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FL Autism conference (Medwavier, VB, Bio treatments)

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APRIL 27, 2002 9:30 - 5 p.m.

Fourpoints Sheraton, Lakeland Florida

4141 South Florida Ave. Lakeland - (863) 647-3000 www.fourpointslakeland.com

Information: Karlajoy@...

(863) 683-3806 or (863) 859-1477 ext. 328

Registration $20 per person - $35 per couple

Sponsored by:

CFAI - Central Florida Autism Institute is a non-profit, grass roots

organization started by families of children with autism and concerned

professionals. Together, we desire simple options of dignity for our

autistic children. CFAI is actively involved in legislation on the state and

national level to help provide services and resources. CFAI relies totally

on the contributions of the community to make conferences such as this

possible. www.cfaii.com

Our Featured Speaker:

Moreno, if the founder and president of M.A.A.P. Services, Inc. and is

the editor of The Maap, a quarterly newsletter for families of more advanced

individuals within the autism spectrum of disorders. She is the author of

" High Functioning Individuals with Autism, " a booklet which contains advice

and information for parents and supportive professionals. In her capacity as

president of MAAP services, Inc., she gives supportive information and advice

to parents, teachers, healthcare professionals and others about all aspects

of individuals with autism. Ms. Moreno is internationally known as a

lecturer and motivational speaker. www.maapservices.com

Mrs. Moreno holds a Master's Degree in Applied Behavioral Science and has

been trained in neurocognitive rehabilitation therapy. She is the proud

parent of two young women, one of whom has autism. She has twice been a

keynote speaker for the Autism Society of America. She is a member of the

World Autism Congress.

Her two presentations for our April 27th conference are: A Parent Survival

Kit: Welcome to Alaska! & Parent-Professional Partnerships

Our Afternoon Workshop Presenters:

Dickerson, Chief of Program Initiatives for Developmental Services in

Tallahassee, will be making her presentation on the Med-waiver Program.

Information will include how to apply, qualification for coverage, and

specific services offered, and appeal procedures. She will address the

waiting list and the current legislative efforts regarding the program and

its future.

Dr. Sue Snover is the Program Director of Speech-Language Pathology services

for Central Florida Speech and Hearing Center, the Director of Administration

and the Director of the A.C.E. Charter School. She has her MA in speech

pathology and her doctorate in Child and Youth Studies. Dr. Snover will be

talking about Auditory Processing Deficit (APD), what it is and how it can be

diagnosed. She will be discussing FastForward, a computer-based program that

can help children who have Learning Disabilities and APD. By retraining the

brain with visual input and auditory input children can learn to take in

information in the classroom more effectively and experience greater success.


Holly Bortfeld, President of the Autism Recovery Network and the creator of

the original GFCF Diet web-site, and moderator of several e-mail discussion

lists. The Autism Recovery Network is a support group for Florida families

and professionals dealing with biological disorders in the autism spectrum,

such as ADD, ADHD, PDD, Asperger's Syndrome, and autism. The ARN organizes

biomedical conferences locally and internationally and provides excellent

information resource for parents and professionals alike. Holly will be

discussing the latest treatment options and research, as her presentation is

Treating Autism as a Biological Disorder. www.geocities.com/ARNFL

Jenn Godwin, is a Board Certified Associate Behavior Analyst. Ms. Godwin

received her BS in Special Education and completed her coursework and

clinical mentorship with Dr. Vince Carbone. Her experience involved working

in the field of Behavior Analysis for over six years with children and adults

with autism in both home and school settings. Presently, she in consulting

for families under the supervision of Dr. Carbone and continues to assist him

at various Applied Verbal Behavior workshops. Ms. Godwin holds membership in

several professional organizations and is the moderator for the list.

Ms. Godwin will be presenting a brief overview of Applied Verbal Behavior,

the techniques and teaching procedures. www.drcarbone.net

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Registration - $20 per person - $35 for couple

Name ____________________________________________________________

Address___________________________ City_______________________

State __________ Zip ______________

Phone _________________________ Email _____________________________

Indicate which applies


(age of child _______) ( Profession _____________) (Area

of Study_____________)

Please send in with Check or Money Order made payable to:

Central Florida Autism Institute, 839 Sagamore Street, Lakeland FL 33803

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