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IQ testing

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On Mon, 25 Nov 2002 at 16:42:12 -0800 (PST)

Libby Majewski <libbymajewski@...> wrote:

I am in need of suggestions for having kids w/ ASD tested for IQ. <SNIPPED>

I have this comment saved from another list:

" If your child's label of mild mr really bothers you, maybe you could ask if

they gave him the appropriate IQ test? He may speak, but does he really have

enough language to adequately take an IQ test? If not, and I'm just a mom

without any professional experience, maybe, if you are concerned about the

IQ score, you could have him take the Leiter-R. It's used a lot for

non-verbal children with autism.

Maureen in Tennessee "

Obviously, you are not fighting a diagnosis of MR, but the suggestion



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  • 5 years later...

There are online iq tests if that is such an issue. Personally I'd go

with the teacher who sees him more but you see him most and know


Re: AP, a few of the apraxia moms who went to NACD discovered AP

problems for the first time. You may want to see how their kids were



> Can anyone suggest to me a good iq test for my child (7) who is

> language impaired. He is in a typical 2nd grade class and is doing

> well. The speech therapist seems to think he is still struggling


> much with language processing and is suggesting iq evaluation. His

> teacher tells me that although its something we need to work on, he


> doing very well. He is well behaved, bright, has lots of friends,


> etc. She didn't see the need for testing and pretty much told me


> he is a normal kid who has some issues with language. So I don't


> I'll do testing with the school psychologist but I do think I may


> him evaluated privately. Also, how about testing for auditory

> processing? Who does that an audiologist? Any input is so greatly

> apprciated. Thanks.




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An IQ is relevent for SLI to help with the SLI score. If the student has a

discrepency, than more services could be needed. However if he is doing well

now, it doesn't mean that he will continue this throughout years to come. My

suggestion is having a full evaluation which includes an IQ and academic

achievement (Woodcock 3).

What is he struggling with? lack of info. More would be awesome. Have a

great holiday!!!!

<superj777@...> wrote:

Can anyone suggest to me a good iq test for my child (7) who is

language impaired. He is in a typical 2nd grade class and is doing

well. The speech therapist seems to think he is still struggling too

much with language processing and is suggesting iq evaluation. His

teacher tells me that although its something we need to work on, he is

doing very well. He is well behaved, bright, has lots of friends, etc.

etc. She didn't see the need for testing and pretty much told me that

he is a normal kid who has some issues with language. So I don't think

I'll do testing with the school psychologist but I do think I may have

him evaluated privately. Also, how about testing for auditory

processing? Who does that an audiologist? Any input is so greatly

apprciated. Thanks.


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-my school district is required to do IQ testing every 3 years. I do

not know the names of the testing they did-the Neurologist knows them

well. Maybe thats someone to ask?? she did score lower because of the

Apraxia and not being able to " answer " but every specialist in the

school did testing along with a BIG pack of questions sent home for me

to answer about how she gets along in home environment. They are not

doing it to the same extent this year- but they are doing more testing

this year. Talk to the school psychologist- I bet they could help you

with your concerns.

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