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Very educated and interesting interpretations of classic Myths

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This is worth watching. It gave me a lot of insight to what are mystical experiences and how we can take our power back from the mis-rulers. What is the true and most likely meaning to the forbidden fruit?...

If you liked this, I recommend watching ZEITGEIST from video.google.com or www.zeitgeistmovie.com. I also highly recommend watching ph Cambell's Power of Myth. I could not find the original copy from video.google.com anymore. I found one link from here (there are more parts to it): http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6113904435513017709 & q=power+of+myth & total=270 & start=0 & num=10 & so=0 & type=search & plindex=1

Thank you for paying attention and finding this, there are so many great truths coming out. The storm is passing away. Your life is so much more than your ego and human drama. It is way beyond human understanding. The true essence of you is the god waiting to be manifested in life and death. You are the true, loving creator if you choose to love yourself unconditionally and follow your path. Your inner child is desperately wanting to be free. The death of one's ego represents the symbolic death to giving birth to your inner child which is wise as the beautiful structure of our universes.

First people who tune into a new idea are the mystics, then the artists, after that the scientists... and lastly the politicians. Just look at our world. It's a great illusion, a tale which is secretly hiding a great truth that is simply staring at you and if you are brave enough to look through the filters, it will set you FREE =)

Try to look at the world innocently like a child, but with eyes of a wise ruler, connect your divine polarities and think of them as mirrors of the same energy, beyond polarities (beyond good and evil).

You are destined to be free,


The Pharmacratic Inquisition 2007 - DVD - Official Online Edition

Video link to The Pharmacratic Inquisition 2007 - Online Edition



deep does the rabbit hole go? Gnostic Media is proud to present the

official online edition of The Pharmacratic Inquisition 2007. If you

enjoyed “Zeitgeist - The Movie”, you will love this video; the creators

of this video are listed as one of the sources for the Zeitgeist Movie.

The Pharmacratic Inquisition 2007 is a video version of the book,

“Astrotheology & Shamanism” by Jan Irvin & Rutajit. The

painstakingly detailed and heavily footnoted research in the book comes

to life in this video and is now available to you for FREE! For further

research of the claims made in this video, please read AstroTheology

& Shamanism - this book is available to order as a combo with the


Thousands of years ago, in the pre monarchic era, sacred

plants and other entheogenic substances where politically correct and

highly respected for their ability to bring forth the divine, Yahweh,

God, The Great Spirit, etc., by the many cultures who used them. Often

the entire tribe or community would partake in the entheogenic rites

and rituals. These rites were often used in initiation into adulthood,

for healing, to help guide the community in the decision process, and

to bring the direct religious experience to anyone seeking it.


the pre literate world, the knowledge of psychedelic sacraments, as

well as fertility rites and astronomical knowledge surrounding the sun,

stars, and zodiac, known as astrotheology, were anthropomorphized into

a character or a deity; consequently, their stories and practices could

easily be passed down for generations. Weather changes over millenniums

caused environmental changes that altered the available foods and plant

sacraments available in the local vicinity. If a tribe lost its

shamanic El-der (El - God), all of the tribe's knowledge of their plant

sacraments as well as astronomical knowledge would be lost. The

Church’s inquisitions extracted this sacred knowledge from the local

Shamans who were then exterminated…It is time to recognize the fact

that this Pharmacratic Inquisition is still intact and destroy it.



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