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REGGIE FORM: http://www.elija.org/NYSABAWHITEPLAINS.html

December 13, 2002

NYSABA, Inc. presents

Applying Behavior Analysis

One Day Work Shop Series

TIME: 8 AM- 4 PM

COST: ADVANCED Registration Fees

DUE by December 1, 2002

$50.00 NYSABA members

$25.00 non-professionals

$70.00 non-members

ON SITE - WALK IN Registration Fees

$60.00 NYSABA members

$35.00 non-professionals

$90.00 non-members

LOCATION:Crowne Plaza White Plains, New York


8:00 am-8:45 am REGISTRATION

8:45 am - 10:15 am Workshop Series 1

10:15 am - 11:45 am Workshop Series 2

12:00 pm -1:00 pm LUNCH

1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Workshop Series 3

2:30 pm - 4:00 pm Workshop Series 4

Workshop Series 1 Choices

Looking at Quality Services in Public Schools: It's All About the


D. Sales, Ed.D., B.C.B.A. Rye City Public Schools

O'Rourke, M.S. New Rochelle Public Schools

Crucial Elements: What to Look for in a Behavioral School.

Deb Meinberg, M.S., B.C.B.A. Trina Spencer, M.S., B.C.B.A. Hawthorne

Country Day School.

Functional Behavioral Assessment: The Letter and Spirit of IDEA


Sturmey, Ph.D. Queens College and the Graduate Center, CUNY

Including Siblings in a Home-based ABA program: Exploring and

Implementing Various Options

Celiberti, Ph.D., B.C.B.A. Private Practice

Workshop Series 2 Choices

Challenging Behaviors in Center-based School Programs

Carolyn , M.A., B.C.B.A. The Graduate School and University

Center (CUNY) and Accelerated Childhood Education, Inc. Felicia

Blumberg, M.S., Jeanine Soulet, M.S., AMAC

Parent Panel: What do Parents REALLY want Professionals to Know?

Dibra, Debora , ELIJA Eileen Krassner, Crossroads School

Social Skills Training and the Transition to Adulthood for Learners

with Autism

F. Gerhardt, Ed.D. NSSA/The C. Barell School

Teaching Manding Skills

Diane Taranto, Ph.D. and Tommy Gianoumis, M.A. CHIP, Inc.

Workshop Series 3 Choices

Home Programming and Early Intervention

Sharon A. Reeve, Ph.D., B.C.B.A. and L. Brown, M.A. Caldwell


" Back to Basics " on Shaping, Chaining, and Task Analysis Creation

Bobby Newman, Ph. D., B.C.B.A. AMAC/Room to Grow Vanetta La,


Promoting Speech, Language and Communication in Children with Autism:

Moving Beyond the Basics

Joanne Gerenser The Eden II / Genesis Programs

Play Scripts: How to Take Data on Incidental Teaching Procedures

Amy Eisenberg-Gewertz, M.A., TSHH Theracare

Workshop Series 4 Choices

Dealing with

Utilizing Fluency Strategies Across all Content Areas with Children

with Autism Zane, Ph.D. B.C.B.A. Helen Bloomer, M.S. B.C.B.A.

Lynch, CCC-SLP JoAnne Emerle, M.S. le Farina, P.T.

Crossroads School

From School to Real Life: Preparing Students with Autism for

Inclusive Educational, Vocational and Recreational Opportunities

Randy Horowitz, M.S.Ed., S.A.S, Sparacio, M.S.Ed, Joy Tramuta,

Gerianne Laurino The Eden II / Genesis Programs

Taking the Trial out of Discrete Trial Teaching

Dana Reinecke M.A., B.C.A.B.A. Room to Grow

Enhancing the Social and Leisure Skills of Adults with Autism and

Developmental Disabilities

Dina Nazario, M.S., TSHH Birch, Ms.Ed. Theracare

REGGIE FORM: http://www.elija.org/NYSABAWHITEPLAINS.html

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