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Re: Pa and Chapter regulations

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Hello I am making a major move to CA for services I

have a 2.9 year old high functioning son, I could do a

home program which are very intense in a large town

or a 1/2 day with a wonderful wonderful teacher who

does teeach, discrete, floor, etc in her program in a

small town, all the parents of this small town say if

anyone can mainstream a child its this teacher,she has

2 mr grown children herself and this little town

adores and respects her work I spoke to a few parents

who rave about her, but will my child pick up on

behaviors in her class there are NO typical kids in

her classroom and its very small, will he pick up


am I making a mistake not doing a home program to get

him to mainstream, he is still young and I dont want

to screw up his chances, he has a 20 month old and 4

years old totally typical sisters that love and teach

him, he copies his 4 year old and adores her my kids

are so happy but I am worried that a home program

means the girls have to be out of my home most of the

day because the program requires all my attention also

I was wondering if I could do the special ed class and

maybe 10 - 20 hours of a home program at night or

weekends vs a 30 - 40 hours at home all day, again the

concern is him picking up behaviors at the school. Are

children's chances at main streaming BETTER IF YOU DO

A HOME PROGRAM? As a single mom it would be very

intense and time consuming but so many say its worth

not working being home for a few years and

sacrificing. the providers in the larger town have

made it clear we need a place with a extra room for

the in home program and the girls would be in the

way,in the large town

district will pay for the home program with no fight

they have a few vendors lovass being one of them, the

school district in the little town reimburses the

parents for discrete trial only 20 hours but I know

with all my little ones I can not teach him discrete

trial on my own. What's the best for him?

--- ph Cautilli <jcautill@...>



> Hi all,

> The latest draft of the Pa Medical Assitance

> Regulations are out. Most of

> the regulations are well written. I believe as

> always, we need to write in

> a response stating that:


> 1) We are glad to see that the requirements for

> behavior specialist

> specifically state certification in behavior

> analysis.


> 2) To the TSS list of intervetnions should be added

> formal social skills

> training (such as identifying the social skill,

> giving examples and

> nonexamples of the skill, role-playing the skill,

> giving feedbackl on teh

> role-play, doing a second role-play to see if the

> feedback is incoperated,

> giving additional fedback and then doign a criterion

> role-play), running a

> contingency management system, problem solving

> training (having the child

> state the problem, outline previous responses,

> discussing alternative

> responses, weighing the advantages and disadvantages

> fo those responses

> and selecting one) and language and communication

> training, as well as

> other skills trainings as outlined in teh U.S.

> Surgeon General's report as

> being effective in teh treatment of particular

> psychological and

> psychiatric disorders.


> Please send comments to:


> Suzanne Love

> Bureau of Policy, Budget, and Planning

> Commonwealth of Pa


> P.O. Box 2675

> burg, Pa 17105-2675



> Joe






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