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being organized

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1. I do not understand the stones in a jar thing graham... Is that like rocks in my head?2 i have not heard of MAzlow JOhn3 There was that little ha ha j thing in your email agian Brady4 Can we talk more about someone who is a perfectly normal wonderful human being just not organizzed finds success in a world(medicine) where organization is important?

Becasue when you say hey make a list--I know it was me who said that-- or categorize as urgent o non urgent then isn't that being organized??the unorganized person will go under if I tell them that??ore please?


Doesn't this fall under chapter 5 of

the How's Your Health book—Problems Are Meant To

Be Solved? The problem solving module is not just for our patients but for us

as well. In fact, by using the module on ourselves to solve our little dilemmas

we can then easily teach our patients how to do it. The cool part is that it is

already part of the curriculum. J

As for low self esteem…isn't

that why many of us went in to medical school and we continue to strive to be

high achievers? Sure we can't seem to make it up Mazlow's

hierarchy, but we sure are productive little neurotics. By the way, my experience

is that "fear of death" also ranks high on the list of unspoken med

school motivators. Interestingly, that one seems to fade the older you get even

though the self esteem thing persists. Hmmm…

being organized

new thread

would like to hear opinions

today on a call someone talked about how organization was not her

strong suit

I get home and there is an email to me form someone else who

says the same thing

One person says this l eads to low self esteem " I just cannot get my

work done "


docs doing good work who i do not measure up to and

they have low self esteem...!

So i ask my husband , who is like NOT remotely organizationally

inclined shall we say, but he is a doc

I would like to hear from others what useful tools work to keep the

naturally unorganized among you

on track?

Ideas i have heard so far

- make lists

- use various tools to help you-- call yourslef / email yourslef

- delegate and forget about it with only spot chekc

- be flexible in what you think organization is ( eg AM

huddle withe satff vs do it for the next day at 5 pm if that

works better)

other suggestions?

Jean(highly organized :) )


If you are a patient please allow up to 12 hours for a reply by email/

please note the new email address.

Remember that e-mail may not be entirely secure/


ph fax

-- If you are a patient please allow up to 12 hours for a reply by email/please note the new email address.Remember that e-mail may not be entirely secure/ MD

ph fax

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