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RDI Conference near Pittsburgh

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Hi all,

This is a conference on 11/22-23 near Pittsburgh with Dr.

Gutstein, he does a lot of work in his Houston clinic with autistic

kids, focusing on what he calls relationship development intervention

(RDI). He also has a couple of books out. As far as I can tell, it

uses behavioral principles, but focuses specifically on developing the

child's relationships with other people, so more social and making

people reinforcing. Might be interesting to check it out...

Barb B

Ann Arbor MI

--- Fwd: great conference!

Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2002 15:48:34 -0700 (PDT)



> Opening the Door to Friendship for Individuals with Autistic Spectrum

> Disorders with Dr. Gutstein


> Nov. 22 and 23, 2002



> The Wesley Institute Family and Child Development Center

> and Pressley Ridge Schools/Center for Autism


> In this two-day workshop, Dr. Gutstein will dramatically illustrate

> Relationship Development Intervention (RDI), a program he describes in

> his books for developing the core skills for social relationships-skills

> that are often missing in individuals with autistic spectrum disorders.

> Using video illustration and anecdotes from over 10 years of

> experience, Dr. Gutstein will outline a unique process for fostering the

> joy, the wonder and the creative excitement of social interaction.


> On Friday, Dr. Gutstein will give an overview of RDI and will offer

> strategies for younger children. On Saturday, he will concentrate on

> older children, adolescents and adults.


> This workshop is designed for anyone and everyone who wants to improve

> the lives of individuals with autistic spectrum disorders



> Because his approach is quite different from conventional social skills

> programs, we benefit from not only new insight, but practical strategies

> for parents and professionals as well*..Dr. Tony Attwood


> " Teachers are fueled by the idea that maybe, sometimes, we make a

> difference. The concepts and activities offered [by Dr. Gutstein] show

> me how I can help a child find true joy in relationships...a very

> exciting project, indeed! " *...a teacher


> " To lose himself in the shared giggles of a pal, to be stirred inside

> by a knowing smile or glance, to embrace the wonderment, spontaneity and

> magic of play...This was what my son was missing. [Dr. Gutstein's

> intervention method] has unlocked a door to a lifetime of relational joy

> for my son*...A mother



> Dr. Gutstein is currently the co-director of ConnectionsCenter and

> a nationally known autism expert. He is also on the clinical staff at

> Texas Children's Hospital in Houston, TX. Dr. Gutstein has written

> numerous articles pertaining to autism and is the author of Autism

> Aspergers: Solving the Relationship Puzzle. He has co-authored two

> additional volumes of strategies for building core social skills. To

> find out more about Dr. Gutstein and his work, please go to

> www.connectionscenter.com.





> Day 1: Nov. 22nd

> 8:30-9:00 Registration

> 9:00-5:00 Conference

> (Lunch included)


> Day 2: Nov. 23rd

> 8:00-8:30 Registration

> 8:30-3:00 Conference

> (Lunch included)


> WHERE: The conference will be held at The Chadwick, One Wexford Square,

> Wexford, PA 15090 (this is across from the Wexford Plaza on Route 19).

> For directions and/or a map call The Chadwick at (724)935-5916 or

> at (724)443-4888.


> · Act 48 credits available

> · Vendors will be on site

> · Dr. Gutstein's books will be on sale on Friday only.


> Questions? Call Proudfoot at the Wesley Institute Family and

> Child Development Center, (724) 443-4888.


> ------------------------cut and fill out------------------------------


> REGISTRATION (please print)

> Must be returned by mail, with payment, by November 15th. There are a

> limited number of seats so please register as soon as possible.


> Name:________________________________

> Email Address:__________________________

> Phone:________________________________

> Address:_______________________________

> ________________________________


> Do you want Act 48 credits? [ ] Yes [ ] No

> If yes, social security #:___________________


> Fees:

> Friday only:

> [ ] Parent-$90 [ ] Professional-$120

> Both days:

> [ ] Parent-$150 [ ] Professional-$200


> Make checks payable to:

> The Wesley Institute


> Send registration to:

> Proudfoot

> The Wesley Institute Family and Child Development Center

> 5465 Flynn Hwy.

> Gibsonia, PA 15044

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