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Re: Thanks in advance for prayer

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YAY, Kanta!!! you remain in our prayers here at HH; you are always in my heart (and many, many, many others, too, I am sure!). Much Love & many congratulations again,~Ali~art4spirit <art4spirit@...> wrote: Dear Humanity Healing Folks, I had my 6 week follow-post chemo. My numbers are good and I

feel well. Please know for me that I am entirely healthy and stay that way. Thanks and Love, Kanta

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Kanta love! Such wonderful news! You are incredibly healthy, and you *will* stay that way. Never ending love, and hugs!Stefanie>> Dear Humanity Healing Folks,> > I had my 6 week follow-post chemo. My numbers are good and I feel > well. Please know for me that I am entirely healthy and stay that way.> > Thanks and Love,> > Kanta>

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