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Re: Digest Number 796

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Hi ! Geoff Crenshaw here.

> Message: 1

> Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 22:09:13 -0500

> From: Trickey <jrtrick@...>

> Subject: Re: Re: Illness, Financial Hardship & Marriage


> Dear Geoff,

> While I agree with what you told Steve, and am sure you're right


> society, I am disturbed by you're words, " it is in the end, all you

have. " If

Perhaps I failed to make clear, my point which is...

" Love " is, in the end, all you have.


> that were true then I have lost all I have, and I don't believe that.

I have

> me, and the Lord. Fortunately I also have my family, but some here do

not. I

you reiterated the very point. Even without your family you have our

Lord. You have yourself. You have love, which translates to hope.

> have enough to deal with without having to take someones neglect and

> cold-heartedness. When he had heart surgery I didn't expect him to be

> concerned about how I was handling all the adjustments we had to make.


Unfortunately, for some people neglect and cold-heartedness are their

way of coping; Just like for some people their way of coping is to lash

out at those they love, while for others it may be to run away. I am not

condoning these coping mechanisms, but there are two sides to every

coin. For instance,

stubbornness (and) tenacity

cold-heartedness (and) logic

neglect (and) what?

> simply did whatever I could to help. I wasn't concerned with how it


> our livelihood, where we lived, how we lived, and all these things


> impacted. I don't feel even now that he's gone that I'm the one who's


> here. He had someone who loved him and lost it. I didn't lose anything

But that is the point of the next part of my post... many women are able

and willing to adjust to such issues while men by and large have an

inordinately difficult time with it (providing they are not the product

or progenitors of the opposite social issues of slothfulness, usury,

etc.) But it's not about you. Even more important, it's not about a

female, a wife - it's about Steve, a married man and the struggles his

changing lifestyle are presenting to himself and his beloved wife.

Those issues, though perhaps the same for both sexes, are faced and

perceived in an entirely different manner by males than by females...

and of course males (and females) may well project their own feelings of

insecurity and failure upon those they love as well.

Why is it, one might ask, that so many marriages in the US fail when the

wife makes more money than the husband? Should they not be joyful and

celebrate their good fortune at the increase of their household? But no,

instead there is that ego thing (on both their parts) that says he must

bring home more money than her, and the " power struggle " evident even at

the fall of who will lead. It is a complex and telling issue indeed, one

of the many trials of marriage - like children, job loss, sickness,

death, etc.

> because I never had it, I just thought I did. My point is that no


> what happens or someone does to you, you're never really alone. My

hope is

I would accept that except... some are quite alone, as you know. Some

have willingly turned their back on the very source of love itself and

instead they look to themselves, to some " inner strength " or self-made

" love " . And they grow cold inside. But that is another issue entirely.

> in the Lord and I believe he will provide. I also know that you, of


> people, know that. Also want you to know I'm praising the Lord for

the end

> of your story about your Father-in-law. Looking forward to meeting all

> someday. Much love to you and your family... T.

Thank you. Yes, I do know that. But I also know that there are those who

choose a different path, who turn away from the call, from the knocking

on the heart and the door to the conscience. You have hope. I have hope.

But not all have hope, would that they change their minds so none should

be lost.


Geoff Crenshaw, ACC -----------------------

Captain Cook's Cruise Center ** Usual Disclaimers **


Why do I have hope?

Because I am under the blood of the Passover Lamb.

EXO 12:7-3 / MAR 14:24 / REV 12:11

ICQ 60333388

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  • 6 months later...

In a message dated 11/15/00 5:44:16 AM Eastern Standard Time,

egroups writes:

<< Dianne, headaches are a major side effect of this drug. I experienced

them and the doctor and pharmacist immediately knew that it was from the

indocin.........sorry!! The drug works wonders on back pain...but I

couldn't handle the head......



Jayne: Wow..I did not know that about Indocin & headaches. I have been on

it since July (350mg a day) and just in the past couple weeks have been

having horrible headaches - something that I have never had before.

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  • 5 months later...
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seems to some of us, you answered 27 times.




> From: Secrets <secrets48@...>

> dwarfism

> Subject: Re: Digest Number 796

> Date: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 3:16 PM


> 'dwarfism ' wrote:

> ====

> -

> - Looking to unsubscribe? Don't e-mail the list! Just send a blank e-mail

to d ...'



> > Take a look to the attachment.






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  • 9 months later...

In a message dated 2/10/02 5:17:17 AM Central Standard Time,


> I hope that all is well with each of you and your children. Would anyone

> happen to know the ASL sign for scooter (not the motorized kind, but the

> one

> that the kids use)???


> Many thanks,

> am

> Dhahran, Saudi Arabia





I don't know of a ASL but skateboard is left palm up and index finger on

edge of palm w/ middle finger acting like leg kicking the ground. IT would

work for scooter too.

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  • 9 months later...

I agree - St 's Medical School has started to accept medical

students on a shortened course with an intake of graduates from all

sorts of backgrounds. Interestingly they spend a day a week on

interpersonal and communication skills. Obviously we do not at this

point know the outcome of this experiment but it is a brave person who

recognises that adult learning offers many facets in learning and maybe

future doctors who can listen and communicate very well with patients

might be a real bonus in terms of patient self empowerment.

In message <1038831048.248.96014.m12 >, SENATE-

HVSN writes


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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

Hi all! Well, my daughter Nadia (15 months) is going to see Dr. Santora next week and likely be casted. Has anyone worked with him? Were you comfortable with his experience- I understand he is filling in while Dr. D'Astous is on medical leave. He was extremely nice on the phone. He was so kind to answer my questions, but there is one that confused me. I asked him how he determines what the rotation is (because if it is significantly improved he may not cast). He said he does that by looking at the RVAD. Could anyone explain that to me? I thought it had to do with something else. Thanks. And wish us luck! Oh, and if there is anything you recommend we bring to SLC, would you please let me know? Thanks so much. Abigail infantile scoliosis treatment wrote:

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  • 2 weeks later...


good luck this week in slc. please send us an update when you get the




> There are 6 messages in this issue.


> Topics in this digest:


> 1. Re: Cheerio milestone

> From: " Gail M. Kimball "

> 2. Re: Kylie &

> From: " heather hyatt "

> 3. Re: Jen & Tess

> From: " heather hyatt "

> 4. Re: Challenge time!, 12/5/2005, 12:00 am

> From: Shellie Grant

> 5. Re: Powders- V.

> From: Viveiros

> 6. Re: Challenge time!, 12/5/2005, 12:00 am

> From: Viveiros



> ---------------------------------

> Personals

> Skip the bars and set-ups and start using Personals for free


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  • 2 months later...
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Hotep ,

Sorry that Life got in the way for awhile and I was absent for so long. I

will need to check out the title and see what has changed in the last nine

months to a year I've been away. Thanks for the reference.

In a message dated 03/08/2006 3:23:32 AM Eastern Standard Time,


It is delightful to see your good words again. Our new college textbook on

Nutrition has a section in each chapter called 'The Chemists Viewpoint' and it

quite thoroughly and technically explains the particular and highly beneficial

nutrients that are released from plant based foods via the heating,

fermenting, and culturing processes. The professor invariably mentions the

importance of

maintaining a well balanced diet and stresses the need to educate ourselves

and our children in order to make the informed balanced choices needed to

maintain a healthy lifestyle. Aho,

Until Later,

Floating DarkMoon, the Organic Soul Woman

Hut Sut Ra

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