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The STD Report

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.....now your just being too easy. Another strange title and you jump

right in. It beats the title I had first come up with, but I'll spare

ya, this time.

STD, for this writing, stands for , Sexually Translated Document. (the

what?)...you heard me. Time for sex...lots of sex. Got your attention

now? Don't shoot me yet...save your bullets.

First, let me say, I hope not to offend any, a few words may pop out at

you, but I do mean respect, and write out of love, for greater


Sex is one of the most powerful sources of energy and thought known to

man...so it could be said, much information can come out of that. Where

better to hide information anyway. If it's there, it's going to be


Sex is about the coming together of two, to make one. It is a creative

force...not just in creating new human form, but in much much more as

well. A side note here is that, it IS NOT necessary for orgasm to occur

[sperm and egg meeting] to create life. While it is commonly thought it

must happen, and it does, biologically, it can happen, but life can be

created by loving thought and intent between two people. I can't point

to the information I came across in this at the moment, but it's there

if you want to go look for it...but, that's not the point of this


Sex...or the sexual relationship and union is about " becoming one " in a

spiritual sense. Since we have bodies that we dwell in, we make use of

this. Too many times however, we have forgotten what this is about and

have stopped short of the real experience, and been stuck with the

bodies experiences.

Yes, hot sweaty, crazy, " can't stand it another minute " sex is

incredible, can be that is. But no matter how good it is, we still miss

out on all the more we could experience...even in the body.

It is our natural drive to seek out and experience sex. It drives

existence in these bodies, for sure...but it does even more than that.

Let's cover a few things...I'll be jumping around to cover several bases

so hang with me while I try to put my thoughts in some kind of order. I

submit it all only for your consideration and expanded thinking...we're

all adults here.

I had read someplace, now lost on the other hard drive that went south

or else I'd offer that reading for you to check out...actually

several...but let's just go over some of it...it may blow your mind, or

at least open up some things that may not have been entirely clear


A lot has been said regarding " sacred sex " , and you can find lots of

different stuff online about it. Part of this referred to the " goddess "

and " temple worship " . Before the advent of the " male dominated religions

and worship " , was goddess worship. Women were held in high regard, and

as the loving, gentle creatures they were, their very nature is of a

healing and comforting one. This also included sex. But sex at this time

was treated as something special, holy, sacred. Men did come to worship,

and this did include sex with the goddess, and or, temple aids. You

could almost say that orgies took place at the temples. And at the risk

of stepping on any toes, or making any uncomfortable, and I hope you

will see beyond your initial thoughts for now, but it could be

said...yet a wrong term, that women were " harlots " ...a whore. Read on...

Biblely speaking, after the male dominated religions sprang up and did

their best to destroy any form of goddess worship, making it as evil,

women were moved to less than second class...not much more than cattle.

Anything regarding sex was made to be dirty, evil, a sin. Punishment of

all kinds were inflicted and threatened for this violation. But men were

left to follow their " urges " .

It was considered a blessing to have the goddess and/or her aids,

" comfort " , those who came to her. They also " gave " to the temple for

support. Today, this is called prostitution. And why it's so heavily

frowned upon. Even other women will tend to look down on any woman who

submits to doing this, for any reason. Why? Because " men " created

judgment. And they judged as evil, sex, and blamed the woman for it.

Sex was never seen as anything but a blessing and of good, a sacred

experience, until after the male takeover. Any children born to those

serving in the temple became blessings of the temple and most later

became like those there. The reading never seemed to imply any force to

do so...it was seen as a blessing to serve in such a thing. This was not

all that happened in this path, not at all, but was a part of it.

You've heard the saying... " give me a whore in the bedroom and a lady in

the boardroom " . You would think that it came out of the male dominated

mind, and granted, is used by many these days [as a means to dis-empower

and belittle]...but it came directly from the goddess/temple days of

long ago. It was any man's wish, who came to be with someone else...such

as we would call a wife today [they didn't marry then, there was no such

thing]. To have the woman you loved to be a " certain way " in the bedroom

was to be scared, to be " like the goddess " ...to bestow the sacred

experience. And to have her the other way was to be " lady-like " , meant,

to cease being as the goddess would be, so as not to attract other males

to want of that experience from their " wife " . They went to the temple

for that.

The present day names and ideas have been completely distorted from what

it was, so this sounds nuts. All I can say is look into it

yourself...I'm not here to either offend or to change your own

beliefs...it's simply information.

I might add too that, before the male takeover, war was almost unheard

of...little evidence can be found of it. When the males took over

control...war has been the result ever since. One way was constructive

and healing, healthy. The other way was confusing, destructive, ill


So, get rid of judgments. It is all about control. And any woman you

find in a role you might not agree with, remember these things. I bet

you won't find too many who aren't doing what they do out of support for

someone else, or themselves. Do you even understand what she is giving

of herself? Think about it. Re-empower her where you can...but don't

ever judge her. For she is but your sister...and she is sacred beyond

that. And any woman...reclaim your power...not as a dominating force,

but as the natural one....as the loving sacred goddess. [and no, I don't

mean go serve in the " temple " with sex, etc... ][i mean, reclaim your

spirituality...or healing loving nature...and do not feel guilty...I'm

sorry " some of us " thought that was the thing to do long ago.]

In yet another writing I came across it was interesting to find some

matter on " homosexuality " . Most noted was the lack of reference to it in

the place pointed to. The Bible. You can't find it...and the article

explained it so well. Remember, it was ok to have all the wives and

concubines and even slave females a man wanted, and could support. It

did not go into how many you might have sex with at any one time, or

what kinds of sex. Don't think they didn't do their own experimenting,

just as today.

I forget the exact passages in the Bible, but it relates to how things

had become in the land...wicked and evil [negative thinking]. Men had

come to a point of doing things that were " un-natural " ...not of their

nature. Now, sex with animals was forbidden...not natural. No where does

it state sex with humans is not natural, but it does refer to doing what

was not natural. If vaginal sex is natural...then to be not natural, we

are talking of anal sex. Since men can not have natural sex with another

man, this is what it refers to. For men had come to that about that

time. It is not said they were having un-natural sex with women, so we

assume, they weren't having anal sex with women...why bother...there a

lot of " natural " to go around.

However, guess what...a question was posed. With all of these women, and

one man...are we to decide that the women may not have indulged with the

other women to some extent? Un=natural sex was animal or anal sex... " the

insertion of " to be more exact. Females do not insert, so to

speak...therefore, it can not be un-natural. It could also be said that

oral sex was not said to be un-natural. It simply doesn't say. That's a

lot different than out right stating something. Women were not held to

be able to commit an un-natural act...only men could do so...which

required penetration in an un-natural act.

Again, do your own research if you wish. I'm merely pointing out a few

things to consider.

But, let's get back to the purpose of this article.

Again, I may jump around some. Bare with me. I've mentioned before in an

article or in answering letters how when someone is abused, say a woman,

perhaps when she was younger, she has displaced the event. If she was

raped, as an example, she has dislocated her experience of that act. If

she tried to remember it right now, you could not bring the experience

to herself. That experience and memory has been displaced because she

removed herself because of the trauma. Some part of her was there to be

sure, but she " became unconscious " . She " disassociated " from it. In

order for her to re-experience this, she will have to find this place

she went and retrieve it. That's where the experience is.

Because she was unconscious at the time...not fully there, she will

forever act from an unconscious, or subconscious place when acting in

the future. Some " trigger " will be set off and she will relive this, but

not know she's doing so from this place. She may eat more than she

should, not exercise, and a whole list of other things, because within

her there is a running program that says, " if I become fat " , I will be

less appealing...I will not attract the attention, or the " event " . Yet,

on the outside, she is doing all she knows to attract a mate, a lover, a

husband, etc... Do you see the issue here? She's working against herself

without even being aware that's what's happening. She becomes

dis-empowered all over again.

We also find many who would also seek out relationships and situations

where abuse is likely to happen on one or more levels, because she is

operating from an internal program saying she has to go back and regain

the control that she gave up or lost...she seeks what was taken. What's

more, she may even appear to crave or like such experiences, but be

confused as to why...or, she finds herself confused as to why she has

attracted " the same kinds of guys " .

But don't fail to understand that men will experience their own version

of these things...depending on their upbringing and experiences.

This is a bigger issue than the scope of this writing so please forgive

me for it's shortness.

I'll bring in some things about chakras and energy here. When " making

love " ...the best experiences are going to come out of understanding

these things. Not just in thoughts between the two people, but in the

loving embrace of energy. If you will imagine your chakras coming

together in merging light...you are in fact opening these centers, and

becoming " one in energy " . Time will all but stop for you. It will become

less about bodies and that experience than it will about what's really

taking place in the combined energy fields. You will begin to experience

your partner like never before. You will know what your partner is

experiencing, and it may become hard to figure out who is who. Whatever

you do, the other will experience what you do, and vice versa. This is

much like knowing another's thoughts, but intimately in the energy

field. There will never be another guessing as to if " you can go

ahead " ...you will know it. You will know that even that will be it's own

experience in itself and will not hurry to some finish...you'll want to

remain in that place, in that moment.

Even orgasm will change. We know that a woman begins the sex act, the

mood, long before the bodies in bed come to that place. She may start

first thing in the morning, with that cup of coffee you took her, or

that kind word. Not like guys, who simply experience a breeze or a

glimpse and we're ready to roll. Even her orgasm begins a gentle climb

that will reach a peak of intensity, before sliding down, drifting

softly, and most times, into another one...[if she isn't experiencing

these things, that's another issue to get into later...there are some

blocks that can be removed]. Maybe you, as her guy, can work on

that...just pay more attention. It may stem from an upbringing that says

" sex is bad " , " only bad girls do that " , or, some abuse shut her down

from experiencing because it triggers fear.

We assume that no matter what, men reach a certain point, and we can

call it a night. Sorry, this isn't completely right. Sure, we can

control this and last longer, etc... but I tell you, it's not something

you work at...if your working at it to maintain control, your not paying

attention...your simply trying to avoid the place your trying to get to

[huh?]. Your not there to bake cookies, [well, you might tell your kids

that if they ask], but your there for a purpose, but we fail if we

assume it so we can achieve " release " .

When we begin to use energy more and more you will discover

something...getting to some point at some end will become less of you

want...although that will become more than you imagined. By paying

attention to the merging energy, you can prolong, extend and carry her

to places she's never been before, even on her best day. And if you want

to see a woman cry, out of shear, unleashed love...pay attention.

But here's the carrot...guys...you can do the same thing. How would you

like to reach an orgasm that compares to what hers is? By paying closer

attention, and noticing the energy. By putting some time into this...you

can enjoy, not just a release, but a complete blow out of sexual energy.

I'm talking an orgasm that can last, well, at least 21 minutes.

lol...[do what?] Let's just say I never would have believed it

either...but I can say it's true. You will experience something surely

only god's are entitled to...much like what females experience in a good

sexual union. And a woman who experiences a good orgasm, " glows " . A

release of spiritual creative energy.

It is going back to sacred sex...experiencing the spirit of what it has

always really been. Can you understand this is but a glimpse of the

utter joy and ecstasy of what spirit feels like when re-merging into

" one " ? At it's very best, it [body sex] doesn't come close to what it

will be like when you re-experience becoming one again in your spiritual


Do you yet see yourself??? When you look around now, look with fresh

eyes. These aren't just other people...these are you, and as each

becomes one again, this whole thing happens over and over...imagine when

we all are " really one again - together " . It could be said, it will be

better than sex. When you reach out to others, healing and loving " all

of you " , you bring these things closer and closer and closer. And that's

something to rejoice about. I can hear singing already.

Now, guys...practice keeping your pants on...for a bit longer. In other

words...start that way to the bedroom long before you ever get there.

Start by loving her for just being within the same space...for just

being her...for just being sacred. You may well find that she returns it

and so much more. And make it ongoing, not just cause you'll try it a

time or two and say " kewl " . I can tell you, there will still be lots of

time and experiences for " playing " and " exploring " what you can do with

bodies and ideas. Leave your ego to watch tv, take your spirit to bed.

Rename the bed, " heaven " .

There's more, as it relates to different kinds of relationships,

problems in this area and thing you might do...maybe I'll get into that

later if there's interest. Just know for now, it can be solved, whatever

it is. If your not experiencing what you would like, or maybe your not

even sure what that is...don't give up. It's part of becoming healthier,

and more loving. And least of all...do not feel guilty. There is nothing

wrong with you...there just may be a few blocks to melt away...and it's

not hard once you know how.

I know I had a lot more to cover in this writing but it has grown long.

I'm sorry if I left too many questions that may have been covered as

this went on...but maybe there's enough to see further down the road

with...for now.

With Love & Respect,


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