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Re: An Email Answer

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I received a reply back to my email answer to this " friend " and

thought it noteworthy to pass it along in this thread...we can find in

our attention to helping others that, it really does return to us in

many ways...with love, D~

RE: Dear friend...

Thanks... that was more than I could have hoped for. I will read

'Living on Love'. Somehow I knew to head in this direction before even

throwing such a question at you, dear sir and friend. I was thinking

about the project you wanted to start similar to post-secret yesterday

and thought maybe some sort of compilation of people's deepest darkest

fears, this one probably being mine. Now, I'm thinking something based

on what people identify as the entity or source of love within

themselves. Maybe not a potential hit, however I find myself now

almost immediately searching my conciousness, inner and outer, for the

love in me and how to recognize and channel that energy for myself as

well as others. I'd imagine 'living on love' touches on this already

perhaps? I've got to find some clarity today first and then have a

look around inside. Thank you again, I'm astonished at the info you've

been putting out lately since it is basically synced right up in space

and time with the questions that seem to be jumping at me from out of

nowhere on a constant basis currently...

Your friend,


--- In , " " <knightsintention@...>



> This is an answer to an email about fear of govt actions in recent

> weeks.....but it applies to all things going on in the world as

> well.\\D~


> original letter under answer...



> Dear J*****


> I know it's easy to get caught up in these things. They over take us and

> enter our experience. We become fearful, angry and out of that imagine

> all kinds of ways to respond, which usually only adds to our feelings of

> powerlessness.


> The truth is, from where we are, we can't change these things, even if

> we took measures to stop it, where would we act first, by what means,

> and in what ways.


> This keeps us all twisted up inside, like a car with the accelerator to

> the floor and the vehicle in park...we burn out.


> But there is one thing we can do, and it does work. That is love. By

> sending love, by our thoughts, from our heart centers, directly into the

> " situation " , we can begin to change it.


> It may be that someone in a position to drop something somewhere, has a

> second thought in doing so, and perhaps even goes on to expose the

> situation.


> It may be that those in charge before that even happens have second

> thoughts to what's going on, and refuse, expose or otherwise disrupts

> the plans.


> It may be that those entertaining any related plans have a moment of

> clarity, when their own child climbs up in their laps, and what they

> propose really hits home.


> When you send love into a situation, you are actually changing

> " thoughts " . Love is both a power and a thought. It is said, the most

> powerful thought. It finds and enters where you direct it, be that to a

> sick body, or a sick mind. That's all sick means, " illusion " . That's all

> evil and negative is, weakened and dark thoughts. Love transmutes,

> changes these thoughts. They bring light to the " matter " .


> You are using the most powerful energy on this planet, and in the

> universe when you think about love and send it to all the places, and

> into the situations you might normally judge it as wrong or evil. We

> could always attack everything and everyone we find wrong, and I think

> all we can ever hope for is more of the same things that have always

> been


> It is the " lack of love " that any of these issues even exist to begin

> with. So send any that come to mind, all the love you can think of. Do

> not judge it...do not entertain the thoughts of it...simply send love,

> and think of yourself filled with it.


> I have been right where you are...I understand how you feel in these

> things. I have discovered love does change everything, including my own

> thinking. I've seen the results of using love in this way.


> If you need more information on this process, check out my profile page.

> Look on the left hand side for " Living On Love " . Open and read the first

> book to start with. Once your finished, you'll be using the greatest

> power there is...and you can use it for everything. By arrangement you

> can read it free online or download for ease. It really does work.


> I'll send more love as well.


> With deepest respect, D~




> ----------------- Original Message -----------------

> From: ***********

> Date: Sep 12, 2007 1:08 PM



> Hi D...


> I trust you and appreciate all you've done to help me and others. I

> live in New Jersey between New York City and Philadelphia and the

> following information is my worst nightmare, literally. I'm not one to

> give in to fear but I am concerned that the lives of my loved ones as

> well as everyone else is in grave danger if this is indeed true... What

> should I (we) do?









> http://www.halturnershow.com










> Reports that five nuclear warheads were " accidentally "

> shipped by B-52 from Minot Air Force Base in North

> Dakota to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana are

> false. It was no mistake; it was a criminal conspiracy

> to launch nuclear terrorist attacks against five U.S.

> cities!


> Military investigators have confirmed to The Hal

> Show that President Bush's personal

> Presidential authorization code authorized the removal

> of five 150 kiloton nuclear warheads from their secure

> nuclear storage safes.


> Those Investigators also confirmed that the cruise

> missiles in which those warheads were placed, were

> mounted on the wings of the B-52 and not placed in the

> belly of the plane with other missiles headed for

> decommissioning.


> When those nuclear cruise missiles arrived at

> Barksdale AFB, Investigators say plans were made to

> move those warheads off the base, allowing them to be

> used for what was to be a massive, nuclear " terrorist "

> strike against five U.S. cities. They speculate the

> attacks would have been blamed on AL-Qaida and used as

> an excuse to impose Martial Law in the U.S.


> Government officials are scrambling to silence this

> investigation because it proves definitively that

> President W. Bush was personally complicit in

> planning terrorist attacks against his own country for

> the purpose of declaring Martial law, merging the

> United States with other countries after we've been

> " crippled " by massive nuclear attacks, implementing

> " one world government " to " prevent anything like this

> from ever happening again " and, of course, remaining

> in power forever as absolute Dictator.


> Elements inside the U.S. Military are aggressively

> seeking to arrest President Bush while top Brass in

> the military is doing everything possible to quash the

> crisis.


> They leaked this information to me because efforts to

> " spin " and cover-up what really happened are

> overwhelming righteous efforts to hold the President

> accountable for his acts.


> Investigators have been removed from the ! case and

> re-assigned. All have been threatened with arrest and

> prison if they reveal what they know.


> Investigators have told The Hal Show " the scope

> and grandeur of this conspiracy is so vast, so

> intertwined in the upper echelons of military and

> political power, that it is almost impossible to

> believe. "


> They went on to say that career Military Brass are

> putting their own personal interests (careers and

> pensions) ahead of national security because they are

> terrified of the consequences of this situation being

> made public.


> Developing fast. . . . . check back later for more

> details. . . . .

> Comments on off-site comment area (22)



> Updated 7 September 2007 at 2302 HRS EDT






> Despite our own CIA Director making a rare public

> speech claiming Al-Qaida is planning " high-impact

> attacks against the U.S. Homeland " our Air Force has

> taken steps to make our entire country vulnerable to

> such attacks on September 14.


> In an order given to all fighter pilots and bomber

> pilots, the entire U.S. Air Force will " stand down " on

> Friday September 14. We will have ZERO air defense for

> the entire country on that day!


> They have ordered this stand down after five nuclear

> bombs were " accidentally shipped by plane from Minot

> AFB in North Dakota to Bartsdale AFB in Louisiana on a

> B-52 bomber. The military says they need to stand down

> to go over nuclear protocols.


> What is very odd about this order is that Fighter jets

> NEVER carry nuclear bombs. Only Bombers carry nuclear

> warheads. So why are fighter pilots also being ordered

> to stand down?


> If a terrorist attack takes place on September 14,

> then we know that our own government made it possible

> with a military stand-down order.


> If such an attack takes place, We The People of the

> United States will be left with no choice but to

> exercise our " original right of self defense " and

> remove our government from power by any and all means

> necessary, barring nothing.


> Those in government are hereby warned: If your stand

> down order allows a terrorist attack to occur, we will

> come for you.


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