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Time sensitive Info--North Carolina Medicaid Waiver Recipients!

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Subject: Attn: Time sensitive Info--North Carolina Medicaid Waiver


> Hello,

> If you live in North Carolina and are a recipient of CAP/medicaid waiver

> services, your services are in serious jeopardy.

> There are 4 meetings scheduled throughout the state to preview the


> changes. These meetings are hopefully going to dispel some rumors and


> into the fore front the need for better services. There are many changes

> that I, myself see as bad. They are proposing that supported living


> be ceased. (This is the service that most families use to get


> for their tutors/therapists) The replacement services would not allow ANY


> the services to be provided in the child's home. This would make ABA


> hard when not ONE minute can be performed in the child's home. Other

> services that may have been an option to use for tutor reimbursement have


> reimbursement rate for provider agencies that would only allow the tutor


> make minimum wage! This is totally unacceptable and would not be a good

> change for most families. Again, these are proposals, but I fear that they

> are already chosen as " the " changes that will take place and that they are

> simply " feeling us out " to see what sort of ruckus we will make when our

> children loose valuable, neccessary services.


> The first meeting is in Raleigh on Monday, April 8th 7-9 pm. (Sorry--just

> got the time and place on that one.)


> 2nd Meeting---town (Near Winston Salem, High Point, Greensboro)


> April 9th 7-9.


> 3rd Meeting---Tarboro, Thursday April 11th 7-9


> 4th Meeting---Asheville, Monday, April 15th 7-9


> Please email me for any other information...I have directions to each that


> can email you. Also, would be glad to send you any information that has


> forwarded to me from case managers, and other officials that see things


> OUR prospective. I will also be give anyone a follow up to our meeting

> tommorrow night...Just email me privately so we don't clog up the list.


> I am very concerned and hope that other parents will also see that this is


> serious concern for their children too.

> LHenkel@...


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