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Hello Sheila,

Havn't been online in so long, but took the plunge today and was drawn

to your story. I agree with , as long as your intent is loving

and/or what that particular person needs for his or her own higher self

you should do what you are drawn to do. ALso examine that, what Spirit

is guiding you to do.

I would like to remind you to please don't forget to protect yourself

in that little old bubble of love, while you are working or meditating.

Only allowing energy or guidance from those with pure love in thier

hearts to share in your workspace.

One last thing, don't be afraid of visitors or visions or dreams or

whatever, there is a message there for you and your fear holds the

knowledge back. I know it is easiier said than done, but there is

nothing to be afraid of, they come with love in thier hearts.



--- In , " " <knightsintention@...>



> Hi Sheila...


> Generally speaking....a cat, or cat like creature denotes a


> in Celtic myth, I think it is....much like the snakes represents the

> same thing. The gatekeeper of deeper knowledge.


> I once had a dream that was one of the few that remains with me


> of it's intensity...and this has been about 4 years ago. In the

dream, I

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