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<Cheryl and Chris Carey > Re: Food for a healthy heart

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One more than to consider, if you still eat meats of any kind...and

you may find you eat less and less of it once you see the differences

in how you feel. Meat of any kind was never meant to be ingested by

humans, where say, a dog could. Dogs have shorter tracts and the food

moves out quickly, and why they can consume the dead they run across.

Humans however, have a much longer tract and it can not move..it

literally has to rot in the system, be attacked by the body,

overworked, and may eventually move on, or become something

else...like sickness.

If you notice your foods energy, you feel renewed energy with such

things as veggies, the fresher the better, but when you consume, say a

burger, a steak, or other such meals...you actually feel sluggish,

weighed down.

I have loved my steaks and ate plenty of chicken...ummm, steaks and

hot wings...but they have become considerably less, just because of

how i feel after, and even during now.

If you do eat meats, and this will sound " biblical " , but first avoid

those foods, meats, that consume waste. That would be your pork/pigs,

snails, catfish, those foods that clean up the waste of other animals

and their carcasses. These are natures filters...what do you think

your eating when you consume these things? Start there maybe.

Another thing you can do right now...and here we come back to love,

and the heart. You can do this with anything at all, but try this with

food. Stand, and close your eyes. You can feel a pull forward and a

push backwards, even subtly. Now hold what you have in mind to eat

about half an arms link out in front of your heart...slowly...feeling

this now...slowly bring it in towards you...do you feel yourself

pulling forward? or does it seem your being pushed back...repelling?

There you have your answer.

And this can even work with, say an apple...you'd think the apple

would pull you forward, and it normally will...but wait...what if it's

covered with chemicals, pesticides...a repelling would indicate to

wash it good.

And of course, be sure to send love into the foods, all of them, as

you consume, cook, prepare...at the core level, it's changing the very

make up of the food...and it will taste so much better.

Hummm...here I am again off in another side mail between someone

else...I'm beginning to feel like one of those homeless guys who

stumbles around talking to himself all the time....

....yep, there's that neighborhood dude again, don't pay him no mind,

he's harmless, he just talks to people that arent there....olololololol.



> Dear Cheryl,


> Although the doctor here advocated taking eggs, but as far as i

know, people with high Cholesterol should avoid eggs, as it has a very

high Cholesterol level of 200mg per egg, as per reported in a

newspaper that i have read yesterday...Just avoid eating it daily only.


> Also, avoid all Seafood except for Fish, if anyone has High Bad

Cholesterol, the highest high Cholesterol level being in Cuttlefish

and Prawns/Shrimps and maybe Lobsters, if i am not mistaken, that is.


> Anyway, i did have friends sending me articles of How To Avoid A

Heart Attack, but i have deleted all of them already <not knowing it

is useful>...will ask him to resend to me again, if ie, he has not

deleted it already.


> Below is the chart, that i have sent out a coupla days before, but

when i received it, part of it has been cut off, so here's a summary

on the foods to take to protect your hubby's heart.


> For your anxiety, just take deep breaths...inhale in slowly and then

breathe it out slowly also & relax...or else try Meditation.


> Take Care,

> Alice


> P/S - i have also posted another article, on Food As Medicine today,

to share with all the other members here, as well as those who have so

lovingly written to me like, <in no particular order> Liane,

Stefanie, Alison, , Debbie, ~Karma, Debbie, Dove,

Anastasia, , Kanta, LUNA & last but not least, Isabel...whom i

have forgotten to thank all yesterday...Namaste & Metta to all of U!




> >

> > apples

> > Protects your heart

> > prevents constipation

> > Blocks diarrhoea

> > Improves lung capacity

> > Cushions joints

> >

> > apricots

> > Combats cancer

> > Controls blood pressure

> > Saves your eyesight

> > Shields against Alzheimer's

> > Slows aging process

> >

> > artichokes

> > Aids digestion

> > Lowers cholesterol

> > Protects your heart

> > Stabilizes blood sugar

> > Guards against liver disease

> >

> > avocados

> > Battles diabetes

> > Lowers cholesterol

> > Helps stops strokes

> > Controls blood pressure

> > Smoothes skin

> >

> > bananas

> > Protects your heart

> > Quiets a cough

> > Strengthens bones

> > Controls blood pressure

> > Blocks diarrhoea

> >

> > beans

> > Prevents constipation

> > Helps haemorrhoids

> > Lowers cholesterol

> > Combats cancer

> > Stabilizes blood sugar

> >

> > beets

> > Controls blood pressure

> > Combats cancer

> > Strengthens bones

> > Protects your heart

> > Aids weight loss

> >

> > blueberries

> > Combats cancer

> > Protects your heart

> > Stabilizes blood sugar

> > Boosts memory

> > Prevents constipation

> >

> > broccoli

> > Strengthens bones

> > Saves eyesight

> > Combats cancer

> > Protects your heart

> > Controls blood pressure

> >

> > cabbage

> > Combats cancer

> > Prevents constipation

> > Promotes weight loss

> > Protects your heart

> > Helps haemorrhoids

> >

> > cantaloupe

> > Saves eyesight

> > Controls blood pressure

> > Lowers cholesterol

> > Combats cancer

> > Supports immune system

> >

> > carrots

> > Saves eyesight

> > Protects your heart

> > Prevents constipation

> > Combats cancer

> > Promotes weight loss

> >

> > cauliflower

> > Protects against Prostate Cancer

> > Combats Breast Cancer

> > Strengthens bones

> > Banishes bruises

> > Guards against heart disease

> >

> > cherries

> > Protects your heart

> > Combats Cancer

> > Ends insomnia

> > Slows aging process

> > Shields against Alzheimer's

> >

> > chestnuts

> > Promotes weight loss

> > Protects your heart

> > Lowers cholesterol

> > Combats Cancer

> > Controls blood pressure

> >

> > chilli peppers

> > Aids digestion

> > Soothes sore throat

> > Clears sinuses

> > Combats Cancer

> > Boosts immune system

> >

> > figs

> > Promotes weight loss

> > Helps stops strokes

> > Lowers cholesterol

> > Combats Cancer

> > Controls blood pressure

> >

> > fish

> > Protects your heart

> > Boosts memory

> > Protects your heart

> > Combats Cancer

> > Supports immune system

> >

> > flax

> > Aids digestion

> > Battles diabetes

> > Protects your heart

> > Improves mental health

> > Boosts immune system

> >

> > garlic

> > Lowers cholesterol

> > Controls blood pressure

> > Combats cancer

> > kills bacteria

> > Fights fungus

> >

> > grapefruit

> > Protects against heart attacks

> > Promotes Weight loss

> > Helps stops strokes

> > Combats Prostate Cancer

> > Lowers cholesterol

> >

> > grapes

> > saves eyesight

> > Conquers kidney stones

> > Combats cancer

> > Enhances blood flow

> > Protects your heart

> >

> > green tea

> > Combats cancer

> > Protects your heart

> > Helps stops strokes

> > Promotes Weight loss

> > Kills bacteria

> >

> > honey

> > Heals wounds

> > Aids digestion

> > Guards against ulcers

> > Increases energy

> > Fights allergies

> >

> > lemons

> > Combats cancer

> > Protects your heart

> > Controls blood pressure

> > Smoothes skin

> > Stops scurvy

> >

> > limes

> > Combats cancer

> > Protects your heart

> > Controls blood pressure

> > Smoothes skin

> > Stops scurvy

> >

> > mangoes

> > Combats cancer

> > Boosts memory

> > Regulates thyroid

> > aids digestion

> > Shields against Alzheimer's

> >

> > mushrooms

> > Controls blood pressure

> > Lowers cholesterol

> > Kills bacteria

> > Combats cancer

> > Strengthens bones

> >

> > oats

> > Lowers cholesterol

> > Combats cancer

> > Battles diabetes

> > prevents constipation

> > Smoothes skin

> >

> > olive oil

> > Protects your heart

> > Promotes Weight loss

> > Combats cancer

> > Battles diabetes

> > Smoothes skin

> >

> > onions

> > Reduce risk of heart attack

> > Combats cancer

> > Kills bacteria

> > Lowers cholesterol

> > Fights fungus

> >

> > oranges

> > Supports immune systems

> > Combats cancer

> > Protects your heart

> > Straightens respiration

> >

> > peaches

> > prevents constipation

> > Combats cancer

> > Helps stops strokes

> > aids digestion

> > Helps haemorrhoids

> >

> > peanuts

> > Protects against heart disease

> > Promotes Weight loss

> > Combats Prostate Cancer

> > Lowers cholesterol

> > Aggravates

> > diverticulitis

> >

> > pineapple

> > Strengthens bones

> > Relieves colds

> > Aids digestion

> > Dissolves warts

> > Blocks diarrhoea

> >

> > prunes

> > Slows aging process

> > prevents constipation

> > boosts memory

> > Lowers cholesterol

> > Protects against heart disease

> >

> > rice

> > Protects your heart

> > Battles diabetes

> > Conquers kidney stones

> > Combats cancer

> > Helps stops strokes

> >

> > strawberries

> > Combats cancer

> > Protects your heart

> > boosts memory

> > Calms stress


> ----- Original Message -----

> From: english_reikicheryl


> Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 7:16 PM

> Subject: [] Re: Food for a healthy heart <Cheryl and

Carey >




> Alice, thank you so much for this, your thoughtfulness and kindness

are very much appreciated. I am going to be busy changing our life

style. We became vegetarian a while back, but now more changes... has

to be for the better though. I haven't had time to read all of this,

but I will cut and paste it into a word doc to read later. had

his cholesterol test and they said it was quite low = level 4, so we

were really pleased about this, however, it is important to keep it at

this level too!!


> I just heard they are keeping him in for one more day now, as a

precaution after the doctor came round and saw him. I am actually

quite relieved as I felt it was too soon and I did not get a good

nights sleep last night so need to catch up. I was having terrible

anxiety pains in my chest, but now they are gone, so this is good news

for me.


> Thank you, and thank everyone from the bottom of my/our hearts. much

love and respect Cheryl x


> Life is precious :))


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