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TEACH Bill to Fund Teacher Training in Autism

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TEACH = " Teacher Education for Autistic Children Act of 2002 "

The ASA recently announced an important new Bill in Congress that would fund

desperately-needed teacher training in the area of autism. ASA urges you to

contact your Representative to ask them to co-sign the bill to help make this

legislation a reality.


HREF= " http://www.autism-society.org/news/2002_teach_cosponorships.html " >Click

here: New Bill to Fund Teacher Training</A>



-Doyle Teacher Education for Autistic Children (TEACH Act of 2002)

· Authorizes $15 million per year from FY 2003 through 2007 to provide

education or professional development training for personnel to be special

education teachers, teachers' aides, staff specialists, or special education

administrators with expertise in autism spectrum disorders.

· Authorizes $5 million per year from FY 2003 through 2007 to provide

competitive grants to assist State educational agencies to improve results

for autistic children.

· Authorizes $8 million per year from FY 2003 through 2007 to provide grants

to states to establish State Autism Ombudsman Offices to be comprised of

autism advocacy groups, family members, or volunteers to serve as a resource

to assist autistic families with legal, educational, and family support

assistance systems

· Provides for up to a $10,000 tax credit for qualified expenses, such as

education and training expenses.

· Requires educational agencies receiving assistance under the Individuals

with Disabilities Education Act to submit to the Secretary of Education a

report on autism early intervention activities to ensure that appropriate

training and educational services are being rendered.

· Establishes a Task Force to evaluate and make recommendations regarding

minimum educational standards, existing educational models, and local

government programs.

Nikia Dower, MS, CCC-SLP

Speech and Language Pathologist

Autism Programming Consultant

Director and Owner/Dower and Associates, Inc.

t/a Speech, Language and Education Services of Prince and Loudoun


Specialty: Applied Verbal Behavior (AVB) Programs for Home and School

540-687-5412 (Loudoun)

703-330-0554 (Prince )

http://card.netscape.com/ndower (updated 5/21/02)

www.dowerandassociates.com (under construction)

" Children with autism are not learning disabled, they are teaching

challenges. "

Dr. Carbone, BCBA

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice,

but in practice, there is.

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