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Autism Conference in Cincinnati

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The 3nd Annual Collaborative Conference on Autism Spectrum Disorders " Treatment

and Intervention "

Presented by Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center O'Leary Center

for Autism Spectrum Disorders & The Autism Society of Greater Cincinnati

Friday, October 4 - Saturday, October 5, 2002

Sabin Education Center

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Course Description

This interactive two-day conference will feature multidisciplinary updates by

experts from autism programs throughout the United States.


This conference will provide useful information for physicians, psychologists,

registered nurses, occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech

therapists, educators treating children with autism, and families of children

with autism.

Agenda-Friday, October 4, 2002

Workshop: " Severe and Challenging Behavior: Successful Proactive Strategies,

Methods, and Skills Building Approaches " with M. Foxx, Ph.D.

8:00-8:45 am Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:45-9:00 am Welcome and Introduction

9:00am-11:30pm Workshop session

11:30-1:00 pm Lunch on your own

1:00-4:30 pm Workshop session

4:30 pm Adjourn

Evening Reception and Benefit Art Auction

5:00-6:30 pm

This special event following day one of the conference will include refreshments

and an art auction to benefit the Autism Society of Greater Cincinnati. The

auction will feature original paintings by Brown, a Cincinnati artist

with autism. Attendance to this event is complementary, but registration is


Agenda-Saturday, October 5, 2002

Main Conference Sessions

7:30-8:00 am Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:00-8:15 am Welcome and Introduction

8:15-9:45 am " Update on the Biology and Drug Therapy of Autism Spectrum

Disorders "

W. Zimmerman, M.D.

9:45-10:00 am Break

10:00-11:30 am " School Integration for Young Children With Autism "

W. Wynn, Ph.D.

11:30-1:00 pm Lunch on your own

1:00-3:00 pm " Asperger's Disorder: Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis "

E. Tanguay, M.D.

3:00-3:15 pm Break

3:15-4:00 pm Discussion and Evaluation

4:30 pm Adjourn

Course Objectives

Friday, October 4, 2002

Upon attending Friday's workshop, the participant should be able to:

· Analyze and design educational and treatment environment

· Describe techniques and strategies for reducing challenging behavior

· Explain why programs fail, and how to make people and programs successful

· Identify characteristics of " Good " teachers/therapists

· Initiate educational treatment efforts

· Explain the hypothesis-driven treatment model

· Describe methods to ensure the maintenance and generalization of skills and


Saturday, October 5, 2002

Upon attending the Saturday conference session, the participant should be able


· Review current biological finding relevant to autism

· Demonstrate how biological finding can help provide a rational basis for drug


· Review current drug treatments for autism spectrum disorders and show where

further research is needed

· Assess a person's social communication skill

· Determine whether a lack of social communication skill indicates a disorder

within the autism spectrum, or some other type of disorder

· Describe treatment approaches (including medication) may be indicated for

persons with autism spectrum disorders

· Utilize effective methods of inclusion of children with autism in typical

educational settings

· Identify the optimal characteristics that the educational setting, teacher and

aide should possess

· Describe the optimal methods for reducing behaviors and building social skills

within the educational setting


M. Foxx, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology

Penn State burg

burg, PA

E. Tanguay, M.D.

Ackerly Endowed Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

University of Louisville

Louisville, KY

W. Wynn, Ph.D.

Director, Intensive Behavioral Intervention Clinic

Autism Center

Department of Psychology

Columbus Children's Hospital

Columbus, OH

W. Zimmerman, M.D.

Director, Autism Immunology Project

Kennedy Krieger Institute

Associate Professor, Neurology and Psychiatry

s Hopkins University School of Medicine

Baltimore, MD

Planning Committee

Manning-, M.D.

Brown, Ph.D.

Rena Sorensen-Burnworth, Ph.D.

Molloy, M.D.


Donna Murray, SLP, Ph.D.

, B.S.

Parents and Families

We will be creating a special slide show featuring children with autism spectrum

disorders to be shown during the conference. If you would like a family member

to be included in this show, please submit a photograph with your registration.

Please list your name and address on the reverse of the photograph.


This activity has been planned in accordance with the Essentials and Standards

of the Ohio State Medical Association through the joint sponsorship of

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center and The Autism Society of Greater


Cincinnati Children's is accredited by the Ohio State Medical Association to

provide continuing medical education for physicians. Children's Hospital

Medical Center designates this activity as meeting the criteria for 4.5 hours on

Friday and 5.25 hours on Saturday of Category I credit towards the AMA

Physician's Recognition Awards. Each physician should only claim the hours that

he/she actually spent in the activity.

Attention Ohio Nurses

Health related CE activities in Ohio which have been approved for other

disciplines by their board, department, or professional association (e.g.,

physicians) may be used to meet your CNE requirement. You must provide the OBN

with a written explanation of how the course met your educational needs, as well

as further documentation of credit. For further information regarding CNE, see

the Ohio Revised Code for the Practice of Nursing, Chapter 4723-17-6(B)(4), or

contact: Ohio Board of Nursing

77 South High Street

17th Floor

Columbus, Ohio 43266-0316


The conference will be held at the Sabin Education Center auditorium at

Cincinnati Children's. Visitor parking is available for conference attendees

and is free of charge.

Additional Information

Conference Information: Please contact the CME department at (513) 636-6732

O'Leary Center Information: Please contact the O' Leary Center for

Autism Spectrum Disorders at Cincinnati Children's, please call (513) 636-5340

Autism Society of Greater Cincinnati Information: Please contact their office

at (513) 636-7203.

Registration Form

3rd Annual Collaborative Conference on Autism Spectrum Disorders

" Treatment and Intervention "

Make Checks Payable to:

Children's Hospital Medical Center

Continuing Medical Education

Registration Fees:

Friday, October 4-Workshop

Early Registration (Postmarked by Sept. 2 )= $125

Registration (Postmarked after Sept. 2 =$150

Friday, October 4-Evening Reception and Benefit Auction

Registration = Complementary

Saturday, October 5-Main Conference Session

Early Registration (Postmarked by Sept. 2 )= $75

Registration (Postmarked after Sept. 2 =$100

Days attending: ____ Friday, October 4-Conference Session

(please check all that apply) ____ Friday, October 4-Evening Reception

____ Saturday, October 5-Main Conference Session

Please mail registration form and payment to:


Continuing Medical Education-ML 3003

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

3333 Burnet Avenue

Cincinnati, Ohio 45229-3039

(513) 636-6732 FAX: (513) 636-0150

Total Registration Fees:_______________________________

Method of Payment (circle one): Cash Check Credit Card

Credit Card Type: Amer. Exp Discover MasterCard Visa

Card #:___________________________________

Exp. Date:________________________________


Name: ___________________________________

SS number:_______________________________

(For Professional Credit Tracking Purposes)



Day Telephone:___________________________


Specialty: ________________________________

Please check your degree/profession:

M.D. D.O. Ph.D.

Parent R.N.

Other: _______________________________

Dietary Restrictions

Please Describe:_______________________


Individuals with special needs

If you have special needs, please check the box below and attach a description

of any auxiliary aids or services (identified in the Americans with Disabilities

Act) that you may need. Forward this form and description to the CME office by

September 21. Most requests for auxiliary aids or services can be accommodated

if notification is received by this date.

Special Needs

Please Describe: ________________________



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