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Re: Unmotivated child

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THIS SHOULD be titled. " UNMOTIVATED teachers. "

IT is not her fault exactly right.

IS there a " reason " why they ONLY do table work with her?Is there a reason WHY

they are not analyzing her behaviors? Are they not using the sceince to see

what they can do to their behaviors or their teaching that effectively get her

to respond under more reinfocing circumstances.

Ask yourself, WHY you think they think it is more important to teach her the

skills she is learning at the table vs.. what goals you would like to see her

acheive.Ask them WHY if they tell you they dont do work AWAY from the table.

Also , WHY do you feel binded to this particular type of programming if you

find it to be ineffective or undermotivating. IF the child finds no value of

reinforcment in the learning sessions, and is mostly exibiting maladaptive

behaviors where she is spending alot of the time being redirected and NOT


I would say the teachers need to look at themselves. and figure out WHAT THEY

can do to with their behavior to the enviorment, to get her motivation high..

You have a right as a parent to give your input, and heck, in your own home you

have a right to throw the whole book out the window and call a meeting and tell

the staff what you want to see MORE OF.

ALSO, what is the VALUE of the stuff they are accomplishing at the table. THE

value to HER that is.. How functional are the skills they are intently working

on for her at this time to her EVERYDAY life?

If she can only request a few words inconsistantly, and only ASK (through vocal

or sign) for only 3 or 4 things in this whole wide world..and your teachers are

working on her knowing the difference between a fork and a sock or her eyes from

her elbows,

I would think it obvious where the programming could use some tweaking.

and you CANT teach functional communication (be it sign or vocal) in such a

limited area (ie table and chair).

Teachers need to get off their butts, and have her contacting MORE reinforcing

activites and items through out her " world " in the natural enviorment.

YES you can apply the science AWAY for the table and chair.


As a parent dont feel intimidated by SCHOOLS of thought or a particular teaching

style. .MAKE CHANGES Where changes need to be made.Make priorities in your


If the agency refuses, ask them WHY.is it because they are undertrained,

ignorant, or is it that they ONLY know how to do THIS one way cause thats whay

the agency taught them to do (which makes them undertrained and ignorant

anyhow). See how valid and concrete their understanding of the science of aba

really is.See where their information or their resoning for teaching a certain

way is coming from.


Dont let them waste precious time for your baby girl just because they only do

it " THIS WAY " .

you say they mass trail..try mixing and varying ..see if that spikes her


you say they do no no prompting..hey if this seems to be loosing her try

errorless.. and fast pace instruction.. maybe this may help.

STRAYING away from a particular TEACHING method which OBVIOUSLY is not working

for your child and trying different startegies, DOES NOT MEAN you are straying

from the science of ABA.

Our children are ALL individual. and for them to only incorporate ONE teaching

package doesnt seem realistic especailly if they are not working.

see some teaching ideas on christina burks site:


Maybe some of these may help.



Good luck to you!

4. Unmotivated child

From: MMacGregor@...

Message: 4

Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 15:29:01 EDT

From: MMacGregor@...

Subject: Unmotivated child


My 5yo daughter is thoroughly unmotivated by her home program; I can't blame

her - the agency the SD contracts with does ALL table work, no-no prompts,

the same SD every drill... No wonder she drifts off and doesn't pay

attention. Any ideas how I can get her motivation up outside of drills?

She attends an ABA based Kindergarten class with an emphasis on communication

but the home program is not verbally based. She's non verbal! (She has a

few word

approximations and signs, but not consistently).

Help! I know she's capable of so much more than she is showing us right now.


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