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I did AIT with my son approx 7 years ago and we did not notice any difference in

behavior or academic focus at all although I have friends who swore it did great

for their children but the effects didn't last (only approx 6 mos) and they

couldn't afford to keep doing it...maybe someone else has more updated

info..ours was the standard 1 hour/day 5 day intensive treatment at $1500...

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  • 5 months later...

Our son did AIT ... and I have never heard of this.


> Hi,

> Anyone with knowledge of AIT...I have a question...

> I was told that after going through AIT, a child CANNOT listen to

> headphones for a year. Is this true?

> I am concerned because after the time and expense, I found out that

> Alan listens to headphones in computer lab at school. It is only


> listeneing to reading and math directions...did it ruin him do you

> think?

> Gretchen

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We had Berard AIT by an SAIT certified provider and we were told to avoid

headphones. But...this was two years ago. Maybe things have changed. We're

doing The Listening Program now. I'll report on list if we see positive

changes. Right now just learning to tolerate headphones is an issue.

Liane Gentry Skye



HREF= " http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1589610245/qid=1035899372/sr\

=1-95/ref=sr_1_95/103-0462897-9459854?v=glance " >Turn Around, Bright Eyes -

Snapshots from a Voyage Out of Autism's Silence</A>

<A HREF= " http://talkingwithpictures.com/ " >Talking With Pictures</A>

" nonverbal " does not have to mean " unable to communicate "

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We had AIT and were never told this.




Anyone with knowledge of AIT...I have a question...

I was told that after going through AIT, a child CANNOT listen to

headphones for a year. Is this true?

I am concerned because after the time and expense, I found out that

Alan listens to headphones in computer lab at school. It is only for

listeneing to reading and math directions...did it ruin him do you



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  • 5 months later...
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Im tutoring a 6 year old boy thats quite high functioning but not very

verbal. We have just finished the AIT with him. The first week we only did

on general settings as we werent able to do an audiogram on him. The second

day he said " look fredric, a truck! " to his brother on the way to school.

His mother almost drove into the ditch! That was the first thing we noticed.

He gradually became calmer, in the beginning he would fidget all the time

and we had to amuse him to get him to keep the headphones on for half an

hour. Towards the end he was sitting or laying on the chair just relaxing.

We also saw that he was much more relaxed outside the therapy-room and was

talking all the time. By talking I mean pointing out things like trucks and

cars and buses etc. The second week we kind of got some points on the

audiogram, so the therapist did settings that were more appropiate for him,

but we still couldnt get a proper audiogram. We're going to try again in six

months to see if we can get an audiogram and if we can, do it again. We

havent really seen any BIG changes so far, but its still early days.

We are in South Africa, so cant help you with the rest. Our lady was

brilliant, and she really believes it will make a difference with Niclas, so

I hope she's right. If you cant find anyone, I can ask her if she knows

where to find out?

Good luck!

Annsofi Blom


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