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Re: Re: Please comment on this experience (Isabel)

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Thank you Liane For your explanation makes a lot of sense and I do not feel like I am going crazy, been fighting depression today, certainly feels like clearing a lot of stuff buried deep. Will follow advice. I am so grateful to have this group to talk to, nobody else would understand. With loving light. Isabel lianeqrz_legey <butterflygris@...> wrote: Dear Isabel, This experience, or

experiences you are describing, they are very much examples of superposition of dimensions. Naturally we live ( as empaths) in the third and fourth and in the this type of situation, we always get confused. It seems like you crossed the bridge /veil when you crossed the little bridge after seen the girl,when the detail was the colors were more vivid then usual. I strongly believe this has to do with the " aftermath" of your cleansing package,maybe some old memories, got cleared up, or even some interferences from others . You say you saw and talked with lots of people, and I believe that we all work pretty much when we sleep, and some times , our soul wanders around, visiting soul groups, going to the past and some times even the future. Because of this, it is not usual to wake up tired after those " Astral Trips". When you say about "something" pulling you back to your body and making you get up,this

was nothing less then your Body timing for how long you are allowed to be out of your body, when traveling through the fourth dimension. Note that The fourth dimension is full of "tricksters", specially the low astral, as we call: imagery, faces,and some time some "disagreeable" situations happens when we travel through the low astral in order to reach higher realms. That is the entire reason you have the "clock" set up, to return to your body, when you encounter some of those situations. This is my personal interpretation of this situation, I would recommend you to do some grounding exercises, and along with those, some protection ones as well.As I said, I personally don't trust most of the forth dimension inhabitants , maybe because they are still holding to past images, feelings that never got resolved and obsessive thoughts. They are likely to keep themselves going on circles. Most rescues of souls

occurs when they get trapped of the fourth, and for those that believes in it, the Catholic Purgatory is located there. Prepare yourself, with meditations and envelope your soul with protection always when you have to cross those bridges,so you would have less of this superposition of dimensions interfering in your daily routine. To call for an assistant Angel is always a good Idea. Much love and respect,Liane>> Hello Dear Brothers and Sisters> > I need your feedback on this experience I had this morning please.> > Yesterday did the cleansing healing package during the day by the way.> > A dog was barking in the background for about 15 minutes, funny he only > seems to bark every two weeks or so, sounds like a german sheppard that > lives on the

other side of the street.> Often cannot sleep well at night and fall asleep watching tv. As per > usual I did but this time put tv on mute standby with no image or sound.> Before falling asleep I remember an image coming to my mind of a young > girl (modern face if that makes sense, never met her, about 10 minutes > later, I vividly saw a green grass laybay by a canal with small bridge > up ahead for about 1 second, again never been there or saw it anywhere > else. Did not think much about it as I often see lots of images before > sleeping, the only difference this time the colours had more focus.> > I woke up with the tv on about 1am! As soon as I open my eyes, the TV > went to dark mute on its on, I heard the noise that it makes when put > it in on mute, the control was on the coffee table where I had left > it. > I looked around for anything and nothing, put it down to

being very > tired and fell asleep again.> > Had about 3 dreams, talked with lots of peple and felt like I walked > for miles, do not remember anything in particular although I feel I > should.> In between the 2nd and 3rd dream I heard someone come downstairs, which > woke me up, the noise as if the stairs where in the kitchen, actually > there are in the other part of the house.> > When I saw this person, did not feel afraid, just shocked that here is > this young man late twenties in a suit holding a second green tie in > his hand. His face was familiar but I never saw him in my life> In my shock I just smiled. He asked me with an English accent "why are > you so happy to see me?" he said this as if I should recognize him or > even expect him, strangely it was very light outside (bearing in mind > it must have been about 2 am in real life.He then said with

> enthusiasm: " I am going to a funeral! d on talking after that > but I do not remember,he put the other tie on the dining table and I > picked it up, next thing I know, I woke up again at 3.23 am as if > someone pulled me to get up, I was frozen, before check the time it > felt like the whole night went by, the feeling that I am running late > because I overslept you know?. I prayed and finally went back to sleep > about an hour later.> > Weird stuff, just as I am typing this message, heard a large bang,I > went to check downstairs, the garden umbrella had flew away from the > table (it is quite heavy and there is not much wind), it is a bit > broken. Had a lot of wind before and never done this before. I do not > understand, I like living in a world where I am def and blind. I feel > but I cannot hear or see properly. I am not usually at home during the > day

but the dog that I hear every two weeks is barking now, just to > prove me wrong, hehe.> Please help, have I imagined it and created this experience? If not, > what does it mean?> > With love and light> > Isabel>

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