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Conference Information

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Just wanted to let everyone know about an upcoming

conference to be held in PA.

The dates are April 24, 25, 26, 2002.

Over the course of the three days, registrants will be

able to choose from over 20 different workshops.

Dr.Vince Carbone will be presenting an all day workshop

titled, " How To Develop Instructional Control With

Learners Who Are Uncooperative "

Dr. Mark Sundberg will be presenting an all day workshop

on " The Verbal Behavior Approach To Language " ,

And for the first time, Dr. Carbone & Dr. Sundberg will

be presenting an all day workshop on various verbal

behavior topics with an open forum for questions.

There will also be presenters in the medical field (Drs.

Wakefield, Gupta, Myers, Zimmerman, Walsh) Also

Mulick, Rick Kubina, Schreck, Sebastian Bosch,

Carl Schuster presenting workshops on Fluency &

Precision Teaching, Self injurious Behaviors, Aggressive

Behaviors, Asperger's Syndrome, Teaching Social Skills,

Sleep Disorders, Reinforcement, et. al.)

If you would like more info or to be placed on the

mailing list, e-mail: autism2002@...

If anyone attended autism 2000 in Wilkes Barre, PA, you

won't want to miss this one....

Hope to see you there.

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