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Looking for a Tutor? Want to Know How A School District Handles Autism?

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Looking for a Tutor? Want to Know How A School District Handles Autism?

In addition to posting your inquiry to your favorite list, you can

also post it to the Schafer Autism Report (formerly the FEAT Daily

Newsletter), which goes out to up to 20,000 readers daily. Simply cc: or

send your post to:


There is no charge for this, but please keep your posting to 60 words

or less.


Also, for no cost, is a subscription to the daily publication. The

Schafer Autism Report is an autism news clipping service and is the most

widely read autism publication. We " surf-the-net " for quality sources of

autism information for our readers every day. Here is the content index to

today's publication:


* Dentist, Others In A Scrape Over Fillings, Autism


* Warning Over Scientific " Ignorance "


* Tool To Help Autism Sufferers Recognise Emotions


* Immune Factors In Autism: A Critical Review


* Chiklis 'Protects And Serves' Those With Autism

* Why Every Disease Needs A Celebrity Spokesperson

* 2002 Virginia State Chess Championship

* Autistic Teen Shows A Flair For The Snare


* New Jersey Lien Law Advocacy Moves Forward





Looking into residential summer camps for 2003 for our daughter, 13, with

PDD-NOS and mild mental retardation. We would like to hear from parents who

have sent their children to residential camps for autistic kids in

Pennsylvania, NY, land and Virginia. elmiller@...


Is risperdal suitable for children with autism? As in case of adults at

least their brains are already formed, but children's brains are growing,

giving such drugs can cause harm to them later on, my son is not aggressive,

only he is hyperactive, he speaks only a few words, I am from Goa, India, I

came to U.S for my sons treatment. But the doctors here are telling me to

try him on resperidal. I tried for some days, but I did not find any

improvement, and I don't feel like taking risk. Please let me know your

suggestions and advice kalpana lobo lobonanc@... (mother)


Burley D'Lite jogger/bike trailer, $275 (new is $400), Sacramento, CA area



Can anyone suggest outstanding programs for high-functioning autistic

children near enough to Manhattan for a daily parental commute? The child is

now six and lives in Manhattan. Parents would like to move to a community

with great services and a possibility of a yard and a friendly town. New

Jersey, N.Y., or Connecticut would be fine. Nana lkthib@...


A PA special ed teacher or someone eligible for an emergency certificate in

PA is urgently needed to fill a position at West Mont Christian Academy in

Pottstown, PA. We have a school district willing to do a non-traditional

placement for 10 yr. boy who will have 1:1 teacher with reverse inclusion

and some mainstreaming. If anyone knows of someone who could meet the

requirements please e-mail Lori at silfee@... for more info.


I have an entire set of Greenspans tapes that I have not even been opened.

They come with a manual and 13 tapes of HOURS of taped therapy of young

autistic children using Dr. Greenspan's techniques. For Sale -- bought for

335.00 will sell for 250.00 NEW! slangs6536@...


If you've signed the " Stop Frist " petition and would like to include your

child's picture in a collage that will be added to the petition, please

either e-mail it to me privately with a quick message saying you don't mind

if we use this picture or snail mail it to me with the same message and a

signature to:

JoAnne Pike, 2530 N. Hwy. 41A n, SC 29571 The top of the collage will



Does anyone have suggestions on how to handle tantrums? What sort of

reactions is recommended? Zach will be fine then start running yelling

loudly and become disruptive, seemingly very upset, the reason for these

tantrums have exhausted us, so we just need calming strategies . Zach

is 8 yo. mommom55@...


Any information people have about autism-specific state legislation that has

successfully been passed during the past few years is sought. In Wisconsin

we are beginning a push for a legislative inquiry into autism prevalence.

Eventually we'll want to propose some related legislation. It would be

helpful to have successful legislation from others as examples of what

states are doing for people with autism and their families. Ideally it would

help to have the actual statute number reference so I could look up the full

text. It could be on anything. Medicaid, education, health care, family

support, research, funding, etc. shattuck@... Shattuck

Board Member, Autism Society of Wisconsin


I am looking for possible scholarships/grants to return to college to earn

special ed degree to teach. I have a daughter with autism and thought it

might qualify me for special funds. Debi H. fightingautism@...


We have just relocated to the Raleigh/Cary area of NC and would like to hear

from parents in the area that have successfully navigated the Wake Co. IEP

process. Especially, any parents who have managed to get their child

included in a regular ed. with support. Our e-mail address is



We have been interested in digestive enzymes for our son and have seen

" Enzymaid " mentioned in several places but have not been able to find out

what the ingredients are in this preparation. We are aware that there are

both plant- as well as animal-based digestive enzymes. Has anyone used

Enzymaid or can anyone tell us what is in Enzymaid? Wajnowski


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It's nice to see that you're still out on the battlefield fighting for our

childrens rights. I'll look forward to sharing views with you in the

future. What happened to F.E.A.T. ?

>From: " schafer " <schafer@...>


> " Lenny Schafer " <schafer@...>

>Subject: Looking for a Tutor? Want to Know How A School

>District Handles Autism?

>Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2002 15:05:54 -0700



>Looking for a Tutor? Want to Know How A School District Handles Autism?


> In addition to posting your inquiry to your favorite list, you can

>also post it to the Schafer Autism Report (formerly the FEAT Daily

>Newsletter), which goes out to up to 20,000 readers daily. Simply cc: or

>send your post to:


> Postings@...


> There is no charge for this, but please keep your posting to 60


>or less.




> Also, for no cost, is a subscription to the daily publication. The

>Schafer Autism Report is an autism news clipping service and is the most

>widely read autism publication. We " surf-the-net " for quality sources of

>autism information for our readers every day. Here is the content index to

>today's publication:




> * Dentist, Others In A Scrape Over Fillings, Autism



> * Warning Over Scientific " Ignorance "



> * Tool To Help Autism Sufferers Recognise Emotions



> * Immune Factors In Autism: A Critical Review



> * Chiklis 'Protects And Serves' Those With Autism

> * Why Every Disease Needs A Celebrity Spokesperson

> * 2002 Virginia State Chess Championship

> * Autistic Teen Shows A Flair For The Snare



> * New Jersey Lien Law Advocacy Moves Forward









>Looking into residential summer camps for 2003 for our daughter, 13, with

>PDD-NOS and mild mental retardation. We would like to hear from parents


>have sent their children to residential camps for autistic kids in

>Pennsylvania, NY, land and Virginia. elmiller@...

> ******

>Is risperdal suitable for children with autism? As in case of adults at

>least their brains are already formed, but children's brains are growing,

>giving such drugs can cause harm to them later on, my son is not


>only he is hyperactive, he speaks only a few words, I am from Goa, India, I

>came to U.S for my sons treatment. But the doctors here are telling me to

>try him on resperidal. I tried for some days, but I did not find any

>improvement, and I don't feel like taking risk. Please let me know your

>suggestions and advice kalpana lobo lobonanc@... (mother)

> ******

>Burley D'Lite jogger/bike trailer, $275 (new is $400), Sacramento, CA area


> ******

>Can anyone suggest outstanding programs for high-functioning autistic

>children near enough to Manhattan for a daily parental commute? The child


>now six and lives in Manhattan. Parents would like to move to a community

>with great services and a possibility of a yard and a friendly town. New

>Jersey, N.Y., or Connecticut would be fine. Nana lkthib@...

> ******

>A PA special ed teacher or someone eligible for an emergency certificate in

>PA is urgently needed to fill a position at West Mont Christian Academy in

>Pottstown, PA. We have a school district willing to do a non-traditional

>placement for 10 yr. boy who will have 1:1 teacher with reverse inclusion

>and some mainstreaming. If anyone knows of someone who could meet the

>requirements please e-mail Lori at silfee@... for more info.

> ******

>I have an entire set of Greenspans tapes that I have not even been opened.

>They come with a manual and 13 tapes of HOURS of taped therapy of young

>autistic children using Dr. Greenspan's techniques. For Sale -- bought for

>335.00 will sell for 250.00 NEW! slangs6536@...

> ******

>If you've signed the " Stop Frist " petition and would like to include your

>child's picture in a collage that will be added to the petition, please

>either e-mail it to me privately with a quick message saying you don't mind

>if we use this picture or snail mail it to me with the same message and a

>signature to:

>JoAnne Pike, 2530 N. Hwy. 41A n, SC 29571 The top of the collage will


> ******

>Does anyone have suggestions on how to handle tantrums? What sort of

>reactions is recommended? Zach will be fine then start running yelling

>loudly and become disruptive, seemingly very upset, the reason for these

>tantrums have exhausted us, so we just need calming strategies .


>is 8 yo. mommom55@...

> ******

>Any information people have about autism-specific state legislation that


>successfully been passed during the past few years is sought. In Wisconsin

>we are beginning a push for a legislative inquiry into autism prevalence.

>Eventually we'll want to propose some related legislation. It would be

>helpful to have successful legislation from others as examples of what

>states are doing for people with autism and their families. Ideally it


>help to have the actual statute number reference so I could look up the


>text. It could be on anything. Medicaid, education, health care, family

>support, research, funding, etc. shattuck@... Shattuck

>Board Member, Autism Society of Wisconsin

> ******

>I am looking for possible scholarships/grants to return to college to earn

>special ed degree to teach. I have a daughter with autism and thought it

>might qualify me for special funds. Debi H. fightingautism@...

> ******

>We have just relocated to the Raleigh/Cary area of NC and would like to


>from parents in the area that have successfully navigated the Wake Co. IEP

>process. Especially, any parents who have managed to get their child

>included in a regular ed. with support. Our e-mail address is


> ******

>We have been interested in digestive enzymes for our son and have seen

> " Enzymaid " mentioned in several places but have not been able to find out

>what the ingredients are in this preparation. We are aware that there are

>both plant- as well as animal-based digestive enzymes. Has anyone used

>Enzymaid or can anyone tell us what is in Enzymaid? Wajnowski




The Office Of Advocacy for Autistic Children


E. ,

Reg. Civil Rights Lobbyist

Calif., D.C. , Nv., Az., Wa., N.Y., Pa., Il

Lil Mikey's Daddy


" We Speak for those who can not, we will fight relentlessly for the Civil

Rights of all Children....disabled or not .. Globally "


Contact Mike for free online advocacy here at this email address or

call if you need immediate assistance at 808-845-7841 in Honolulu at my

home office... You can also contact me through Kieth Peck, Attorney At Law,

where I will be operating from during legislative sessions here in hawaii at

808-537-4003 For informal help you can also call , our Chicago area rep

at 217-586-7504, for free phone advocacy. In person professional advocacy

available on a case by case basis.

" Peace to the Children "



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