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Solving the Relationship puzzle in Long Island NY

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Sorry for the cross postings and THANK you to the list managers for allowing us

to announce this here..

I promise..the last post about it here.. We created a temporary webpage to host

the details from now on so we dont clog your space!

Here are the specs on the workshop

I look forward to meeting you all there!

Go to our temporary website for the reg. form!


Upcoming Events

Solving the Relationship Puzzle

In Long Island New York

Hosted by The Elija Foundation

Residence Inn ~ Plainview

Tuesday MAY 21, 2002

8:00-8:30 AM (pre reg.)- 4:00 PM

A workshop for Parents and Professionals

Sponsored by

The Elija Foundation


See our " What's New " Section

Pre Registration .....75.00 (Includes Continental Breakfast)

Walk In Registrations ....100.00



Outline of the One Day Workshop:

Morning: starts at 9:00 a.m.

Defining the Relationship Puzzle: Understanding the

Unique Social and Emotional Deficits of Autism

Typical Relationship Development: The RDI 6 level


Relationship Development in Autism

Basic Principles of Relationship Development


Afternoon: starts at 1:00 p.m.

Relationship Development Assessment: Doing the RDA to

Determine Where to Start

Developing Relationship Intervention Plans

Developing a Social and Emotional IEP that is Meaningful

Using RDI with Different Age Groups, Populations and

in Different Settings

Audience Questions

For more information, please email

Debora at

The Elija Foundation


Dibra at

The Elija Foundation

More about the workshop...

Heroic parents, desperately search for a peer

who will accept and play with their son or

daughter with Autism, Aspergers, PDD and

NVLD. They dream that an understanding friend

will serve as the crucial relationship bridge,

opening the social world for their child.

Inevitably, they come face-to-face with a sad

truth. You cannot acquire friends as if they were

objects or possessions. And you cannot place

a child with severe social deficits in a normal

setting and expect he will understand the subtle

signals of friendship through osmosis.

Until recently, there were few alternatives to the

prayers and dreams of parents and family that

somehow, someway, they would find an

alternative to the general medical expectations;

that their child's condition would most likely

result in a life apart from others.

After years of clinical practice, teaching and

research, Dr. Gutstein and Dr. le

Sheely were unwilling to accept these bleak

predictions. They believed that people in the

Autism spectrum could become true partners in

authentic relationships. But, only through an

intervention program designed to fit their unique

style of learning. Relationship Development

Intervention, RDI, is the result of their

persistent efforts to open the world of joy,

excitement and unity found in authentic

relationships, to persons in the Autism

spectrum.* Through RDI, there is a path to

emotionally fulfilling lives for thousands of

children, adolescents and adults facing lonely,

isolated futures.

Dr. Gutstein has described the theory and

methods of RDI in his top selling book,

Autism/Aspergers: Solving the Relationship

Puzzle. In the spring of 2002, Kingsley

will publish Dr. Gutstein and Sheely

two-volume collection of over 300 activities and

objectives for relationship development.

Parents, educators and professionals

throughout the world will finally have the tools to

design comprehensive relationship programs.

Now, Dr. Steve Gutstein, in cooperation with

The Elija Foundation

will present an

intensive one day workshop to introduce you to

the Relationship Intervention Program.

*This method also works for others who have neurological

disorders that lead to similar social and emotional deficits.

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