will change,so keep checking in with that.You will find that the activationof the third through sixth strands will proceed fairly smoothly andquickly, especially if you have been meditating for a while and aregenerally "clean." Activation of the remaining strands will most likelyprogress more slowly, as you are required to released deeper issuesthat may not be so apparent to you and to adopt different habits inyour daily lives. Also, you will be required to make new commitmentsthat could take you a while to fully accept. Paradoxically, your lifewill become simpler and more joy-filled rather than more complex anddifficult.You may also request for another activation of the first six strands of SDNA. We will cover this process in the next session.That is all.

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