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Re: Digest Number 1070

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In a message dated 3/6/00 3:27:17 AM Eastern Standard Time,

lyme-aidonelist writes:

<< Is this something that occurs only with IV ROcephin or something that


from another source? Never heard of this one...



No, this does not just happen with Rocephin. This is a bacteria in the

intestinal tract that can be triggered by anything that throws the yeast out

of whack. My dr. (and from what I have read) say that some people are more

suseptable (sp?) to this infection (in over-drive) than others. I was on

acidophalus (sp?) and yogurt, but it didn't help. I hope that this helps.

Your Lyme Friend,

in VA

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  • 4 months later...
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Message: 16

Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 19:16:40 EDT

From: mcamp10139@...

Subject: Marty

I for one would be very grateful to hear what your new doc is doing for


Glad you are back. One other thing. If it isn't too much trouble, could


post the exact script that Salvato wrote for the glut/atp shots? I have an

appointment with my doc soon and he may go along but doesn't know

how to write the script. As far as breakthroughs, After I started Ipro, my

activity level increased substantially and I played golf for the first time

in seven years. The blood thinning info on Ken's site may be new to you,

and may be something that will help with virtually no side effects.


Hi Mike,

The glut/atp is 100 mg of glutathione, 1 mg of ATP in 1 ml of solution. (I

also add .5 ml of lidocaine -some use procaine)

Dr. Salvato went open label about 3 years ago. Your Dr. can get the

medical info on how/why this works and the script info from Dr. Salvato's

office (have the nurse fax a request for information on your Dr's


My new Dr. is a Doctor of osteopathy and I see her colleague a PhD in

nutrition. They did Bio-Meridian testing and confirmed what other tests

had shown. I made the biggest jump in functionality through diet,

supplements and homeopathic remedies. (If anyone would have told me that

diet would make a difference when I first got sick, I would have gotten


Feel free to ask all the questions you want.

Marty Z.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 3 months later...

>> I just have a question for you that have been on Prednisone before.

>> I am SO

>> tired and twice as achy as I usually am. Could this be due to me

>> being

>> taken off of the Prednisone so abruptly? I know that usually

>> Prednisone is

>> tapered off of...I'm not exactly sure why that is done. Anyone have

>> this

>> before?


>> Thanks,


>> ~~



I am on and off prednisone a lot for my ulcerative colitis. I'm not sure

what dosage or how long you were taking it but yes, getting off of it can

cause weakness, tiredness and achiness (just to name a few). Even tapering

off can cause this so I'm sure stopping abruptly could do it also. The only

thing I've found helpful for the symptoms you mentioned is to cut down or

completely cut out sodium for the entire time on pred and once I start

tapering (or in your case the 1st day without it) to start taking an energy

supplement. Soaking in salty hot water helps the achiness also. Now if

only I could find something to help the moodiness :-)

I hope you are better and don¹t have to get back on the prednisone.


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  • 1 year later...



> Any recommendations on how to stimulate a 3 year old

> to increase eye contact during ABA and during normal

> interaction? We are working on this diligently and

> sometimes run out of creative ways to have him look at

> us.

If it hasn't been suggested, Gutstein's Solving the Relationship Puzzle

and his other books

of activities are very good for this kind of thing--he has a lot of ways to make

eye contact

motivating and fun.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Since 1999 I have been reporting on the use of 11,780,000 Hz for BX

( " carcinoma virus " ). Here is an update.

A number of people are experiencing tumor regression using 11,780,000 Hz and

11,430,000 Hz at about 5 minutes a day each every other day. Equipment is a

transmitter, antenna tuner, and either an antenna or helum phanotron tube.

The frequencies are swept up and down 1000 Hz. Brain tumor patients tell me

that they need to limit run times to 4 minutes due to swelling. There is

not much room in the skull for swelling. Still, they are reporting

excellent results.

Today a researcher tells me that she took 2128 Hz and multiplied it by 2

until reaching 8,716,288 Hz and this has resulted in much faster tumor

regression. Perhaps a more accurate number would be obtained by using

2127.5 as a starting point giving us 8714240.

Another possibility would be to take 21275 as a base for 9148250 Hz.

Another researcher told me this week that they took Dr. 's frequency

for candida and multiplied it by 8 (2X2X2). That produces 3,088,000 Hz. He

says it eradicates candida in 1-2 minutes.

He is also doing sweeps from 1.8 MHz to 3.6 MHz treating a whole room full

of people at the same time. He slowly sweeps up to 3.6 MHz taking 45

minutes. Then back down. If anyone feels anything, they stop at that

frequency for a minute or two. This covers harmonics of all the

frequencies and lower Rife frequencies, and sub-harmonics of all the higher

Rife frequencies. Results are very good.

Dick http://www.royalrife.com

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Thanks for this post, Dr. Loyd.

I am a community orchestra musician, and we rehearse every Thursday and

perform 3-5 times a year with about 30 people at each rehearsal and 55 at

each performance. All these instruments: percussion, brass, woodwind, and

strings playing togetether provide a great deal of sound power at more

frequencies (including harmonics which the instruments themselves are

designed to encourage) at the same time. It's unlike anything else I've

experienced - and I'm right in the middle of it. The audience members

experience some of this, but not nearly as much of the power that I feel

being surrounded by it. After the sound bounces off the ceiling, walls, and

floors a few times the energy gets dissipated significantly. There's never

a time that I feel more energized and revitalized than after a good

performance. Sometimes I am half sick and very tired, but go to rehersal

anyway. Afterwards I am amazed that I feel great, even though I've expended

a lot of energy and it is later and past my bedtime. As time goes on, I

feel it is due to much more than just the fact that I enjoy this hobby. I

think the vibrational energy of the sound at so many different frequencies

is beneficially influencing my body. Zapping is one way to get benefits of

vibrational energy, homeopathics seems to be another, and who knows how many

other ways will be discovered? There is definitely something going on with

the effect of frequencies on living organisms that not too many people know

about yet, and it's interesting to learn of the research still on-going.


>From: " Loyd, Ph.D. " <drloyd@...>


><Dr >

>Subject: Re: Digest Number 1070

>Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2003 07:21:36 -0800


>Since 1999 I have been reporting on the use of 11,780,000 Hz for BX

>( " carcinoma virus " ). Here is an update.


>A number of people are experiencing tumor regression using 11,780,000 Hz


>11,430,000 Hz at about 5 minutes a day each every other day. Equipment is


>transmitter, antenna tuner, and either an antenna or helum phanotron tube.

>The frequencies are swept up and down 1000 Hz. Brain tumor patients tell


>that they need to limit run times to 4 minutes due to swelling. There is

>not much room in the skull for swelling. Still, they are reporting

>excellent results.


>Today a researcher tells me that she took 2128 Hz and multiplied it by 2

>until reaching 8,716,288 Hz and this has resulted in much faster tumor

>regression. Perhaps a more accurate number would be obtained by using

>2127.5 as a starting point giving us 8714240.


>Another possibility would be to take 21275 as a base for 9148250 Hz.


>Another researcher told me this week that they took Dr. 's frequency

>for candida and multiplied it by 8 (2X2X2). That produces 3,088,000 Hz.


>says it eradicates candida in 1-2 minutes.


>He is also doing sweeps from 1.8 MHz to 3.6 MHz treating a whole room full

>of people at the same time. He slowly sweeps up to 3.6 MHz taking 45

>minutes. Then back down. If anyone feels anything, they stop at that

>frequency for a minute or two. This covers harmonics of all the

>frequencies and lower Rife frequencies, and sub-harmonics of all the higher

>Rife frequencies. Results are very good.



>Dick http://www.royalrife.com




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  • 3 weeks later...

what do I need to produce 3,088,000 Hz, I have no equipment and would like to

know where and what I need to purchase.

Thank you, Ken

Re: Digest Number 1070

Since 1999 I have been reporting on the use of 11,780,000 Hz for BX

( " carcinoma virus " ). Here is an update.

A number of people are experiencing tumor regression using 11,780,000 Hz and

11,430,000 Hz at about 5 minutes a day each every other day. Equipment is a

transmitter, antenna tuner, and either an antenna or helum phanotron tube.

The frequencies are swept up and down 1000 Hz. Brain tumor patients tell me

that they need to limit run times to 4 minutes due to swelling. There is

not much room in the skull for swelling. Still, they are reporting

excellent results.

Today a researcher tells me that she took 2128 Hz and multiplied it by 2

until reaching 8,716,288 Hz and this has resulted in much faster tumor

regression. Perhaps a more accurate number would be obtained by using

2127.5 as a starting point giving us 8714240.

Another possibility would be to take 21275 as a base for 9148250 Hz.

Another researcher told me this week that they took Dr. 's frequency

for candida and multiplied it by 8 (2X2X2). That produces 3,088,000 Hz. He

says it eradicates candida in 1-2 minutes.

He is also doing sweeps from 1.8 MHz to 3.6 MHz treating a whole room full

of people at the same time. He slowly sweeps up to 3.6 MHz taking 45

minutes. Then back down. If anyone feels anything, they stop at that

frequency for a minute or two. This covers harmonics of all the

frequencies and lower Rife frequencies, and sub-harmonics of all the higher

Rife frequencies. Results are very good.

Dick http://www.royalrife.com

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  • 6 months later...
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In a message dated 8/6/2003 2:00:04 AM Mountain Daylight Time,


> 2.0 ounces of Distilled Witch Hazel

is this the same Witch Hazel you get at the Pharmacy?


Moonlight Bath & Body â„¢

" Bathe Yourself with Moonlight "

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I know everclear and Pure grain alcohol is available in the state of


Ask me how I know? Just kidding......I brought some back while on vacation


my daughter in Nashville.


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I'm assuming it's the same if it's Dickinson's Distilled Brand

grohloff@... wrote:In a message dated 8/6/2003 2:00:04 AM Mountain Daylight



> 2.0 ounces of Distilled Witch Hazel

is this the same Witch Hazel you get at the Pharmacy?


Moonlight Bath & Body â„¢

" Bathe Yourself with Moonlight "

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  • 2 years later...

Hello to Billie and in Texas from a fellow Texan that now lives in Florida. I too, know about the hurricanes. After our 4 last year, we keep a close watch on the weather. We won't be one of the ones that refuses to leave if we're told to evacuate. Digest Number 1070

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