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Re: Surgeon General's Report

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At 11:38 PM 7/28/02 -0400, you wrote:

Actually there is something better. It is from the National Academy of

Science. " I think it would be in your best interest to carefully read the

National Academies recommendations especially page 221. The report can be

read on line. The web site is http://www.nap.edu/catalog/10017.html This

a hint of what should be happening for ALL kids in Autism programs. " This

is one of the messages I sent to the school board lawyer here in

ville Florida. The other way to find pretty much all the info about

ABA including the Surgeon General Report is use the Google search engine

and put in the search: Autism early intervention If I remember correctly

you will find the most stuff that way. Best to you, lyn

>Does anyone know where I can get a copy of the Surgeon General's Report that

>states the Applied Behavior Analysis is medically necessary for children with

>Autism. Also does this report give any recommencations in terms of the

>number of hours of intervention is needed or recomended. Please email me off

>list my email is Curley9516@... Thanks alot.






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Hi -- I'm new here, so I'm not sure if it's common knowledge, but maybe

this will help, even if you're not in NY State.... The New York State

Department of Health puts out " The Clinical Practice Guideline for

Autism/Pervasive Developmental Disorders, " which was given to us by our

developmental pediatrician. If you read it, you'll see that it brings

up a lot of theories (greenspan, dietary intervention, music therapy),

but then pretty much strikes them down -- except ABA, which is one of

the few things it strongly endorses.

Appendix C reads in part, " Since intensive behavioral programs appear to

be effective in young children with autism, it is recommended that

principles of applied behavior analysis and behavioral intervention

strategies be included as an important element of any intervention


" It is recommended that intensive behavioral programs include a minimum

of 20 hours per week of direct instruction by the therapist. The precise

number of hours of behavioral intervention may vary depending on a

variety of child and family characteristics. Considerations include age,

severity of autistic symptoms, rate of progress, other health

considerations, tolerance of the child for the intervention, and family

participation. It is recommended that the number of hours be

periodically reviewed and revised when necessary. Monitoring of progress

may lead to a conclusion that hours need to be increased or decreased. "

There's a lot more. . . . You can get to the whole schmere at:



Jen, 32

DH Jay, 29

bio-boy Jake, 2.8 (we're also in the midst of adopting, so I put

" bio-boy " everywhere because I'm on so many adoption lists!)


> >Does anyone know where I can get a copy of the Surgeon General's

> Report that

> >states the Applied Behavior Analysis is medically necessary for

> children with

> >Autism. Also does this report give any recommencations in terms of

> the

> >number of hours of intervention is needed or recomended. Please

> email me off

> >list my email is Curley9516@... Thanks alot.

> >

> >Sharon

> >

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I love Saffron's site. :) You can access a link to both the

New York State Health Dept recommendations and the Surgeon Generals.


Specifically, The New York Guidelines


THe Surgeon General:



And decades of research:



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