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Re: sixth sense

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I to think what others might be sharing is that some of us on spectrum

appear to have an over active intuitive sense that can be to have deep

insight to another, for me it to be much more so with special needs or

people with challenges. I to be to share things of others to them that often

appear to make them wonder how I to be to know this hidden things of them, I

to not be to know how my brain to do this but it does. Yet in the real of

life cannot be to read or get this from facial expressions or body language

it is something more profound and I to not be to have answers for it. I to

know many who to know me in the real have told me the things I to share from

my insight to the children's is beyond their ability to understand or know

of them but so true of them. The little girl i to be to work for tells me

her daughter to never connect to anyone at the levels she to connect to me,

and I to her. We both are HFA. This little girl is so much like me as a

child in many ways. With all my jobs I to be to able to get the children to

make so much gains that others to lack in doing because of this insight to

them. I to be to understand them and like one to say I to know their

thinking and how they to think and play. I to often think in analytical ways

and express self in my own created metaphors due to this. I to know a few

others with autism who to be much like this too. I to be to see at a

conference a book called the sixth sense in regards to autism and to be to

wonder if this book is a new book to describe this. The ones I to know that

are to be like me in this are females with ASD and have not yet met a male

who is on spectrum who is like this yet. Does not mean they to not exist but

just have not heard of one to express this in them yet.


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This is interesting. My husband told me that he remembered once reading that

the next time man-kind evolved it would lose the ability to speak and

everything would be done mentally. I know many parents get the sense that

their kids are " higher beings " in some way. (Most adults can't do some of

the things that my 5 year old can do.)


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Abby had Cloral Hydrate, didnt make a dent in her, they gave her valume for

her last one, that also didnt knock her out, not even drowsy. LOL Hope all

goes well !


Abby's Mom

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Abby's EEG just showed the " normal " abnormal waves that go along with

autism,nothing exciting. Still didnt give us any answers as to why she had

the seizure.


Abby's Mom

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, I have heard several moms say that their EEG's showed slightly

abnormal waves. Abby's neurologist showed me a graph of brainwaves and

differant disorder waves. Autism does have differant waves, Abby's showed

just slight abnormalness. (is that a word?) LOl


Abby's Mom

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Sondra, thank you for sharing this! I truly believe Sky has these

qualities & it's nice to hear someone put it in words since she



> I to think what others might be sharing is that some of us on


> appear to have an over active intuitive sense that can be to have


> insight to another, for me it to be much more so with special needs


> people with challenges. I to be to share things of others to them

that often

> appear to make them wonder how I to be to know this hidden things

of them, I

> to not be to know how my brain to do this but it does. Yet in the

real of

> life cannot be to read or get this from facial expressions or body


> it is something more profound and I to not be to have answers for

it. I to

> know many who to know me in the real have told me the things I to

share from

> my insight to the children's is beyond their ability to understand

or know

> of them but so true of them. The little girl i to be to work for

tells me

> her daughter to never connect to anyone at the levels she to

connect to me,

> and I to her. We both are HFA. This little girl is so much like me

as a

> child in many ways. With all my jobs I to be to able to get the

children to

> make so much gains that others to lack in doing because of this

insight to

> them. I to be to understand them and like one to say I to know their

> thinking and how they to think and play. I to often think in

analytical ways

> and express self in my own created metaphors due to this. I to know

a few

> others with autism who to be much like this too. I to be to see at a

> conference a book called the sixth sense in regards to autism and

to be to

> wonder if this book is a new book to describe this. The ones I to

know that

> are to be like me in this are females with ASD and have not yet met

a male

> who is on spectrum who is like this yet. Does not mean they to not

exist but

> just have not heard of one to express this in them yet.

> Sondra

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She sounds just like mine. Olivia is 2 and a half, doesn't speak, isn't

walking, won't point. Shall I go on? Her sensory issues are only with

her mouth, hands and feet. She has only just begun to move around

holding onto furniture where as before putting her feet down was a HUGE

issue. She never crawled but " scootched " around on her butt. She also

doesn't initiate play and again loves when her sister takes an interest

in her. I feel like we could concentrate more on dealing with these

issues if we could get her gut issues under control. She's always in

such pain, it breaks my heart. Anyway, was wondering how much of this

relates to your daughter and if you do supplements or anything.



Olivia's mom

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, first thing I was told was to say " look at me " ANY time Allie

wanted ANYTHING. When she was thirsty she would bring me the cup. I

would say look at me and if she didn't look within a sec or 2 I

gently held her face until we met w/ eye contact. After she began

looking I would make her look longer periods. Also, with juice

example, when she looked at me I would say " juice " and hold the cup

in front of her. Then, after filling, I would hold out juice cup and

say " look at me " again, making her look before I gave her the cup. I

would also say " juice " again when giving it to her. Lots of times,

when they are so used to hearing the same simple word over and over

with the same action, they will say the word out of habit of hearing

it. It's quite funny when they first begin, almost as if they didn't

even realize they could say it themselves.

What kind of therapies are you doing? Do you have PECS? That's also

very good at helping speech begin.



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