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I am looking for computer software for my son who is

autistic. He is just learning to use the mouse. The

only program I found that you don't have to click the

mouse to make things happen is Reader Rabbit Toddler.

We want him to master 3 programs before moving to the

next step, which would be clicking the mouse

purposefully. Does anyone know of any other good

programs where you do not have to click? He loves

puzzles and matching and it would be great to build on

these skills.


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  • 4 years later...
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I like ABA because I believe it makes things simpler and easier and

more open and honest for a " greater " understanding of more.

Period. Where things don't do that... well, they're not especially

helpful (of being " gifting " ) now are they.. .;=) In that regard, I

would encourage software developers for early and special-needs

learners to answer to that. Easier said than done, no doubt, and

what if it's " everything " we're trying to explain... (?!.) I think

what you're doing with your child right now is fine, (good enough

for now!) actually.

A touch screen would be a reasonable option (key in " KeyTec " into a

search engine for more on that) and so would a " switch, " (I've

heard...) what the people at AES of the D. T. Trainer can help you

with if you would just ask them (for free!) I'm sure. They won't

bite, that I have gathered. They're there to help! (a bunch of

them, they are) at www.dttrainer.com. I really haven't seen

anything else that compares to the DTTrainer in software value.

Nothing, really! .. .

I wish someone would develop musically-based software for teaching

echoics (word foundations) actually, " meaningful " echoics, if

someone could help us out with that.. . (?)

I hope that helps, " all " of us.. .



ABA for Understanding .

Conditioning " for " Communication. Now " that's " different! .. .;=)

(Speak up, folks? .. .)(We're here to help, of that/this.. .;=)


> My daughter is 3.5 and is diagnosed PDD-NOS. She has some words


> it using more, actually responding well to sign language. We are

> encouraging that and have the entire " Signing Time " series.


> She is just starting wraparound. She is doing okay - working at


> table in her second week.



> I have looked at various software for DTT and vocabulary. She is

> not able to use a computer mouse on her own. For a demo of DT

> Trainer I usually sit her on my lap - have her point to her choice

> and I click. She is able to do this for questions like " Where is

> the ball? " . She doesn't seem to understand the " Match "


> I am considering purchasing more software and wonder if a child's

> computer mouse or even a a touch screen would be a worthwhile

> investment. She does okay with short turns on the computer, but

> needs helps and sometimes the software doesn't give her enough

> processing time.


> Is she too young to be doing this?


> Any thoughts on products - I have looked at Laureate and others -

> would be interested in comparisons. Anyone try the GeoSafari


> TALK. Trying to figure out programs that would be helpful to help

> continue building her vocabulary and to help her develop skills


> knowlege of opposites, " W " questions, etc.


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