Guest guest Posted September 10, 2007 Report Share Posted September 10, 2007 THE 999 ASCENSION PORTAL 5 SEPTEMBER 2007 Dearest Fellow Lightworkers, As the 999 ascension portal approaches I have been quite busy in my own solitude; a paradox to be sure. For my task upon this earth at this time has been to 'open the door'. What door, you may ask? Between HUs or Harmonic Universes are doorways or ascension passageways. The doorway between the Earth of HU1 (D1, D2 & D3) and Tara of HU2 (D4, D5 & D6) is called the Ark of the Covenant. Dearest ones, the Ark of the Covenant is NOT the box containing the original stone tablets of the Ten Commandments . . . THAT IS A FICTIONAL MYTH created by early church fathers. The Ark of the Covenant is a ascension portal; furthermore, it is an ascension portal that has been sealed for the past 212,000 years! Over the past few days I have been working from this side (HU1) with High Priest Adama and his colleagues in Telos and Shamballha on the other side (HU2) to 'open the door'. The energetic doorway between HU1 and HU2 is now open, as are the energetic doorways leading all the way up and through the highest dimensions of physicality. Next comes the ascension portal which opens on 999 or 9 September 2007 and remains open through the solar eclipse of 11 September 2007. During this 2 day period there will be a great multitude seem to vanish from the earth's surface. Some of these are going home to their own planets, dimensions, galaxies and universes. The rest of us are ascending right out of HU1 and into HU2. HU2 is where inner Earth/Agartha exists. In HU1, Earth has a solid molten iron core, however Tara of HU2 is hollow and has both an outer and inner surface that is inhabitable. This inner Earth is where people on the surface will ascend into as Mother Earth is our ascension vehicle. What will actually happen is that there are fleets of starships standing by and as the ascension portal opens, one by one, each individual who is ready will be teleported directly from wherever they are into the ascension chambers, light chambers or metamorphosis chambers located within Telos and Shamballha. Once inside the domelike structure you will feel an extremely intense, cold, burning sensation that fills every cell for approximately 3 to 8 minutes, depending upon how much your physical body is transmuting. But, dearest ones, when this process is over (and believe me, it is EXTREMELY INTENSE!) you will be in your perfected suit of human biology; your physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and lightbodies will all become ONE. There are various levels of ascension so not everyone will ascend to the same level. Some will ascend into 4D, some to 5D, some to 6D, some to 7D, etc. all the way to the highest dimensional level of physicality, D15. Those who ascend to D15 and beyond are called Ascended Masters or Galactic Presences. At the time of this writing, according to Ascended Master Hilarion, there are approximately 1,000 souls becoming Ascended Masters. The actual number of those ascending and what levels each will attain are entirely dependent upon each individual's choices. At the very least, those who ascend to 4D will quickly master Merkabah or Lightbody travel while those of 5D and higher will be capable of Merkabah travel and virtual instantaneous manifestation almost immediately. As you step out of the ascension chamber you will be greeted by throngs of people whom you will immediately recognize and remember as your family. Those who are returning home will board starships and return to their respective home worlds while those of us who have chosen to remain here on the surface world will return to the surface world as ascended divine human angels. As your 'elder brother' , it has been my honor and privilege to be of service once again to my human family and in the course of such service I will be the very first one to move through this portal. Everyone is unique, therefore everyone will have a unique experience. Some will spend several hours to several days visiting Agartha and the cavern worlds, as well as other star-nations. Some will return to the surface only a few hours after departing. I myself will be absent from the surface for 3 days, beginning 9 September 2007 . . . I have no idea of the exact time. However, I WILL RETURN. Just like my dear brother Sananda said just over 2,000 years ago, except that the story of his ascension has been diluted and edited so many times that it doesn't reflect what truly happened. The real Jesus was never crucified and those who wish to know the truth of this story will find the truth in a book called Voyagers II: The Secrets of Amenti by Ashayana Deane. The chapter titled Pharaoh Akhenaton contains a long section entitled: The Three Christs. Just a note on this book: there are a LOT of frightening descriptions of Illuminati projects, however ALL of these have been deactivated at this time. I'm writing this message most especially to those with whom I work on a regular, often daily basis. The physical transfiguration process is extremely intense and has been physically and emotionally grueling at times. However, I am now at a stage where physical pain has been transmuted to healing and wellness and bodily functions that had faded long ago have returned with incredible intensity and vigor . . . especially the libido and sexual energy. I would encourage each one of you to spend time becoming reacquainted with your own physical bodies. Spend time alone in masturbation or in sexual union with your beloved. Creating states of joy and ecstasy will only help this ascension process along. I'll also share a few suggestions that come directly from my Galactic Federation Medical Team. My Galactic Federation physician is a bear mammaloid from Tau Ceti by the same of Ghan-tak-lak. He sounds like and reminds me of a cross between Yogi Bear and Yoda. He, and the many Dolphin Doctors and Arcturian Lightbody technicians that work with you recommend that you take at least 1 or 2 very warm sea salt baths each day. Fill your bathtub with nice warm water, dump in 2 to 2.5 lbs of sea salt (available very inexpensively in bulk at any natural or health food store) and 10 drops of your favorite essential oil and soak for at least 20 to 30 minutes. This will help to ease the aches and pains your bodies are feeling and trust me on this one . . . I KNOW! The sea water also helps your medical teams to adjust your subtle energy bodies and provides an excellent medium for imparting light energies directly into your physical form. They also recommend eating only fresh organic fruits and vegetables wherever possible, avoiding meat and any processed foods, eating raw, unroasted and unsalted mixed nuts, fresh peanut butter and drinking a minimum of 2 liters of pure filtered or bottled water per day. Yes, you will be peeing a great deal but this is necessary and no one ever died of peeing too much. Bottled water is another whole subject so I'll simply share with you what I do. I collect the hard clear plastic containers with carrying handles around their tops (Crystal Geyser). At my local Safeway and at many other food and grocery stores there are water processing machines that sell a gallon of water for 25¢ to 55¢. These machines dispense highly filtered and decontaminated municipal tap water through several carbon, charcoal and reverse-osmosis filters and two UV rays to kill any remaining bacteria. Bless your water before drinking it and consume it at room temperate. Drinking a lot of cold water is very stressful on your physical body. Be good to your body, don't overdo it and rest when you feel tired. Ascension is an extremely stressful process and while the subtle energy bodies adjust quite quickly to new energies, the physical is the most dense and the slowest and last to change and catch up. Be sure to spend a minimum of 1 to 2 hours in daily solitude; WITHOUT DISTRACTION. I realize that for some of you this is difficult; nevertheless, without it, you may end up delaying your departure from HU1, more commonly known as 3D. Do you really want to stay here any longer than absolutely necessary? This has been a grueling lifestream for me and during this lifestream I chose to take upon myself many of humanity's worst fears and conditions. I was HIV-positive for 27 years, yet now there is no sign of HIV in my body (yes doc, I'll take the HIV test if you want). I was diabetic for 3 years; I had very painful peripheral neuropathy for 9 years and I could fill an entire page with every medical condition I've endured. But all of that is OVER! And, as I ponder my past lifestreams upon this beautiful blue orb that we called Mother Earth, I cannot help but be drawn to a lifestream during the 15th and 16th European centuries; the Renaissance. I was Michelangelo. I was recently reading a biography of Michelangelo when I came across a line that he's been quoted as repeating many times throughout his life: " I'm a prisoner of Love " and indeed . . . I AM. This approaching ascension portal is now open and active. Unlike previous times when everyone was lined up waiting at the train station and the train never came . . . this time the train IS coming and it is not going to slow down as it enters the station. Therefore, YOU will be required to hop aboard (so to speak) at just the right moment. You can't do that if your attention and consciousness are fixed upon something else. This is why it is so vital that you spend at least 1 to 2 hours per day in solitude; WITHOUT TELEPHONE, WITHOUT TELEVISION, WITHOUT INTERNET, WITHOUT YOUR SPOUSE OR LOVED ONE . . . it means that this is an individual process. Because of my particular task, it is necessary for me to disengage from HU1 or the 3D world and my love, choice to serve and chosen responsibilities require that I do so now. But, before doing so I wanted to let everyone know just what is happening. THIS IS IT for many of you . . . and, if it doesn't happen for you then simply know that your journey in 3D isn't over yet. There will be 144,000 of us walking the planet as Divine Humans. We will not require planes, cars or trains to move about because wherever we think we are; there we are. We will not require grocery stores or department stores because we will create whatever we need, whenever we need it. Now, we will still require money and upon return to the surface world, that issue will come next. The deadline for the NESARA announcement and implementation of the new global banking system is 19 September 2007. In closing I simply want to reassure those of you with whom I work closely that I WILL RETURN, so please no " don't go off ascending and leave me here all alone. " I go to prepare a place for you, dearest brothers and sisters. And, when I return you will be ASTOUNDED at not merely my own appearance but your own as well. Together WE ARE VICTORIOUS! In Loving Service and Infinite Love, I AM, Marana Oman Ra Harakhti Archangel Lord . . ad infinitum Building a website is a piece of cake. Small Business gives you all the tools to get online. -- There are many paths to enlightenment. Be sure to take the one with a heart. - Lao Tzu Love animals? Click on this Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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