Guest guest Posted March 7, 2002 Report Share Posted March 7, 2002 Friends, Hi everyone I know I do not get to talk to you all that often as I would like. But as most of you know I am working hard to help make things better for all individuals with autism. I did not know if you saw this so I thought I would pass it on to my friends. Please do not think I am soliciating but I know these ambassadors can use all of our help, they will be going to Washington DC April 15-19, 2002 to help all of us, please help support them in their endeavers. See below Only one way you can help. They really are making positive changes and have made great progress already in just a short period of time. The President even sent a letter personially to them about their endeavers. They are opening eyes and voices lets give them all the help we can! I know they are looking for more ambassadors and you can apply at: <A HREF= "\ ml " >State Autism Ambassador Project</A> AUTISM FIRST STEPS AUTISM DAILY NEWSLETTER Friday March 8, 2002 SPECIAL EDITION INDEX: * Change online shopping to help US Autism Ambassadors and Autism Awakening raise money for autism * US Autism Ambassadors Harnesses Internet to Raise Money to Help Individuals with Autism Through Online Charity Shopping Mall Press Release US and IA Autism Ambassador * US AUTISM AMBASSADORS AND AUTISM AWAKENING RAISES NEEDED FUNDS VIA INTERNET Press Release Grosshandler, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, inc ****************************** Change online shopping to help US Autism Ambassadors and Autism Awakening raise money for autism Dear Friend and Subscribers, One or more of our supporters has listed US Autism Ambassador as the cause they'd like to support with their everyday online shopping at They didn't buy or find our name at random--thier members name the worthy causes they'd like to support at our site. If you too would like to help or simply see how we are doing, come take a look. Peacefully, LD Wedewer, US and IA Autism Ambassador ------------------------------------------ Hi, LD here, along with, inviting you to change YOUR online shopping into support for a truly worthy cause. I'm supporting US Autism Ambassador just by shopping online for brand-name stuff at over 339 well-known online stores. And I'm getting free gift certificates and coupons just by being an member. HOW IT WORKS 1. Join to Support US Autism Ambassador It's FREE, private, & easy. 2. Shop the Mall at You'll see familiar stores like, the Gap,, &, and CDNow to mention just a few. 3. Watch the $$ roll in for US Autism Ambassador! Up to 25% of EACH purchase gets donated! 4. Get involved with Six Degrees of Donation (like me) Raise $1 for each new shopper you refer! --------------------------------------------------------- Use this link to JOIN FOR FREE and begin supporting US Autism Ambassador: & causeid=20348 --------------------------------------------------------- GREAT STORES AT THE MALL And just in case you're thinking, oh yeah, who wants to buy something from, here are just a few of's 339+ stores:, CDNow, Gap, J.Crew, OldNavy, & Noble, PETsMART, Lands' End, Eddie Bauer, JCPenney, Office Depot, Dell, dELiA*s, Spiegel,, REI, Orvis, Hallmark, Handspring, Chadwick's... JOIN NOW Use this clever link below (ugly as it may be) & join with US Autism Ambassador already selected as the cause you'll support. --------------------------------------------------------- & causeid=20348 --------------------------------------------------------- MORE INCENTIVE -->1ST TIME BUYER DEALS worth hundreds of dollars -->EXCELLENT PRICES and exclusive deals for members -->FREE SHIPPING offers from great stores -->SIX DEGREES OF DONATION to help your cause even more when you tell your friends to join -->VIRTUAL KARMA from supporting YOUR favorite cause I hope to see you at soon! Help us help individuals with autism to make positive direct changes to ensure their quaility of life. LD Wedewer, US and IA Autism Ambassador ****************************** US Autism Ambassadors Harnesses Internet to Raise Money to Help Individuals with Autism Through Online Charity Shopping Mall FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: (LD Wedewer, US & IA Autism Ambassador) 1900 K Street SW Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404 PHONE NUMBER: 319-364-2687 Email: AutismAwakening@... Web Site: Support and join: US Autism Ambassadors Harnesses Internet to Raise Money to Help Individuals with Autism Through Online Charity Shopping Mall Local cause proves benefits of growing e-Commerce trend (Cedar Rapids, IA), (March 6, 2002) - US Autism Ambassadors was the initiator of the Autism Independence Days and works yearly on Autism Legislation and platforms in a bi-partisan effort. The Autism State Ambassadors will distribute the Autism First Steps Autism Action Plan. The Autism First Step Autism Action Plan breaks down each profession and gives them the first steps they need to give their clients, patients, and students off to a critical good first start. Included in the Autism Action plan is hand out materials some examples are brochures, booklets, packets, and Autism Guides on CD for use with computers. Early intervention is very important for a diagnosis of autism. US Autism Ambassadors in conjunction with Autism Awakening have supported new and improved programs, projects, funding, resources, and legislation to improve the quality of life for individuals with autism. Autism Awakening Sponsors and houses many programs and projects for autism related issues includeing the US Autism Ambassador Project as well as helped over 750,000 individuals monthly through the National Award Winning Autism Awakening online web site located at: We have helped these individuals take their critical autism first steps to help their individual with autism not only get off to a great beginning but also to gain information to directly help their individual with autism gain more independence. Through funds its supporters have raised by doing their everyday online shopping through, the first online charity shopping mall. enables individuals to shop online at hundreds of merchants and simultaneously support any cause they wish, such as US Autism Ambassadors and Autism Awakening. Up to 25-36 percent or more of every purchase is donated to the selected cause at no extra cost to shoppers or causes. members have listed more than 10,000 causes on the site. " We have found to be an excellent and nearly effortless way to raise needed funds. Many of our supporters were already shopping online. Now with their shopping through the Mall at, everything they buy - from toys, CDs, books, toothpaste, major purchases, household needs to computers - helps US State Autism Ambassadors and Autism Awakening help more individuals with autism, " commented LD Wedewer the US and IA Autism Ambassador. " We're excited about the continued funds this technology, and, will enable our supporters to raise for US Autism Ambassadors Projects, Autism Awakening, and individuals with autism and their families. In addition, helps us reach and build stronger relationships with our existing and new supporters. " We hope everyone will pass on the this information to their friends, family, and professionals in their area and ask that they visit, support, and join: ****************************** US AUTISM AMBASSADORS AND AUTISM AWAKENING RAISES NEEDED FUNDS VIA INTERNET Grosshandler, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, inc., 2724 Simpson Street, ton, IL 60201 PRESS RELEASE FROM Grosshandler US AUTISM AMBASSADORS AND AUTISM AWAKENING RAISES NEEDED FUNDS VIA INTERNET "'s mission is to provide a reliable, valuable, secure and easy-to-use tool to help individuals support their favorite causes while doing their everyday online shopping, " explained Grosshandler, founder and chief executive officer of " We're delighted that US Autism Ambassadors and Autism Awakening is utilizing and the information age to help individuals with autism and their families. The causes benefit from their supporters' everyday shopping, and shoppers benefit from the ability to help causes close to their hearts and homes. " TODAY AUTISM IS MORE COMMON THEN DOWN SYNDROME, DIABETES, MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, CYSTIC FIBROSIS, AND MANY FORMS OF CHILDHOOD CANCER, BUT FEW MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC UNDERSTAND THIS COMPLEX SYNDROME; AND. ALTHOUGH A CURE FOR AUTISM HAS NOT YET BEEN FOUND, PERSONS WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS CAN BE HELPED TO REACH THEIR GREATEST POTENIAL, THROUGH ACCURATE EARLY DIAGNOSIS, APPROPRIATE EDUCATION, AND ONGOING INTERVENTIONS THAT ARE VITAL TO THE FUTURE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE INDIVIDUAL; AND. UNITED STATES AND STATE AUTISM AMBASSADORS ARE COMMITED AND DEDICATED TO THEIR ONGOING EFFORTS TO WORK DIRECTLY WITH LEGISLATORS IN A STATE TO STATE BI-PARTISIEN EFFORT FOR NEW, IMPROVED, AND AMENDED, AUTISM LEGISLATION FOR BETTER, SERVICES, PROGRAMS, RESOURCES, RESPITE, ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT, THERAPY, DIAGNOSTIC TESTING, TRAINING, AND EDUCATIONAL OPTIONS TO IMPROVE THE QUIALTY OF LIFE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISM SECTRUM DISORDERS; AND. UNITED STATES AND STATE AUTISM AMBASSADORS WORKING AS A LIASON TO ALL LEGISLATIVE BODY, SECONDARY MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS, EDUCATIONAL PROFESSIONALS AS WELL AS THE GENERAL PUBLIC TO IMPLEMENT THE AUTISM FIRST STEPS AUTISM ACTION PLAN, ALLOWING EACH PROFESSIONAL CURRENT KNOWLEDGE THEY NEED TO HELP THEIR CLIENTS, PATIENTS, STUDENTS, AND CHILDREN WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS, ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS TO GET OFF TO AN IMPORTANT CRITICIAL FIRST START; AND. THESE INDIVIDUALS REMAIN COMMITTED TO THEIR CAUSE IN SETTING A PRECEDENCE OF EXCELLENCE THAT THE UNITED STATES WILL LEAVE NO CHILD OR INDIVIDUAL WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS BEHIND; AND. IT TAKES ONE PERSON TO LEAD, ONE PERSON TO SEND A MESSAGE OF UNITY, OF AWARENESS FOR OUR INDIVIDUALS, AND THE EVER INCREASING PANDEMIC WIDE SPREAD EPIDEMIC OF AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS. A MESSAGE OF ONE, TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE POSITIVE COST EFFECTIVE CHANGE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS. IN THIS EFFORT THE AMBASSADORS HAVE WROTE OVER 87-100 PLATFORM STATEMENTS AND ARE WORKING ON AUTISM LEGISLATION NOW. CURRENTLY IN THE UNITED STATES THERE ARE OVER 80 US AND STATE AUTISM AMBASSADORS LEADING THE WAY IN A STATE BY STATE EFFORT IN YOUR HOMELAND IN CONJUNCTION WITH AUTISM AWAKENING. AUTISM AWAKENING IN IOWA AND TODAY HAS GROWN TO ONE OF THE LARGEST NATIONWIDE ORGANIZATION SERVING OVER 750,000 INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISM. AUTISM AWAKENING IS LOCATED AT 1900 K STREET SW, CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA 52404, SINCE LATE 1999. YOU MAY WISH TO VISIT THERE MORE THEN 16,000 LINKED PAGE WEB SITE LOCATED AT: is the Internet's first venture for turning online shopping into a vehicle for charitable giving. In addition to supporting any cause they wish, users can also track, directly on the site, their individual donations to their causes and the total amount their causes have raised. also offers shoppers a choice of more online merchants than any other online charity mall. Since its debut three years ago, has raised more than $730,000 for thousands of nonprofit organizations and worthy causes, ranging from animal shelters, school marching bands, medical research foundations to women's shelters and missing children's advocacy groups. For more information or to register with, visit To help support the US Autism Ambassadors and Autism Awakening go to: If only 500 people tell only 10 people to support the US Autism Ambassadors through Then in one year you will help the US Autism Ambassadors and Autism Awakening raise $55,555,510.00 to help us help individuals with autism and their families. See Chart Below: Here´s how your Six Degrees of Donation potential adds up. You join and shop 1 $10.00 1. Your friends join and shop 500 $500.00 2. Their friends join and shop 5000 $5,000.00 3. Three Degrees of Donation 50000 $50,000.00 4. Four Degrees of Donation 500000 $500,000.00 5. Five Degrees of Donation 5000000 $5,000,000.00 6. Six Degrees of Donation 50000000 $50,000,000.00 Total: 55555501 $55,555,510.00 ****************************** Autism Awakening, Autism FIrst Steps Newsletter, or any staff do not endorse any individuals, groups or programs. References regarding programs, meetings, resources, research, opinions, treatment, etc., should not be interpreted as an indication of endorsement. They are provided for informational purposes only. This is an attempt to keep the nation advised to all diagnostic, treatment, therapy, educational, options available as well as legislative autism updates and more. To View Newsletter Policies they are located at the Newsletter Website: Direct Link:: <A HREF= " " >Autism First Steps Newsletter</A> To have friends, Family, or professionals join: 1. they can go to the above link 2. They can go to the Newsletter Group page located at: Direct Link:: <A HREF= " AutismFirstStepsAutismNewsletter " >! Groups : AutismFirstStepsAutismNewsletter</A> AutismFirstStepsAutismNewsletter 3 Send a e-mail to AutismAwakening@... and ask to be subscribed to the free online daily newsletter Visit one of the largest websites Commited to bringing you the latest in news, options, and techniques, and more on Autism located at: Direct Link:: <A HREF= " " >Autism Awakening 4 Kids</A> To Submit a story, alert, readers post, or advertisement please e-mail AutismAwakening@... To be removed reply to this e-mail and requested to be removed from the list. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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