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The Purpose of Our Life

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From the book " Living On Love" - "Money Is Love" - Unedited Version - Light Revisions By : KnightsIntent

Chapter 23

The Purpose of Our Life

Yesterday I was watching a perfect example of how the Universe works because there was just a little tiny creature, very-very small and see-through, swimming in the ocean. Now it's, you know, it's a tenth of the size of a button and he was moving along at super-speed, you could really see he is swimming as hard as he could. But he is swimming against the current. So to him, to this little creature, he was moving at super speeds, because in his Universe, which is this body of water he is in, the water is moving past him at incredible speeds and he's seeing all this stuff that he sees in his little Universe passing him. So even if he turns around, it still would be the same, but in reality he was swimming against the current, so he was actually staying exactly where he was in my Universe, looking into his Universe.

Because I can see from further away, I don't see the details and the things that go on in his Universe, but I see from a broader perspective what goes on around his Universe. So if he were to turn around, let's say and swim with the current, it makes absolutely no difference to him, because his entire Universe is the current and it is flowing back and forth with the ocean tides. This whole body of water, which is his Universe, is flowing back and forth. There is no way for him to tell. He has no idea how big it is nor what I might be nor that I even exist.

He is in there swimming left and right; if he turns around and swims the other way with the current, the whole ocean and current will sweep him out to sea the whole body of water. And maybe sweep him back into the bay later on. But he will have no awareness of that, no understanding and no matter how smart he is, how brilliant he is, he wouldn't understand that.

And then the whole body of water even if he had a spaceship where he could fly great distances (like we have; we can go to the Moon as an example) he still wouldn't get really out of his Universe. He wouldn't have any understanding of what really goes on beyond his Universe. No matter how smart he is, because there is no such thing as cars, gasoline, nuclear weapons or computers, none of that stuff exists in his Universe. He has other things in his Universe that we cannot perceive, because we would have to actually enter his Universe to perceive it.

Now, that's a perfect example of how a Universe works. Because great beings that we are, we cannot comprehend from the position we are in. We cannot comprehend the great beings that we are. We are not here to learn; we are just here to experience.

So, looking at him there, if I had the ability or the possibility, I could say, I would like to experience that!� So in order to experience that, of course, I would have to be put into a body of that organism. But in order to be put into that body of that organism, I also have to remove the memory of who I am at this present time, otherwise, I can't function there. It just would be impossible.

Also, you would go insane. You couldn't possibly function in that environment and knowing who and what you are and everything else. So you remove your memory and go into that and there you have your full experience. Now, once you come back from there, back into this physical experience, you would then have the memory of that experience fully intact. Because you, in a reverse process, you are bringing the memory with you.

So then you would have the total experience of what that physical experience would be like. And that's exactly how we do it, except we do it in stages. The large beings we are, we don't go directly from there to this physical experience, we go to another experience and from that experience we drop down to another one and to another one more physical and to another one more physical, until we are here, in this physical experience.

Now, that our technology and our awareness and our understanding is growing, we will soon have the ability to create another level of experience (from this physical experience). And computer games are the first stages towards that, because when you play a computer game and you are in there you are playing it so intensely that the rest of your life drops away; for that short period of time you are actually there. Now, you are not having, let's say, if you are doing a combat game, obviously you are not really having physical sensations of that virtual man but you are having a virtual experience similar to that. And that's the thing, you see? Not all experiences are totally physical.

So when you drop down from, let's say, the stages of what we actually are, there are all kinds of variants, where we can go. So when we do out-of-body travel, you are, in a sense, almost stepping backwards. You are releasing a body, going back into energy, and in that energy form you are traveling. Then you are just energy, you can travel to places that physically you can't really go to because a physical body is, well, it's limited by its physical surroundings. You can't pick it up and make it go somewhere non-physical. But you can leave your body behind with practice. So that's when we can step back and you would see other realities and possibilities of what beings are experiencing in different forms. There are some that are not as physical as this, where they don't even have some of the emotional properties that we have here.

It's all kind of interesting, isn't it, all the possibilities?

So, as we create these computer games and we play them, and it allows us to expand our physical experience and to experience something what we might consider negative. Like war, for instance. If you go into a war physically, well, if something happens, we are dead and we have to start all over again. That's part of our experience. And in a sense, that's part of the thrill, the danger. At least some think so.

Now, again, I think that some people just don't quite get that, but if you think about the whole totality of what you might be the huge Being that you might be, this battle zone, that we have is, actually, a fraction of a second. So the lifespan of this little being that was swimming around the ocean is very short probably about 2 days, according to one of the divers. 48 hours that's how long he lives. That seems short because we live 60 to 80 years. If we lived a life span of 600 years, then in comparison his 24 hours would be even smaller. If we lived an eternity, in other words there is no beginning or end for us there will never be an end, we lived forever then his 24 hours would seem very minuscule, very small. Sort of like a blink of an eye, really.

So, let's say, I said, Gee, , it would be neat to experience what that's like -- what it's like to be that being. Swimming in the ocean; what's going on in there anyway? See, you can look at the ocean. You can't really tell what's all going on in there. You can't tell what possible emotional experiences, physical experiences are actually being experience by that Being, because you cannot do it from the physical being that we are. We cannot experience out off our physical sensory perception. So we have no clue of what might be going on in there.

So, if this Being has a life of 24 hours, we could say, Well, can you put me in there? Erase my memory, put me in there for a couple of lifetimes� 3 lifetimes and I'm not even gone for a week! And then I could experience what that's like, from that side. You know, and that's really how it works. And that's how we ended up here.

So the idea is to really pick what kind of experience we want while we are in this physical lifespan. Pick the ones we want and go after those experiences that we most enjoy, whatever they are.

You may choose to disagree with this and that is fine. Believe in what you want to believe in as long as it allows you the freedom to experience abundance. If it does not do so then the belief does not serve us, instead we serve it.

You might say, Why, if we get rid of war and battle and all that stuff, it would sure be a lot better place. And at some point this world will be without that it will be a world of peace. But for a long time it hasn't been and that's partially because we haven't wanted it. The honest to God's truth is that the majority of souls that come here have come here for the battle and for that particular experience.

Years ago I did some out of body travel, I came across other beings, which were so massively interested and fascinated by where I did my physical experiencing, they were planning to come here for that. I tried to explain the battle thing to them, you know, the war and all the emotions that go through you and that its not so nice. I mean take all the different emotions that you experience in battle from hate, to envy, to comradery, to fear, to pain; all kinds of things. Everything is heightened to an extreme. Pain is heightened to extreme; pleasure can be heightened to an extreme; running to an extreme; you are pushing your body to its limits and there's a lot of things going on there. Those Beings were actually quite interested, back from where they're standing, they really couldn't fully understand it, but they were so fascinated that they had decided that one way or another they were going to come here to experience it!

Which probably means, you know, dying where they are and large part of themselves then going down into the frameworks to become physical the way we are to experience it the way we do.

Something to think about as you go through the day. The purpose of our life is just the experience in itself. It's that simple! And that complicated.source: http://k.livingonlove.com/money1of3.shtml"Money Is Love" is an ongoing an mostly unfinished book in The "Living On Love" Series, and is not what the name would seem to imply. It is a fantastic read and reworked an updated regularly.

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