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Starseed Self-Activation Process

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Starseed Self-Activation ProcessFor those who know they are starseeds, this is a ONE TIME ONLYactivation process. For those who are not sure, this processwill allow them to activate themselves. Atthis time, a lot of starseeds are not activated. Their energies arenecessary to help anchor love and light toMother Earth.This is a 12-minute process:1.Sit down, close your eyes, and start a series ofthree inhalations and exhalations. Inhale Lightthrough the top of your head and down into yourbody. Exhale all of the stress and worries youhave, down through your feet and on down tothe earth for about one minute.2.Place your left hand, palm up, on your left thigh.Your right hand should touch the area one ortwo inches below your navel. (This is an energy vortex.)3.Ask the Earth Angels to come to activate thisvortex center for you. Stay in this area for aboutfour minutes.4.Move your right hand up one or two inchesabove the navel (another energy vortex) and askthe Earth Angels to activate that area for you.Keep your hand there for about five minutes.5.Now place a hand, palm up, on each thigh andask the Earth Angels to send a confirmation thatyou have been activated. Wait about two minutes to receive it.Now that you have been activated, you are ready to activelyparticipate with the rest of the starseeds in doing rituals andin clearing and balancing your chakra systems. You are asked tostay attuned to learn other ways to help Mother Earth and thepopulation, before the earth changes occur.

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