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Thank You & Many Blessings RoseOneHeartYou are able to access your power when you accept your own divinity and yourability to direct the course of the events in your life. The illusion ofpower is believing that manipulating or coercing others to do your biddingmakes you powerful. True power comes from following your inner guidance andsubmitting to the will of your higher guidance rather than muscling your waythrough life. People think they are powerful when others under their influence will followtheir direction. While this may be advantageous in some ways, it is anillusion to believe that they are doing it out of Love if it is throughintimidation. Do those under your authority share your beliefs and idealsand are deferring to your guidance out of respect and admiration or is itbased on some aspect of fear? This should be the test in ascertainingwhether you are utilizing your power or merely force. True power comes frombeing able to lead those who support you on a higher level and are notintimidated into obeying your command. The role of leadership has its responsibilities as well as its rewards. Ifyou are to lead others out of the darkness, it is wise to have goals andvision as to where you are going. A few dead ends in the process will causeothers to doubt your ability to see over the obstacles and lead them tohigher ground. People will trust those who have demonstrated their abilityto see the higher road but also be willing to put their own destiny on theline to follow the vision as well. Being a visionary on top of a hill is onething but being willing to engage in the battle of life and experience alongwith your fellow travelers is the test of a true leader and one that others will want to follow. So what do you wish to do with the power you have? Are your activitiesdirected toward empowering others to share in this higher energy, or arethey aimed at protecting your turf as chief visionary? Power that is heldat the expense of others is never lasting for if you do not empower thosebeneath you, you will be unable to have them lift you over your ownobstacles on the higher road. When you empower others to become their bestand highest reflection of their own God-image, you automatically help raisethe tide that floats all ships to higher ground. The respect and admirationyou receive from such unselfish actions empowers countless others throughyour example. The truly powerful are not afraid to admit their own misgivings and doubtsfor in sharing with others their own humanity, they establish a connectionat a deeper soul level that brings forth their companions in life to helpshore up the foundation in support and understanding. Enlisting others inthe journey to enlightenment helps empower all who are able to share theinsights and the message. Begin

to feel the power in your own life by walking the higher road and let

God be the wind beneath your wings and you will empower all you touch

through your example.~Author UnknownLove~All~Ways

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