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Inclusion Conference in Fairfax VA 4/27

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The Autism Society of America-Northern Virginia

Chapter and Fairfax County Public Schools will be

hosting Dr. a Kluth of Syracuse University in

" You're Going to Love this Kid: Inclusive Schooling

for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders " April 27,

2002 at the Ernst Cultural Community Center NOVA

Campus, ndale, VA. A registration form is

attached, or you can call Lynne at ASA-NV at

(703) 495-8444 for more information. Hope to see you



President, ASA-NV

Nikia Dower, MS, CCC-SLP

Autism Programming Consultant

Speech and Language Pathologist

Director/Dower and Associates, Inc. t/a Speech, Language and Education

Services of Prince and Loudoun Counties

540-687-5412 (Loudoun)

703-330-0554 (Prince )

http://card.netscape.com/ndower (updated 2/2/02)

www.dowerandassociates.com (under construction)

" Children with autism are not learning disabled, they are teaching

challenges. " - Dr. Carbone, BCBA

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