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Hello to All,

My name is lyn Popp RN., BSN. ACRN. While I am unsure about the

technical requirements of BCABA, or the provisional BCABA requirements, ONE

thing I am quite sure about as far as Bob is concerned is that he most

likely has the MOST experience of ANY behavior person here in Northeast

Florida with Verbal Behavior who can and will be seeing kids on a REGULAR

basis and that far outweighs ANY degree(s) or educational hours as far as

whom I would want to have working with my child. List members need to look

at a person's professional areas of experience more importantly than the

time they spent working on a degree. To make the analogy very clear, ASK

your self this question if you had to make a decision regarding health care

for example: If I found out today I had a Brain Tumor, would I chose a

doctor who had been doing Brain Surgery for years and years or would I

chose a doctor who may appear to be more educated but without the surgical

experience??? I know the value of experience and to me a degree only gets

you in the door. It doesn't always make for an effective therapist, nurse,

doctor or consultant. And by the way I am pretty sure Bob has been doing

this so long that he could easily discuss the history of the all the

changes the The Behavior Analyst Certification Board, Inc.® (BACB®) BACB

have made back and forth on the requirements of BCBA, BCABA, and CABA over

the last ten years or so about what makes a person suitable to treat

behavior. This field (Behaviorist) is still pretty new (in comparison to

Nursing) and most requirements of becoming Board Certified Nationally are

as we speak still evolving. ( Look at the number of times the word " NEW " is

mentioned on the BACB website) I urge list members to look at years of

experience of the professional and their specific areas of Focus/Expertise

ie..(Verbal Behavior, Strict Discrete Trials and or Production (corporate)

related behavior just to name a few) before they get hung up over the Board

requirements. Wishing the Best for Everyone!!! lyn Popp (mother to

and )


Was the BCBA written after Bob 's name a typo because the BACB

website at www.bacb.com has him listed as a PROVISIONAL BCABA which

is a lot different than a BCBA. I just wanted to clarify because I am

sure he would not want himself misrepresented. I hope that list

members realize they can check the creditials of their behavior

analyst at the above website as well as get the details of the

differences between the BCBA and BCABA. Basically a BCBA must have a

master's degree and an 180 hours of class whereas the BCABA has to

have a bachelor's degree and 90 hours of class. Provisional means

that you still have some requirements to meet before you can take the

exam for either the BCBA or the BCABA. Just FYI!

Have a good day!



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