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Bush Castigates Iran, Calling Naval Confrontation ‘Provocative Act’

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Let's remember that I predicted Bush would strike militarily at Iran

before he left office. I do believe this is a prelude to the event.

Whether this incident arrived on a silver platter or whether this was

simply a " typical " incident that he leaked to the press is hard to

say, but I predict he will eventually respond mercilessly...and with

a strike on their nuclear facilities.


Bush Castigates Iran, Calling Naval Confrontation `Provocative Act'


Published: January 9, 2008

WASHINGTON — President Bush chastised Iran on Tuesday for committing

a " provocative act " by confronting United States Navy warships in the

Persian Gulf over the weekend. The Pentagon released video showing

Iranian speedboats maneuvering around the American convoy.

" We viewed it as a provocative act, " Mr. Bush told reporters in the

Rose Garden, just hours before he left for a weeklong trip to the

Middle East. " It is a dangerous situation, and they should not have

done it, pure and simple. "

The episode took place Sunday in the strategic Strait of Hormuz and

was initially described by American officials on Monday. They said

five armed Iranian speedboats approached three United States Navy

warships in international waters, then maneuvered aggressively as

radio threats were issued that the American ships would be blown up.

The confrontation ended without shots fired or injuries.

The video runs just over four minutes and, according to Pentagon

officials, was shot from the bridge of the guided missile destroyer

Hopper. It supported the American version of events, by showing

Iranian speedboats maneuvering around and among the Navy warships,

quite close to the convoy.

" I am coming to you, " a heavily accented voice says in English. " You

will explode after a few minutes. "

Navy officials said the voice was recorded from the internationally

recognized bridge-to-bridge radio channel.

An American sailor then is heard repeating the threat, stating, " He

says, `You will explode after a few minutes.' " The American is also

heard identifying the Navy vessel as a " coalition warship " and

announcing: " I am engaged in transit passage in accordance with

international law. I intend no harm. "

Iranian officials have played down the encounter, but administration

officials say they believe that Iran was trying to provoke the United

States on the eve of the president's visit to the Middle East. Mr.

Bush said pointedly on Tuesday that he would use the trip to remind

American friends and allies in the region that Iran poses a danger.

" I'm going to remind them what I said in that press conference when I

sat there and answered some of your questions, " Mr. Bush said.

" Iran was a threat, Iran is a threat, and Iran will continue to be a

threat if they are allowed to learn how to enrich uranium, " he

added. " And so I'm looking forward to, you know, making it clear that

the United States of America sees clearly the threats of this world,

and we intend to work with our friends and allies to make that part

of the world more secure. "

Mr. Bush made his comments, his first on the event, during an

appearance intended to put a spotlight on the first anniversary of

his speech announcing a troop buildup in Iraq.

After conducting a videoconference with combat commanders and members

of civilian " provincial reconstruction teams, " he sounded upbeat

about progress in Iraq, saying that 2007, particularly the end of the

year, had been " incredibly successful beyond anybody's expectations. "

Mr. Bush has repeatedly said he will not tolerate a nuclear-armed

Iran. But his efforts to convince the world that Iran is, in fact, a

nuclear threat, have grown more complicated since the release of a

new National Intelligence Estimate, or N.I.E., that concluded that

Iran had abandoned its efforts to enrich uranium.

Mr. Bush conceded that the report had complicated his efforts. " One

of the problems we have is that the intelligence report on Iran sent

a mixed signal, " he said.

Mr. Bush will visit three Gulf states — Kuwait, Bahrain and the

United Arab Emirates — during his stay in the Middle East. Experts on

Iran said the episode in the Strait of Hormuz gave Mr. Bush an

opening to press his message that Iran is a danger.

" I think he's realized that a lot of the international steam on Iran

has been lost in the wake of the N.I.E., " said son, an

expert on Iran at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a

research organization in Washington. " I think he's doing what he can

to try to refocus the international community on the dangers that

Iran poses. "

The video may also help Mr. Bush make his case.

While it is difficult to judge exact distances, Pentagon officials

said at least one Iranian boat came within about 200 yards of the

Hopper, a distance that could have been covered in a matter of

seconds at top speed.

In the tape, horns are sounded, and the American crew member also

radios to the Iranian vessels: " Inbound small craft: You are

approaching a coalition warship operating in international waters.

Your identity is not known. Your intentions are unclear. "

The American warns the Iranians that if they do not " alter course

immediately to remain clear, " then the small boat will be " subject to

defensive measures. "

Pentagon officials said the commander of the Hopper had been on the

verge of issuing an order to fire on the Iranian speedboat with a

high-powered machine gun when the Iranian craft suddenly steered away.

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