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Energy Templates DNA Instruction Upgrade

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Energy Templates DNA Instruction UpgradeBy Invocate and Install the following program in each receptive cell byquieting each body and repeating out-loud three times, items 1 - 23. Torun the installed upgrade call upon your Higher-Self-Council toautomatically check each item for the requested adjustments and requestthey make all necessary alignments at the start of each new day.1. Install within the Energy Templates of my DNA Instruction set each ofour parallel lives the active reality that The Godhead and I are ONELOVE, I Am that I AM in Oneness With All Of GOD'S Creation. I AM TheEternal Self God Self!2. Remove all false belief systems programmed within our soul duringtime resulting from our original separation into individuation from GodSpark and / or implanted during various evolutionary sequences inmultidimensional time.3. Anchor Activate and energize the ability to recall all UniversalLaws, The Law of One as previously installed in my super consciousnesslevels and give me the higher intelligence, will, intention, and abilityto apply these Laws to all my actions.4. Give each Multidimensional parallel life the wisdom to perfect theLOVE that we are by releasing any stored energies that are anything lessthan pure Divine Love, through the processes of forgiveness, patience,and understanding; and replace excess conflict with compassion.5. Bring into harmony all members of our High-Self and SpiritualCouncils and provide them with vital Information and/or knowledge toinsure their valued wisdom and 100 % alignment in our Joint activities,serving the Law of One.6. Remove any extra souls from our High-Self Spiritual Councils that nolonger serve our Highest Purposes. When appropriate replace any membersremoved with qualified Ascended Masters with the expertise needed tofulfill our Ascension Mission.7. Open all mind locks, clear the heart blockages to the maximum levelsto bring discernment of the inner voices and bring clear communicationwith spirit to fully cultivate our Higher Sensory Perception and ourEmotional Cognition.8. Clear and/or remove any extra hidden, hiding or multiple soulspresent within the etheric bodies of each parallel life in order toInsure that our one original soul essence resides in each physical body.Release all merging soul extensions to their proper time and spacecontinuum.9. Clear all 12 bodies and minds of all agreement, judgments or programsthat could Interfere with our dedication to completion of our agreedupon soul contracts of Ascension. Phase align and synchronize all 12bodies and establish beneficial communications between all minds foroptimum integration.10. Transmute or remove from each parallel life all harmful: geopathicenergies (e.g. Ley lines, Curry grids, and vortexes); X-rays; ultra highand low frequencies; computer and television rays; poisons and toxinsfrom water, food, air, drugs (Including prescribed drugs); heavy metals;atomic radiation (including radon); disease inciting organisms (e.g.worm parasites, pathogenic viruses, bacteria, protozoa, prions, fungi,yeasts); and all known toxic gasses (e.g. chlorine, methane, sulfurdioxide, and carbon dioxide.)11. Insure that each body and mind of all parallel lives receive aconstant flow of vital life force energy from GOD Source for themaintenance of our healthy bodies and for our joint greatest good, as weseek to channel and share energy with others.12. Clear all currently running discordant energy programs (previouslystored in our akashic (holographic) records) that could interfere withour being in all bodies at any location, level, dimension, elevation, orfrequency. Clear all known and unknown levels, elevations, andvibrations for the Councils for all bodies up through MultidimensionalTime Matrix 360. (15 dimensions in all 24 Matrixes)13. Clear all duplicate programs established during any of our physicallives in each galaxy on any planet, or during bardo (between lives) asSpiritual guides, and during any other evolutionary part of ourhistorical NOW.14. Clear all blocks in any parallel life to our "Service to Others"(STO) orientation, Multidimensionally.15. Clear all Illusion or obstacles to the Truth that soul is unawareof, everything the soul is avoiding or denying, that have impeded anyparallel lives during our overall spiritual progress.16. Clear and/or block any openings (e.g. doorways, gates, or tears) toany other dimension, parallel universe, or domains in which incompatibleenergies or negative thought forms are bleeding through and adverselyaffecting any parallel life.17. Remove all disincarnate spirits (those translated from a physicalform) Including the demon class, dark forces, negative astral beings,killer psychic forces, and/or negative thought forms present (In anybody) that originated from any planet, dimension, or continuum, thatcould interfere with our Highest Good in service to The Law of One.18. Cut any negative cords attached to other souls and cut any cordsattached to implants. Fuse the ends of these cords to preventre-attachment and send them to the Light Clear all negative implantsblocking energy flow, any implant devices, and any dark sticky implantsanywhere within the 12 bodies of any parallel life. Convert any negativeimprints that are adversely affecting us to positive imprints.19. Clear all parallel lives of: useless vows (e.g. poverty, religion,separation, marriage, loneliness, silence, chastity, celibacy,suffering, obedience, sacrifice, illness, anxiety, or fear); limitingbelief systems (e.g. financial, inhibitors, polarity, karmic, genetic,religious, devils exist, educational, cultural, racial, political,astrological, and God causes pain); useless ties or contracts withothers (e.g. economical, social, and emotional); clearanti-time conflicts; all negative cell memory; curses (from any source);subconscious clutter; any desire to escape; scaring from soul wounds;loss of subconscious Integrity; all death wishes; spiritual parasitesfrom any dimension; all phobias, neurotic disorders, subatomicmalfunctional creations, and all other factors that may dissipate ourvital life forces.20. Clear all additional negative cellular memories stored anywherewithin my morphogenetic field and anchor activate and energize the 12Strand DNA Avatar Blueprint.21. Activate the Atomic Doorway with an alpha-to-omega head-to-toeclearing & healing on all of my parallel lives in order to remove anydis-ease, Illness, Injury, or mental and emotional damage present NOW orcoming into NOW.22. Daily transmute or remove from each parallel life all harmfulnegative emotional thought forms and replace them with positive thoughtforms based on Unconditional LOVE, PATIENCE, CONFIDENCE, HONESTY, JOY,TOLERANCE, COURAGE, DEDICATION, AND ENTHUSIASM. The Christ Mind Matrix.23. In gratitude for my healthy bodies, my friends and family thatencourage and support my soul purpose and life contracts. In deepreverence and gratitude for all of my Evolution Support Teams,Higher-Self Spiritual Councils and their dedication to assist me whencalled upon. Thank you GOD for each of my parallel lives as a unit ofthe LOVE I AM. ANCHOR LOCK AND SEAL THIS WORK THROUGHOUT MY HOLOGRAM.ANCHOR LOCK AND SEAL THROUGH THE TIME MATRIX. And So It IS Beloveds!Amen!

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