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Re: Digest Number 897

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In a message dated 5/8/00 6:16:03 PM Central Daylight Time,

egroups writes:

<< I can't imagine a biological effect either pro or con with 1/4

tsp/day. 1/4 teaspoon is .3 grams. The recommended dosage is between

10-30 grams/day. If improvement is noted at such a small dosage, then

I would have to conclude that it is by other means than glutathione

production. >>

, you may have come on the list just after some of us started the IP.

My first dose was ONE LEVEL TSP and within an hour I had more energy and

it lasted ALL DAY. IT was not the placebo effect. Carol has had noticeable

detoxing on 1/4 tsp. This is potent stuff. Since you have the stuff, just try

microdosing. Remember, Cheney's study with whey is to see if it kills HHV6

and mycoplasma, so even if you are allergic, it MAY do you some good to take

whatever dose you can tolerate.


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Needs sell it:


official site at:


Regards, .

Re: Digest Number 897

> Can someone give me a website so I can get the ImmunoPro? Can't seem to


> it via search engines. :o


> Jennie


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Bids starting at $7 for thousands of products - uBid.com

> 1/3027/4/_/531724/_/957978686/

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.



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Hi, M. Louis,


[Jery]>> The level given - 0.1 mg/Kg/day - while very low is not what is


>>homeopathic (homeopathic would be still 1000X below that yet).

[M. Louis]>The dose would still be considered homeopathic. If you read

>up on the arsenic content of a 3x or a 6x you will see what I mean.

If you say so, I will bow to your expertise.

I was working from the " sparingly soluble " description - usually means 1-10

g/L = 1-10mg/mL. For a normal person (50-70kg), the 0.1 mg/kg dose would

mean 5-7 mg, or about 1 mL of a saturated solution - a fairly normal dose.

I had assumed that homeopathic solutions had to be diluted below that at

least 2X, a hundred-fold each (as I understand the process).

Other arsenic compounds (e.g. arsenates) are more soluble, so homeopathic

dilutions of them would have higher As concentrations.

Louis, do you know what arsenic compound is used in making Arsenicum?



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  • 8 months later...

please do not send again.

Re: " Colloidal Silver "


> Jack

> regarding your disc, knee cartilage and arthritis problems: PROLOTHERAPY

> treatments will almost always do very wonderful things for these

> problems. I know from my own experience and others who have been

> successfully treated. There is probably a practitioner in Vegas. I will

> ask Doc Pomeroy here in Phoenix when I see him on Wednesday.


> Prolotherapy is quick, almost painless and reasonably priced. See the

> internet for more info and the glowing endorsement by C Everret Koop.


> Corny


> On Mon, 22 Jan 2001 12:02:00 EST TunnelRat8@... writes:

> > There is lady in Las Vegas, running an ozone sauna setup. You should

> > look her

> > up, because the treatment would help with your problem. Her name is

> >

> > and her number is 702-795-1844 Best of Health! Dr. Saul

> > Pressman, DCh

> >

> > Dear Dr. Pressman:

> >

> > I am already enrolled in HBOT treatments and have completed

> > my 20th

> > dive at the UMC Clinic here in Las Vegas. I'm sitting here looking

> > at my

> > tiny bottle of " Colloidal Silver " and reviewing your e-mail and

> > unsure of

> > where I should go from here.

> >

> > I'm currently awaiting on the Hyperbaric Team at UMC to

> > notify my

> > insurance company to grant another 20 dives for me. I've already

> > contacted

> > my insurance company and it was them who notified me that UMC was

> > holding up

> > further treatments.

> >

> > Other complications that come to play are that at the end of

> > my

> > treatments, I developed another opening in my fistula which is

> > located

> > directly above my stoma. It was decided that it would be in my best

> > interest

> > to report to surgery last week (Esophogoscopy with multiple

> > biopsies). Once

> > my surgery had been completed, I was to notify them and they would

> > notify me

> > as to when I should return for my next 20 dives.

> >

> > Other complications I have in addition to the

> > osteoradionecrosis is:

> > peripheral neuropathy, trismus, G-tube dependent, herniated disc,

> > bilateral

> > knee severely torn ligaments, and arthritis. After completing my

> > 15th diver,

> > I no longer required the 3,200 Milligrams of Neurotin that I had

> > been

> > perscribed for my peripheral neuropathy as I believe that the HBOT

> > definitely

> > cured that problem.

> >

> > I have noticed a slight improvement in my osteoradionecrosis,

> > in that

> > I'm beginning to feel some tingling in my ear lobes, and there is a

> > slight

> > elasticity in the skin around my neck and cheeks now as opposed to

> > the

> > elephant-like skin that I started with.

> >

> > While I am prepared to remain in HBOT for as long as it

> > takes, I'm

> > convinced that it will take a minimum of 60 treatments or more to

> > greatly

> > improve the discomfort I'm living with now.

> >

> > It's unlikely that my herniated disc, arthritis or knees will

> > ever

> > rebound from their current disorder but all my concentration is

> > solely on my

> > osteoradionecrosis now. I currently am unable to swallow and find

> > my

> > cravings for food never go away.

> >

> > I'm just curious to learn if " Colloidal Silver " can be used

> > in

> > conjunction with HBOT and if so, how much do I consume. I know that

> > we

> > should all be consuming 8 glasses of water a day, or, about 1 quart

> > for each

> > 50 pounds which means I would be consuming a minimum of 3 quarts and

> >

> > sometimes more daily.

> >

> > I appreciate you expedient response and enjoy all the

> > information

> > that's tossed around out here.

> >

> > " ... if all my possessions were taken from me with one

> > exception, I

> > would choose to keep the power of communication, for by it I would

> > soon

> > regain all the rest. "

> >

> > Saepe Expertus, Semper Fidelis, Frates Aeterni,

> > " Often Tested; Always Faithful; Brothers Forever "

> >

> > Jack Henshaw - A Laryngectomee

> > In The Desert With Osteoradionecrosis

> > Las Vegas, Nevada

> > <A

> >

> HREF= " http://www.nvoalv.org/info/hyperbaric.html " >http://www.nvoalv.org/i

> nfo/hyperbaric.html</A>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Does anyone have a source for a " Wheel of Fortune " type of wheel we could use

as a tool for some of our teaching? My son doesn't have the fine motor

skills for just a piece of plastic on a piece of cardboard type of thing to

spin. I can think of all kinds of ways to use it! Carla Niemann

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  • 3 months later...

Dear Shaye, On another list I subscribe to, there is a master MPer who

answered the sweating question. She said she used the silica kitty litter

(the white crystal type) in a box in the oven (turned off!) and put the

soap on the rack above. The litter takes the moisture out of the air and

drys the soaps. When the litter gets saturated it can even be recharged by

baking it in the oven at 200 for an hour or so. Hope this helps. a

Backup list

I have a back up list set up for us now at coollist.com. There is no file

storage for pic's and such, but it has an archive for messages. I'm not

going to add anyone to the list yet... instead what I'm going to do is


an updated list of members on file on my computer incase we ever have to


a quick switch or something. has been pretty quiet about the


for services topic lately.. I have a feeling as we move into winter and

heavy email times we may see them bring that topic back up and start

charging for the service. I also have another back up bookmarked.... it


no archive features at all.... it's a good old fashion listserv.. those


get complicated with emailing commands for info on how to operate the list

for members. I want to keep anything we do as simple as possible, but it's

another back up at least. Smartgroups... stinks...digests ALWAYS come

through in a mess... Topica... doesn't work.. or works only when they want

it to work... I'm still waiting for messages to show up that I posted back

in May to a craft group there! Every now and then one will float through


the list is no longer in existence!

I've also got a site bookmarked where I can download a cgi script and run


mailing list off my website... no archive though, but this one wouldn't


any adds!!

So we should be set if gets money hungry. I for one am very tired of

the " Click to Message " thing just to read on a group.

Let me know what you think... is it worth the move early (no pic storage)


should we use it just as backup?


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Hi a, I have been doing that too but mabye it's not sealed well enuf.

Have to experiment a little more.

Thanks and nne also for your answers. I have noticed that

sometimes when I mix an opaque mp with a clear mp it dosnt sweat too. Hmm

kinda wierd.

Thanks Guys!!!


Re: Digest Number 897

Dear Shaye, On another list I subscribe to, there is a master MPer who

answered the sweating question. She said she used the silica kitty litter

(the white crystal type) in a box in the oven (turned off!) and put the

soap on the rack above. The litter takes the moisture out of the air and

drys the soaps. When the litter gets saturated it can even be recharged by

baking it in the oven at 200 for an hour or so. Hope this helps. a

Backup list

I have a back up list set up for us now at coollist.com. There is no file

storage for pic's and such, but it has an archive for messages. I'm not

going to add anyone to the list yet... instead what I'm going to do is


an updated list of members on file on my computer incase we ever have to


a quick switch or something. has been pretty quiet about the


for services topic lately.. I have a feeling as we move into winter and

heavy email times we may see them bring that topic back up and start

charging for the service. I also have another back up bookmarked.... it


no archive features at all.... it's a good old fashion listserv.. those


get complicated with emailing commands for info on how to operate the list

for members. I want to keep anything we do as simple as possible, but it's

another back up at least. Smartgroups... stinks...digests ALWAYS come

through in a mess... Topica... doesn't work.. or works only when they want

it to work... I'm still waiting for messages to show up that I posted back

in May to a craft group there! Every now and then one will float through


the list is no longer in existence!

I've also got a site bookmarked where I can download a cgi script and run


mailing list off my website... no archive though, but this one wouldn't


any adds!!

So we should be set if gets money hungry. I for one am very tired of

the " Click to Message " thing just to read on a group.

Let me know what you think... is it worth the move early (no pic storage)


should we use it just as backup?


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

There are 550 of us fighting lyme with electrification/rife here:


3. LYME, electrifying the brain and spinal column using pads, while taking anti-biotics to fight it in the rest of the body. It is a systemic infection that can be killed off by anti-biotics, except if the brain and spinal column were infected. If they are, AB's do not usually reach them due to blood-brain barrier. So simultaneously hitting the body with AB's and the brain, spinal column with godzilla, would make the most sense.We have no feedback yet on this rationale with Lyme. With HIV, we have good feedback and Hep-C, also.So, that's how these three look to us at this moment. bG


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I see the big magnetic pulser is there in the group's photos, along

with other things. If godzilla is used in the body and induced

current is also provided in such a way as to criss-cross the

direction, it could result in an amplifier effect. So, if you use

your chair back coil idea along with electrodes on top of head and

at balls of feet using godzilla at around .5-1.0mA (one milliamp,

max) you would theoretically have a fairly strong current running

head to toe, and with the pulser, it would be pushed temporarily

higher all through the body in a sort of giant wave. This should be

tried very slowly with godzilla at lowest settings possible, and

gradually increased to the levels I mentioned. Use at own risk.

i'm not a doctor, nor electrician or electronics engineer, just

guessing here.


> There are 550 of us fighting lyme with electrification/rife here:


> lyme-and-rife



> 3. LYME, electrifying the brain and spinal column using pads,


> taking anti-biotics to fight it in the rest of the body. It is a

> systemic infection that can be killed off by anti-biotics, except


> the brain and spinal column were infected. If they are, AB's do


> usually reach them due to blood-brain barrier. So simultaneously

> hitting the body with AB's and the brain, spinal column with

> godzilla, would make the most sense.


> We have no feedback yet on this rationale with Lyme.


> With HIV, we have good feedback and Hep-C, also.


> So, that's how these three look to us at this moment.


> bG


> <><

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Rife devices and mag pulsers always seem to get used on bodies that

are electrically rather neutral, instead of those having a pre-

existing current running in them. They run on people at rest,

counting on the Rife or mag device to do it all.

Godzilla can provide the dc current to make the body possibly a

better target for the magnetic and Rife frequency devices. A body

with electricity running in it may respond better than one without.

Not sure, but it's all there waiting to be tested.


> > There are 550 of us fighting lyme with electrification/rife here:

> >

> > lyme-and-rife

> >

> >

> > 3. LYME, electrifying the brain and spinal column using pads,

> while

> > taking anti-biotics to fight it in the rest of the body. It is


> > systemic infection that can be killed off by anti-biotics,


> if

> > the brain and spinal column were infected. If they are, AB's do

> not

> > usually reach them due to blood-brain barrier. So


> > hitting the body with AB's and the brain, spinal column with

> > godzilla, would make the most sense.

> >

> > We have no feedback yet on this rationale with Lyme.

> >

> > With HIV, we have good feedback and Hep-C, also.

> >

> > So, that's how these three look to us at this moment.

> >

> > bG

> >

> > <><

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  • 1 year later...

I wanted to know with all you coconut experts out there :) I would like to order

some whole coconuts, maybe five or 10 a month. I plan on eating them, lol.

I've been taking the oil but really desire a heavier coconut taste. Oh, I',m

taking tropical traditions and live coconut oil from livecoconut.com. I just

would like to use some fresh from the shell and grind a bit up myself and stick

it in my cereal etc. Can someone please, help me...I use the oil to but I would

like to purchase a few coconuts here and there and organic too, someone please

help...:0 I'm in Idaho, not too much coconuts here

<snipped excess digest stuff :-)>


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