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NET data

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Hello everyone.

I am having trouble coming up with a managable and resonable way to keep

data on NET training. We spend about 50% of our therapy time working on NET

(routines, playtime, snacks, etc.) and want to be able to make the most of

our EO and our time. So far, I have been unable to devise a plan to just

keep track of targets in a million different situtions, let alone prompt

level or mastery criterion. Does anyone have any ideas? Right now, i am

beginning to feel like we are wasing NET time because we get stuck in ruts

and don't know when to move on to the next level (eg. TFFC to Intraverbal).

Do other people keep this kind of data?


therapist to 4 great kids


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  • 11 months later...

> What kinds of data do you all take in the NET? We take mand counts

but it

> seems we should be taking more.





ABA uses a variety of measures of behavior:





Percent of occurrence

Trials to criterion

Partial or whole interval

Momentary time sample

Begin with your objective. What do you want the learner to do? What

is the learner doing now? You should have some measure of behavior

to know what the learner is doing now.

You are currently counting the number of mands. If you are keeping a

record of the amount of time (could be the whole day), then you have

a frequency count. You then try some teaching strategy (e.g.,

withhold a desired object, model a word, and provide the object to

the child when the correct vocal approximation was made).

Demonstrating that the student is learning to make these

approximations as a result of your teaching strategy is the analysis

part of ABA. That the training is occurring the " Natural

Environment " does not change the process.

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