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In This Moment (new poem)

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After all the compliments and flattery, last night, I put myself in the "she is here" mindset and this was what was written. Hope it is enjoyed. In This Moment (09/10/07 Oh precious love, beyond my words, within my touch, you are beside me, and by simply holding hands we become extensions of each other, as high abobe, the Angels are taking a survey; "Where did she go?". The rosepetal bed you lie upon becomes you as equally as you do it. Your color enhances the shades as they do yours. A renascence painting. Perfection. Where does one end and the other begin... Soft gentle kisses so delicate, replicating exactly, snowflakes melting on children s tongues. The happy rituals on a wintery day. I look into your eyes, your face, your essence, brightly illuminated from the light held within your heart, as over my shoulder I see the full moon peeking through the window. Then, looking back at you, it appears dim. Very dim. In this moment nothing exists but you alone. Your breath, your silent smile itself, speaking in volumes, and mine returned- Acknowledging. Agreeing. You are my everything. You hold my tomorrows and erase my yesterdays. My life itself, you brought to me. You are undoubtly

my reality, or I am unknowingly dead; and it doesn't matter either way. Randy

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