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I hope I don't sound stupid here but.... what is neutropenia and what are

the symptoms? I have never heard of this. I am so glad things are going well

for you and I hope they stay that way. Walt goes in for his ct scan tuesday so

please everyone.....keep your fingers crossed that he has no reaction to the

anesthesia. Does anyone know what Sodium Hydrochloride is? He will be getting

that and Valium. I have no idea how this will affect his asthma. Thanks and

hope everyone is doing well!

Donna & Walt-IGA absent-asthma-8wk preemie(now 6)

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Someone else mention neutropenia once before. What is it? I've never heard of

this before, so I guess we don't have it.

Are Macey's sinuses, still good I hope. is on another antibiotic.

Cheryl mom to cvid, chronic sinusitis

Ursula Holleman wrote:



> Test email to the group. Ya'll are way too quiet.


> Macey's infusion went well. Blood pressure and heart rate were wonderful.


> A CBC w/diff showed that she is mildly neutropenic with an ANC of 1500 or

> so. We also found out that she had this in December so it seems to be a

> chronic thing. I've called Dr. Harville to see what he says. Anyone out

> there with a neutrophil problem or dealing with neutropenia?


> Hope everyone is well and doing good.


> Ursula Holleman

> Macey's mom (3 yr. old with CVID, asthma, GERD, anemia, sinus disease, grade

> I left kidney reflux, Sensory Integration Disorder)

> ICQ # 28592349

> www.icq.com


> PedPID email list archives

> www.netpage.org/PedPID/_archives/


> PedPID email list introductions

> www.netpage.org/PedPID/_archives/introductions.htm


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Ta Da! Come see our new web site!

> http://www.onelist.com

> Onelist: A free email community service

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> This forum is open to parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with a

Primary Immune Deficiency. Opinions or medical advice stated here are the sole

responsibility of the poster and should not be taken as professional advice.

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  • 2 months later...
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Actually, I keep forgetting to ask for the specific type. There always

seems to be 100 other things to ask. But looking at his results I think

it's IGg, but don't know which subclass. I'll try to remember to ask next time.

I did ask however when she planned on restesting his levels, and she said

that she wants to wait until he's been on IVIG for at least 2 years. Her

reason for this was that it takes 6 or so months to kick in & then you have

to be off for ??(can't remember 8 wks?) in order to get true results. So

she doen't want to chance going off until his body had a good amount of time

to jump start itself.

Tomarrow is IVIG day, pray for one stick! Also I expect the h-pylori retest


Wife to Tom, Mom to 6 yr Zach, ???(don't know the specific type) PID, GERD,

chronic sinusitis, IVIG,

At 12:30 PM 5/31/99 -0400, you wrote:



> - congrats on Zach's culture report. hopefully the bug is gone

>for good. Have you had a chance to ask the immuno about Zach's PID?


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In a message dated 99-06-07 20:39:27 EDT, you write:

<< bed. But before that, one more thought. I know that chlorine does not kill


e-coli and other nasties. How is it for our kids - particularily those with

chronic sinus px's to go into pools?




I always find that my son get an ear infection at the YWCA pool and at

lakes but doesn't seem to get any at chlorinated pools.

But I did read that chlorine kills Friendly bacteria in the stomach.. anybody

think this is true?

Thanks Sullivan

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Dear Ursula : Hello thanks for the info She recieves periphereal IV

immunologist refuses mediport do to infection rate. Can Macey sit on the

bench type of child care seat? It allowed Alissa to rest her feet on the

bench edge of the back seat. I hope you have a peaceful rest of the week

end and I will ask immuno about your type of IVIG.

Take care and God Bless!

annette mom to Alissa cvid,asthmatic


>Reply-To: PedPIDonelist

>To: " PedPID - onelist " <PedPIDonelist>

>Subject: hello

>Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 20:35:05 -0400




>Dale - enjoy the picnic. What a wonderful time to mention the Ped PID page

>to the local chapter leader. Hint. Hint. Hope everything goes well and

> continues to stay healthy.


>Annette - sorry to hear that the antibiotics are having to be changed. I

>forget, does Alissa have a line or port or do you do peripheral IV's? I

>hope everything starts to improve soon. This was Macey's first time


>the Polygam S/D and since everything has gone well we are enthused that she

>now has another product that she can get. Her feet swell when they hang


>long periods of time. so when she was in the car so much that day and they

>hung from the booster car seat it wasn't good. Next time we'll take some

>type of box or bench to put in the floorboard for her feet to rest on.


> - good luck with the immuno. let us know what they decide. does


>have good veins? that will be something to consider when they decide to do



>Ursula Holleman

>Macey's mom (4 yr. old with CVID, asthma, GERD, sinus disease, grade I left

>kidney reflux, Sensory Integration Disorder)

>ICQ # 28592349



>PedPID email list archives



>PedPID email list introductions









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>This forum is open to parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with a

>Primary Immune Deficiency. Opinions or medical advice stated here are the

>sole responsibility of the poster and should not be taken as professional



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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi kimberly,

Both my girls have PID and neither have had phenomena yet. My oldest kelsey

who will be 4 in Sept is on IVIG and it is just starting to work for her. We

are on 2 1/2 weeks with no antibiotics and no signs of infection! . Welcome

to the list.





>Hi I've been luking for a while sorting myself out.


>My name is Kimberley and I am mother to Madeleine who is three and Beth 9

>months. Maddie has an IgG subclass deficiency (all are very low, but I

>think it is subclass 2 which is almost non existant....the information was

>given to me, but at the time I didn't absorb it.). IgA levels weren't



>Maddie was not diagnosed until August last year. She had chronic ear

>infections which continued after grommets (tubes). The ENT said it wouldn't

>be a PID as she has never had pneumonia etc ( " Those kids are never out of

>hospital " ). Testing and retesting has shown PID. Her body does not respond

>to pneumovax. (Don't really know what that means.) Although she is always

>(literally always) with a cold, flu. virus of some kind she has been major

>illness free.


>The latest concern is that she has fallen off the growth chart. At 36

>months shorter than the average 24 month old. Dr thinks she might not be

>eating enough. (I think she is).


>They are stool testing for for giardia and fat absorbtion. Treating her for

>giardia regardless. We have been referred to a dietician.


>Is being tiny par for the course in this situation. Sorry if I am under

>informed. This is the first place I have been able to find information in

>nearly a year of looking. Also I live in Western Australia. so some of our

>terminology is different.





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Hi I am susan, and my dd is 4 and also very tiny. She is off the

growth chart for her weight. She weighs 27#. She is tall though 37 " .

She is Igg subclass 1 and 4 deficient. She too still had ear

infections with tubes on her 3rd set. I believe they tested the

pnemonia to see if she has formed antibodies against it. Correct me if

I am wrong. also doenst have antibodies against this.

Well Gotta go the baby is all orange she decided to color herself with

a orange magic marker.



(neutropenic and immune deficent)

mom to Evan 6, 4 and Abby Rose (almost 2)


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Dear Kimberley,

Welcome to all the new comers as well. I just wanted you to know that you

are not alone and this group is a wonderful way to find out just about

anything you would come across in your daily battles against CVID, SCID and

any other kind of IgA, IgG, IgE or IgM problem that one can think of.

I have two boys that have CVID, asthma, chronic sinus infections etc. One of

my boys has had pneumonia several times and the other has not even had it

once. One of them gets viral infections all the time and the other gets

bacterial infections. My point is that the kids are all different and this

disease affects them each a little differently. We have in our discussions

realized many similarities that all the kids share too.

Lots of the kids with this disease seem to do better in the spring and

summer, some however do not. I know that we are enjoying a holiday (as I

call it) from the Docs and meds. This follows an unusually awful winter for

us, so I am enjoying the break right now. My boys get IVIG every 2 weeks

right now as a result of this past winter. I am hoping we will lengthen that

time out after we see the immunologist at the end of July. I hope that all

the newcomers do not feel overwhelmed with the group. Best thing to do is

just jump right in and start asking questions. There are some really really

great people here and everyone is really willing to help. We have all been

there in one way or another. So keep the faith and jump right in....

Sue W. Mom to Jake (10) and (6) CVID, asthma, GERD, chronic


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Dear Kimberley, Welcome to the group, MY name is annette your description

of your daughter is a mirror image of my daughter. When they do not respond

to pneumovax they do not respond to the vaccine by making antibodies to the

vaccine. I think if I remember correctly the response is in the b cell

response. IDF has a site that goes over this and they also put out a

wonderful handbook which explains the immune response. Also if ;your child

does not respond to pneumovax their is a good reason to see if they respond

to other incapsulated bacteria. This is important to know in your child's

future approach to treatment. Hope this was some help. Take care and look

forward to hearing from you.


annette mom to alissa cvid,asthmatic


>Reply-To: PedPIDonelist

>To: <PedPIDonelist>

>Subject: Hello

>Date: Fri, 2 Jul 1999 06:26:32 +0800




>Hi I've been luking for a while sorting myself out.


>My name is Kimberley and I am mother to Madeleine who is three and Beth 9

>months. Maddie has an IgG subclass deficiency (all are very low, but I

>think it is subclass 2 which is almost non existant....the information was

>given to me, but at the time I didn't absorb it.). IgA levels weren't



>Maddie was not diagnosed until August last year. She had chronic ear

>infections which continued after grommets (tubes). The ENT said it wouldn't

>be a PID as she has never had pneumonia etc ( " Those kids are never out of

>hospital " ). Testing and retesting has shown PID. Her body does not respond

>to pneumovax. (Don't really know what that means.) Although she is always

>(literally always) with a cold, flu. virus of some kind she has been major

>illness free.


>The latest concern is that she has fallen off the growth chart. At 36

>months shorter than the average 24 month old. Dr thinks she might not be

>eating enough. (I think she is).


>They are stool testing for for giardia and fat absorbtion. Treating her for

>giardia regardless. We have been referred to a dietician.


>Is being tiny par for the course in this situation. Sorry if I am under

>informed. This is the first place I have been able to find information in

>nearly a year of looking. Also I live in Western Australia. so some of our

>terminology is different.





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Didn't know if you knew, but there's another group like this for people

in Australia and New Zealand. I think is the moderator,

and it's run by the New Zealand KIDS Foundation. Have you gotten any

info from them? Their address to subscribe is:


Here's the website for the group, too:


I hope you stay here, too, because this is a great place to get info and

support. But thought it might be good for you also to contact them or

subscribe to their group, since some issues may be specific to your part

of the world (i.e. physicians, medical care, and IVIG).

Hope that helps!


(another one, just different spelling...and from the US!)

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Welcome, !

My son is 7. He wasn't diagnosed with a PID until he was 5. Isaac has no

IgA. He has an IgG subclass deficiency... IgG1 has always been extremely

high. It was making most of the antibodies that were measured for the IgG

total. The IgG subclasses 2,3, & 4 are all very low. His IgM is low. There

are some other labs that come back abnormal.

Isaac has never been hospitalized for illnesses... just surgeries. He was

constantly ill with all the types of things that Maddie has been ill with.

He is now getting IVIGs and this has " helped " bring the IgG subclasses into a

" more " normal range.

As far as Isaac's growth... he is a big boy. He is off the chart for height

and weight. He is a " very selective " eater. His dad and his uncles are all

over 6' tall. His older brother is 15 and is almost 6'. His sister is 13

and is almost 5'8 " . I think in Isaac's case his size is genetic. When I

look at how ill he has been and what he eats he should be a " stick " .

Other Moms:

Are most of your PID kids below the normal height and weight??


mom to Isaac: dysgammaglobulinemia, etc

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Dear and Annette (and anyone else that this might apply to),

When you state that your child does not respond to the pneummovax, exactly

what do you mean? Do they not make enough protection or are the numbers all


I ask because of the Cd5-Cd19 PID. If they are all -0-'s then your children

should be checked for the Cd5-Cd19n PID. It is very rare to not respond at

all, and what I mean by that....is all zeros to 12 out of 12 titers. Many

physicians will call a patient a non-responder when they do not have enough

protection/antibody to the pneummovax, while this terminology is correct in a

sense, it is different then the Cd5-Cd19 PID who do not make any response at

all...not a mark on the page. Addtionally, these patients will not make

any response to HIB or meningococcus. If this is the case, then it would be

wise to run a Cd5+ test on them (which is quite specific and certain

guidelines must be followed by the discovering physician to prevent error).

To date there have not been any females found with this PID. PLEASE let me

know if you need more information. Annette, I know that you have already

mentioned this to your immunologist.

Just curious!!!!

Autumn mom to Mark Cd5-Cd19 PID/ A1A, Samter's, GERD

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I think the whole medical clinic where my ped is at has the whole weekend

and monday off. Knowing my ped she'll call me so early Tuesday morning

she'll catch me still sleeping! I am kind of anxious to hear though. If she

doesn't call early, I might give her til nine-then I'll call her, LOL. Hope

Macey and had a good fourth. Take care, Becky (mom to Ben, 21 mo.,

CVID, asthma)




> Becky - any culture reports yet? I'm not sure what doctors take today off

> and which don't. Hopefully you'll hear something tomorrow. Please let us

> know.


> Capri - good to hear from you. Are you doing the study out of New


> I remember you mentioning it but weren't sure about driving the distance.

> Is Ariel on the DDAVP now? Do you notice a decrease in it's effectiveness

> when she sweats more? Saturday at the park Macey started pottying more

> often sooner in the night. The only thing we could come up with is that


> was sweating heavily, but she hadn't drank more than normal.


> - congrats on being able to wean the Neupogen. Which therapies is

> in? Macey gets OT twice a week and was recently discharged from


> (hooray!) Macey also has no lymph nodes so far. I can understand the

> keeping away from the community ER. Thankfully we only have about a 30

> minute drive to our children's hospital, but our local hospital is very


> limits. Let us know when you hear from the function studies. Macey's

> function tests took about a week to get back.


> Kathy - Macey is 50% for height and 90% for weight. But she is also the

> spitting image of her dad. And is me made over. I've always said

> that if Macey had the build of she would have been diagnosed alot

> sooner. Plus if Macey did not have some of her dad's makeup in her then

> several of her infections would have been alot worse. When she was septic

> in November she took nothing by mouth for a week and lived on IV food.

> Thankfully she had that little extra fat in reserve to help out. If

> had to be on IV nutrition for a week she would look like a skeleton.


> came out of it looking alittle sleeker and having a tiny bit of waist now.


> Sue - mom to M & M - Sorry to hear about your grandmother and my prayers are

> with you and your family this week. Glad to hear hubby's on the mend.

> Congrats on the job in the fall. Will this be a promotion of sorts or a

> transfer?


> - have you ever been to Mexico Beach?


> Off to read alittle.


> Ursula Holleman

> Macey's mom (4 yr. old with CVID, asthma, GERD, sinus disease, grade I


> kidney reflux, Sensory Integration Disorder)

> ICQ # 28592349

> http://www.icq.com


> PedPID email list archives

> http://www.netpage.org/PedPID/_PedPID/


> PedPID email list introductions

> http://www.netpage.org/PedPID/_PedPID/introduction.htm





> ---------------------------

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  • 3 months later...





> - I'm sorry to hear that Abby was hurt. I hope things are better. I

>spent 3 days in the hospital at 12 yrs old for a bicycle fall that gave me


>concussion. I don't even remember getting back to my house but my mom says

>I was real spacey. So she sent me off to bed to rest and they went back to

>work in the yard. They next thing you know I'm standing on the front porch

>losing my lunch. Off to the docs who put me in the hospital. I think it

>was a bit overkill but he had lost a little girl the weekend before from


>same thing. If she starts to get real spacey just act quickly. Hope


>feeling better.


> - sorry to hear he had to start the Neupogen shots. Hope he's not

>having too many problems with the pain of the injection. I know there is a

>neutropenia list on Onelist also so you might want to check into that.


>Macey had the cyclic problems I subscribed for a while. don't you


>stuff from them?


> - letters, letters, letters. Call your representatives in

>Washington. There have been hearings for the past year or so and probably

>will be more. The pneumovax is a test that looks at levels of 12

>polysaccharide bacteria's (Autumn or help me out here). It shows

>how you respond to the vaccination and what type of memory to antigens you

>can develop. They give you the Pneumococcal vaccination and 4 weeks later

>draw blood to see how your body responded to putting this vaccination in

>your system. Similar to looking at levels of Diphtheria or Tetanus

>antibodies. I hope that wasn't too confusing.



> - good luck with the school. He's such a cutie everyone will


>him anywhere he goes. We're on our way back to ish Rite this month


>a neuro consult. Repeated headaches and working her up for some motor

>problems. possible CP but I think it's a long shot and since one doc

>documented it on a chart we have to have a neuro " un-document " or rule it

>out. I'll let you know when. I'll bring the digital camera this time.


>Belinda - how's Cassie doing? any better with the breathing?


>Helen - sorry to hear Matt's back on the roller coaster again. Hope the

>infusions get him back on track and the insurance company is able to be ok

>with this. Let us know when the restart date is.


>Ursula Holleman

>Macey's mom (4 yr. old with CVID, asthma, GERD, sinus disease, grade I left

>kidney reflux, Sensory Integration Disorder, Diabetes Insipidus)

>ICQ # 28592349



>PedPID email list archives



>PedPID email list introductions



>>This forum is open to parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with a

Primary Immune Deficiency. Opinions or medical advice stated here are the

sole responsibility of the poster and should not be taken as professional


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Macey was diagnosed with mild CP by her immunologist/Rheumatologist. If we

want the diagnosis overruled it has to be done by a neurologist. Since the

immunology record is the one people (the school system inparticular) ask for

the most we need to know either way. Plus other consulting doctors don't

agree with the diagnosis so they want a confirmation.

We'll see.

Ursula - & Macey (4 yr old w/CVID) mom

Re: hello


My memory is failing me..... Hasn't Macey been checked for CP already? Let

me know when you'll be in town. I'ld love to meet you again.

This forum is open to parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with a

Primary Immune Deficiency. Opinions or medical advice stated here are the

sole responsibility of the poster and should not be taken as professional


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Dear Ursula: I agree, to get a neuro to look at Macey, and know one way or

another,as if you did not have enough to deal with, God Bless and let us

know what you decide,


annette and alissa


>Reply-To: PedPIDonelist

>To: <PedPIDonelist>

>Subject: Re: hello

>Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 17:47:17 -0400


>Definitely go to get the neuro to look at Macey. My best advise is to get

>two opinions so that you will never second guess yourself now or later.

>With it was obvious, but with little ones who are very mild if they

>have it at all, sometimes it is hard to see it. But getting the right

>diagnosis is imparative. Good luck ok ;o)


>P.S. If you need anything, let me know. I have really looked into this

>stuff for s sake.

>God Bless


> Re: hello

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >Urs,

> >My memory is failing me..... Hasn't Macey been checked for CP already?


> >me know when you'll be in town. I'ld love to meet you again.

> >

> >

> >This forum is open to parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with a

> >Primary Immune Deficiency. Opinions or medical advice stated here are


> >sole responsibility of the poster and should not be taken as professional

> >advice.

> >

> >>This forum is open to parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with


>Primary Immune Deficiency. Opinions or medical advice stated here are the

>sole responsibility of the poster and should not be taken as professional





>This forum is open to parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with a

>Primary Immune Deficiency. Opinions or medical advice stated here are the

>sole responsibility of the poster and should not be taken as professional


><< text3.html >>

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Definitely go to get the neuro to look at Macey. My best advise is to get

two opinions so that you will never second guess yourself now or later.

With it was obvious, but with little ones who are very mild if they

have it at all, sometimes it is hard to see it. But getting the right

diagnosis is imparative. Good luck ok ;o)

P.S. If you need anything, let me know. I have really looked into this

stuff for s sake.

God Bless

Re: hello






>My memory is failing me..... Hasn't Macey been checked for CP already?


>me know when you'll be in town. I'ld love to meet you again.



>This forum is open to parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with a

>Primary Immune Deficiency. Opinions or medical advice stated here are the

>sole responsibility of the poster and should not be taken as professional



>>This forum is open to parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with a

Primary Immune Deficiency. Opinions or medical advice stated here are the

sole responsibility of the poster and should not be taken as professional


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Tina!

Angioedema is random swelling. I believe that actually has HAE, which

is Hereditary Angioedema. In 's case he swells anytime that he does

anything repetively, such as if he writes then his fingers and hands (usually

the palms or the top of the hand) will swell. If he walks too much then his

feet will swell. If he leans his arm on a countertop then whatever part of

his arm was resting on the countertop will swell. The swellings look like

huge knots and are hard, almost like bone.


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Hi Tina...welcome to the group!!!

I have two children, both whom have been ill since birth. Mark is 9 and

suffers from a very, very rare form of PID called Cd5-Cd19. With the

Cd5-Cd19 PID the child (only 7 boys with this in the world) have absolutely

no antibodies whatsoever and an abundance of a cell called Cd5+. Cd5+ cells

cause the body to make autoantibodies that in turn attack the body in the

form of severe autoimmune diseases and malignancies. Mark receives IVIG

every 21 days for his PID and supportive medications for his various other

health problems as a result (crohns disease, leukocytoclastic vasculitis, DI,

etc., etc.). Like your son, Mark also is pre-medicated prior to IVIG with

Benedryl, Advil and Solumedrol and yet Mark still gets sick and has serious

side effects for up to 5 days...sometimes longer. We are hopeful that we

will get this under control by switching brands and infusing him at a slower

rate...we'll see.

My other son, (age 6) suffers from ASA or Samter's syndrome, Alpha 1

Antitrypsin Deficiency and GERD. has been ill his entire life and has

under gone many major operations. Recently, the Nissen Fundoplication. I

often wondered if the two disorders that my children had were somehow related

and often was told " NO " until, our physician contacted someone at the NIH who

told him that the A1A (Alpha 1) gene and the immunoglobulin gene sat right

next to each other..BINGO!!! I just thought you might find this interesting.

There is still so much to understand about medicine. I am confident that we

will someday have more answers, it is just such a slow process sometimes

<sigh>!!! Hope this has helped and I pray that your kids are well at the


Autumn (Mom to Mark Cd5-Cd19 PID/ GERD-post Nissen, A1A, ASA)

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Hi, Tina!

Welcome!! I have 3 children. My youngest, Isaac, has a PID. The other

2 children are pretty healthy... one has allergies and asthma (under control

now) and the other one has scoliosis (wears a brace) and migraines

(occasionally). Of course these things usually only flare up when Isaac is

having some type of problem. :-) Here are some things I recently learned...

which is nothing compared to what others know in this group.

Isaac is only 8. He has been receiving IGIV for over 2 years. He has

just started having reactions to Gammagard SD since the dose was increased to

25 gms every three weeks. The reactions consisted of severe headache, joint

pain, and dizziness. It lasted for about 5 days. For the last infusion we

were able to avoid a reaction probably because he received a cortizone type

drug via IV prior to the infusion, we pre and post medicated with Motrin.

Isaac has zero IgA. So the only product the Dr. will prescribe is Gammagard.

I just found out though, that the amount of IgA varies from lot to lot. It

never goes above a certain level though. I am in the process of contacting

Baxter to find out the level of IgA in his past few infusions to see if there

was a higher level than usual - other than the increased amount to 25 gms. I

guess Baxter has Gammagard with extremely low levels of IgA for extremely

sensitive patients. This product is specially held for them. Let me know if

this might be a possibility for your son. Maybe you've already been here and

done this.

There are MANY more knowledgeable people in this group than me... What

does receiving gamma via clisis mean?

My son and I recently took part in a patient focus group that introduced

us to IGIV being administered subcutaneously. The same product is

administered at a very slow rate over a longer period of time and more

frequently (1X per week) in smaller amounts. The pump is about 3X5 inches in

size. The person that was demonstrating this procedure said that she has

less side- effects and she doesn't have a drop of energy prior to her

infusion since she self-infuses every week. I guess she is sold on this

method. One of the manufacturers is setting up a clinical trial using this

process. I thought it was interesting. I guess they have been using this

method in Europe. Even though Isaac is NOT going to receive his infusions

this way, I mentioned it to Isaac's Dr. He said that he would NEVER let one

of his patients infuse this way. He said the rate of infection would be too

high. Has anyone heard anything about this??? Just curious...

Welcome again, Tina!! Hang in there, you are among friends.


mom to Isaac

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Ouch,!!! How long has the cyst been there Ursula? I am curious because I

have something similar on my neck that is smaller, but looks about the same

and has been there (noticable) for about 8 months. GEE, I guess when I get

some time for me I should have it checked out. I hope all goes well and

that it is harmless. I know how not knowing things for sure can be


I Pray that not only 's but your surgery goes well too. And of course

that Macey kicks the sinus problems in the patootie!!

's infusion went well today. Again, they gave him some Tylonal before

they started. He slept through part of it (thank you God!!). Now all I

have to do is get them to get the darn thing started sooner (get there at 8

am and they keep starting about 10 am). We have our SPECT scan Thursday (at

least that is what I am being told), which means that we will (or should be)

starting HBOT Monday. I am sooooo excited. We have waited almost a year

for this. I just hope that has some improvements. I honestly don't

care where it is, but if I had one wish granted on where the improvement

could be, I would as that his legs would loosen up some so I can see my boy

walk by his 2nd birthday, even if it is with a walker. I just want to see

him get up and just go.

Anyhow, I am writing a book here, so I will go now.




>Sorry to skip out for a while. Macey is halfway through Cefzil for a sinus

>infection found in her ethmoid and maxillary sinuses (so much for a good

>CT). She will be infused Wednesday and also get IV Rocephin. Her chest is

>good, and her UTI culture came back negative. Wednesday night we will


>the night in Atlanta and see the endocrinologist Thursday. And Friday she

>will have her repeat VCUG and renal ultrasound for the kidney reflux. Fun

>week huh.


>Next Monday (6th) we will be taking (our 7 yr old) to Macey's ped

>surgeon to pre-op for removing a cyst on her neck. It's alittle over 2 cm

>and they think it's a branchial cleft cyst. The surgery will be either the

>14th or 15th. They will do a quick look biopsy there at Egleston and then

>send off the cyst to have a full biopsy done. Has anyone ever heard of


>type of cyst? I took pictures to send to barb so if anyone wants to see

>(like ya'll really have nothing better to do :-) )



>Dale - cocktail = knee length for the woman, dark jacket and tie for the

>man. (IMHO) My surgery is the 20th so you can see that we're operating on


>thin timeline around here with everyone's doctor visits. Poor Les seems to

>be designated chauffeur of the month.


>Ginger - good to see you. Sorry to hear about your niece. I have spoken


>a lot of parents of children with Langerhans histiocytosis. It is a brain

>tumor of sorts that requires surgery to correct but the brain surgery has

>the side effect of causing central Diabetes Insipidus. Their children have

>done well with the surgery but must live with this lifelong side effect. I

>hope things turn around and will keep her in our prayers. Here's link that

>might help http://www.merck.com/pubs/mmanual/section11/chapter137/137a.htm

>Hope Adam feels better soon. I worked 7p7a in the PICU and it was very

>difficult to get up and going for meds and dr. appointments for Macey. Now

>with her therapy too I know I couldn't have lasted long. I admire your

>stamina. I'm hoping to have the page back up by weeks end. I'm switching

>to a new server/web hosting service and hopefully will be able to go with

>the address www.pedpid.com <http://www.pedpid.com/> . but right now its

>under construction and not officially an address yet. Sorry for the



>Kathy - glad to hear you had a good trip to Orlando. Georgia will be

>starting up in January hopefully once Bass is able to visit and

>look things over. I'm very excited to finally be able to help offer the

>IDF to other Georgia patients.


> - hope infusion went well today. Glad to hear 's on the mend.


>Tina - sorry to hear Mike is having to deal with the headaches more often.

>Macey also had headaches quite a bit until this month. She has had a brain

>CT and MRI to try to find the source. Finally we upped her DDAVP and the

>headaches are gone. The more fluid she could retain and not pee out the

>better her head felt. Does Mike seem to drink or urinate a lot? Macey


>had her bloodwork for JRA (all negative) and when we rule out the CP then

>she will see a ped rheumatologist to finish the JRA workup. They think she

>has the serum negative JRA (I think its called Still's disease). Any

>thoughts? Is Mike's SED and CRP elevated a lot? Is his Rh factor


>JRA is all new to us but the PT she started this month seems to be helping


>lot. Macey's immunologist says that autoimmune diseases and PID's are very

>much related and is not surprised that she might have JRA.


>Annette - when is Alissa's endocrinology consult scheduled for?


>Kirstie - how did the ENT appointment go? Any news? Hope things are

>getting better and I'm glad to hear you're all settled in.


>Ursula - & Macey (4 yr old w/CVID) mom


>>This forum is open to parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with a

Primary Immune Deficiency. Opinions or medical advice stated here are the

sole responsibility of the poster and should not be taken as professional


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Ursula: Hope Macey is better since all her appointments and hope the Cefzil

is doing its,job, I hope is going to be allright through her surgery.

will keep your family in our prayers,it seems you have your share of things

to keep you hopping ! Take care, Alissa is going back to the peds today she

has broken through her biaxin and is coughing up a storm, we see the endo on

the 20th, I called National Jewish yesterday to see if we are reading the

donors level of endocrine studies or her own??? God BLess and take care,in

our thoughts always,

annette and alissa


>Reply-To: PedPIDonelist

>To: " PedPID - onelist " <PedPIDonelist>

>Subject: hello

>Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 18:22:21 -0500


>Sorry to skip out for a while. Macey is halfway through Cefzil for a sinus

>infection found in her ethmoid and maxillary sinuses (so much for a good

>CT). She will be infused Wednesday and also get IV Rocephin. Her chest is

>good, and her UTI culture came back negative. Wednesday night we will


>the night in Atlanta and see the endocrinologist Thursday. And Friday she

>will have her repeat VCUG and renal ultrasound for the kidney reflux. Fun

>week huh.


>Next Monday (6th) we will be taking (our 7 yr old) to Macey's ped

>surgeon to pre-op for removing a cyst on her neck. It's alittle over 2 cm

>and they think it's a branchial cleft cyst. The surgery will be either the

>14th or 15th. They will do a quick look biopsy there at Egleston and then

>send off the cyst to have a full biopsy done. Has anyone ever heard of


>type of cyst? I took pictures to send to barb so if anyone wants to see

>(like ya'll really have nothing better to do :-) )



>Dale - cocktail = knee length for the woman, dark jacket and tie for the

>man. (IMHO) My surgery is the 20th so you can see that we're operating on


>thin timeline around here with everyone's doctor visits. Poor Les seems to

>be designated chauffeur of the month.


>Ginger - good to see you. Sorry to hear about your niece. I have spoken


>a lot of parents of children with Langerhans histiocytosis. It is a brain

>tumor of sorts that requires surgery to correct but the brain surgery has

>the side effect of causing central Diabetes Insipidus. Their children have

>done well with the surgery but must live with this lifelong side effect. I

>hope things turn around and will keep her in our prayers. Here's link that

>might help http://www.merck.com/pubs/mmanual/section11/chapter137/137a.htm

>Hope Adam feels better soon. I worked 7p7a in the PICU and it was very

>difficult to get up and going for meds and dr. appointments for Macey. Now

>with her therapy too I know I couldn't have lasted long. I admire your

>stamina. I'm hoping to have the page back up by weeks end. I'm switching

>to a new server/web hosting service and hopefully will be able to go with

>the address www.pedpid.com <http://www.pedpid.com/> . but right now its

>under construction and not officially an address yet. Sorry for the



>Kathy - glad to hear you had a good trip to Orlando. Georgia will be

>starting up in January hopefully once Bass is able to visit and

>look things over. I'm very excited to finally be able to help offer the

>IDF to other Georgia patients.


> - hope infusion went well today. Glad to hear 's on the mend.


>Tina - sorry to hear Mike is having to deal with the headaches more often.

>Macey also had headaches quite a bit until this month. She has had a brain

>CT and MRI to try to find the source. Finally we upped her DDAVP and the

>headaches are gone. The more fluid she could retain and not pee out the

>better her head felt. Does Mike seem to drink or urinate a lot? Macey


>had her bloodwork for JRA (all negative) and when we rule out the CP then

>she will see a ped rheumatologist to finish the JRA workup. They think she

>has the serum negative JRA (I think its called Still's disease). Any

>thoughts? Is Mike's SED and CRP elevated a lot? Is his Rh factor


>JRA is all new to us but the PT she started this month seems to be helping


>lot. Macey's immunologist says that autoimmune diseases and PID's are very

>much related and is not surprised that she might have JRA.


>Annette - when is Alissa's endocrinology consult scheduled for?


>Kirstie - how did the ENT appointment go? Any news? Hope things are

>getting better and I'm glad to hear you're all settled in.


>Ursula - & Macey (4 yr old w/CVID) mom





>This forum is open to parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with a

>Primary Immune Deficiency. Opinions or medical advice stated here are the

>sole responsibility of the poster and should not be taken as professional


><< text3.html >>

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Hi Everyone,

had his CT scan today on his brain. It went very well. His

ventricles looked great and there is absolutely no pressure in his head,

YIPPEE!!!! The neurosurgeon said to bring him back in 6 months (before if

we get orders to move) for a general follow-up. We are very happy about all

of this. And it really does look like we will start HBOT MONDAY, another


Hope all the pumpkins are well or getting better.

God Bless,





>> >

>> >

>> >Sorry to skip out for a while. Macey is halfway through Cefzil for a


>> >infection found in her ethmoid and maxillary sinuses (so much for a good

>> >CT). She will be infused Wednesday and also get IV Rocephin. Her chest


>> >good, and her UTI culture came back negative. Wednesday night we will


>> >the night in Atlanta and see the endocrinologist Thursday. And Friday


>> >will have her repeat VCUG and renal ultrasound for the kidney reflux.


>> >week huh.

>> >

>> >Next Monday (6th) we will be taking (our 7 yr old) to Macey's ped

>> >surgeon to pre-op for removing a cyst on her neck. It's alittle over 2


>> >and they think it's a branchial cleft cyst. The surgery will be either


>> >14th or 15th. They will do a quick look biopsy there at Egleston and


>> >send off the cyst to have a full biopsy done. Has anyone ever heard of


>> >type of cyst? I took pictures to send to barb so if anyone wants to see

>> >(like ya'll really have nothing better to do :-) )

>> >http://home.att.net/~katiehbug/iwp2.htm

>> >

>> >Dale - cocktail = knee length for the woman, dark jacket and tie for the

>> >man. (IMHO) My surgery is the 20th so you can see that we're operating



>> >thin timeline around here with everyone's doctor visits. Poor Les seems


>> >be designated chauffeur of the month.

>> >

>> >Ginger - good to see you. Sorry to hear about your niece. I have



>> >a lot of parents of children with Langerhans histiocytosis. It is a


>> >tumor of sorts that requires surgery to correct but the brain surgery


>> >the side effect of causing central Diabetes Insipidus. Their children


>> >done well with the surgery but must live with this lifelong side effect.


>> >hope things turn around and will keep her in our prayers. Here's link


>> >might help


>> >Hope Adam feels better soon. I worked 7p7a in the PICU and it was very

>> >difficult to get up and going for meds and dr. appointments for Macey.


>> >with her therapy too I know I couldn't have lasted long. I admire your

>> >stamina. I'm hoping to have the page back up by weeks end. I'm


>> >to a new server/web hosting service and hopefully will be able to go


>> >the address www.pedpid.com <http://www.pedpid.com/> . but right now


>> >under construction and not officially an address yet. Sorry for the

>> >downtime.

>> >

>> >Kathy - glad to hear you had a good trip to Orlando. Georgia will be

>> >starting up in January hopefully once Bass is able to visit and

>> >look things over. I'm very excited to finally be able to help offer


>> >IDF to other Georgia patients.

>> >

>> > - hope infusion went well today. Glad to hear 's on the


>> >

>> >Tina - sorry to hear Mike is having to deal with the headaches more


>> >Macey also had headaches quite a bit until this month. She has had a


>> >CT and MRI to try to find the source. Finally we upped her DDAVP and


>> >headaches are gone. The more fluid she could retain and not pee out the

>> >better her head felt. Does Mike seem to drink or urinate a lot? Macey


>> >had her bloodwork for JRA (all negative) and when we rule out the CP


>> >she will see a ped rheumatologist to finish the JRA workup. They think


>> >has the serum negative JRA (I think its called Still's disease). Any

>> >thoughts? Is Mike's SED and CRP elevated a lot? Is his Rh factor


>> >JRA is all new to us but the PT she started this month seems to be



>> >lot. Macey's immunologist says that autoimmune diseases and PID's are


>> >much related and is not surprised that she might have JRA.

>> >

>> >Annette - when is Alissa's endocrinology consult scheduled for?

>> >

>> >Kirstie - how did the ENT appointment go? Any news? Hope things are

>> >getting better and I'm glad to hear you're all settled in.

>> >

>> >Ursula - & Macey (4 yr old w/CVID) mom

>> >

>> >>This forum is open to parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with


>>Primary Immune Deficiency. Opinions or medical advice stated here are the

>>sole responsibility of the poster and should not be taken as professional





>>This forum is open to parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with a

>>Primary Immune Deficiency. Opinions or medical advice stated here are the

>>sole responsibility of the poster and should not be taken as professional


>><< text3.html >>


>>This forum is open to parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with a

Primary Immune Deficiency. Opinions or medical advice stated here are the

sole responsibility of the poster and should not be taken as professional


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: That is wonderful news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT sounds great, and hope he

continues to blow all the doctors away with his development!

God Bless,

annette and alissa


>Reply-To: PedPIDonelist

>To: <PedPIDonelist>

>Subject: Re: hello

>Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 22:09:01 -0500


>Hi Everyone,

> had his CT scan today on his brain. It went very well. His

>ventricles looked great and there is absolutely no pressure in his head,

>YIPPEE!!!! The neurosurgeon said to bring him back in 6 months (before if

>we get orders to move) for a general follow-up. We are very happy about


>of this. And it really does look like we will start HBOT MONDAY, another


>Hope all the pumpkins are well or getting better.

>God Bless,

> ;o)


> hello

> >>

> >>

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >Sorry to skip out for a while. Macey is halfway through Cefzil for a

> >>sinus

> >> >infection found in her ethmoid and maxillary sinuses (so much for a


> >> >CT). She will be infused Wednesday and also get IV Rocephin. Her


> >>is

> >> >good, and her UTI culture came back negative. Wednesday night we will

> >>spend

> >> >the night in Atlanta and see the endocrinologist Thursday. And Friday

> >>she

> >> >will have her repeat VCUG and renal ultrasound for the kidney reflux.

> >>Fun

> >> >week huh.

> >> >

> >> >Next Monday (6th) we will be taking (our 7 yr old) to Macey's


> >> >surgeon to pre-op for removing a cyst on her neck. It's alittle over


> >>cm

> >> >and they think it's a branchial cleft cyst. The surgery will be


> >>the

> >> >14th or 15th. They will do a quick look biopsy there at Egleston and

> >>then

> >> >send off the cyst to have a full biopsy done. Has anyone ever heard


> >>this

> >> >type of cyst? I took pictures to send to barb so if anyone wants to


> >> >(like ya'll really have nothing better to do :-) )

> >> >http://home.att.net/~katiehbug/iwp2.htm

> >> >

> >> >Dale - cocktail = knee length for the woman, dark jacket and tie for


> >> >man. (IMHO) My surgery is the 20th so you can see that we're


> >>on

> >>a

> >> >thin timeline around here with everyone's doctor visits. Poor Les


> >>to

> >> >be designated chauffeur of the month.

> >> >

> >> >Ginger - good to see you. Sorry to hear about your niece. I have


> >>to

> >> >a lot of parents of children with Langerhans histiocytosis. It is a

> >>brain

> >> >tumor of sorts that requires surgery to correct but the brain surgery


> >> >the side effect of causing central Diabetes Insipidus. Their children

> >>have

> >> >done well with the surgery but must live with this lifelong side


> >>I

> >> >hope things turn around and will keep her in our prayers. Here's link

> >>that

> >> >might help

> >>http://www.merck.com/pubs/mmanual/section11/chapter137/137a.htm

> >> >Hope Adam feels better soon. I worked 7p7a in the PICU and it was


> >> >difficult to get up and going for meds and dr. appointments for Macey.

> >>Now

> >> >with her therapy too I know I couldn't have lasted long. I admire


> >> >stamina. I'm hoping to have the page back up by weeks end. I'm

> >>switching

> >> >to a new server/web hosting service and hopefully will be able to go


> >> >the address www.pedpid.com <http://www.pedpid.com/> . but right now


> >> >under construction and not officially an address yet. Sorry for the

> >> >downtime.

> >> >

> >> >Kathy - glad to hear you had a good trip to Orlando. Georgia will be

> >> >starting up in January hopefully once Bass is able to visit


> >> >look things over. I'm very excited to finally be able to help offer


> >> >IDF to other Georgia patients.

> >> >

> >> > - hope infusion went well today. Glad to hear 's on the


> >> >

> >> >Tina - sorry to hear Mike is having to deal with the headaches more

> >>often.

> >> >Macey also had headaches quite a bit until this month. She has had a

> >>brain

> >> >CT and MRI to try to find the source. Finally we upped her DDAVP and


> >> >headaches are gone. The more fluid she could retain and not pee out


> >> >better her head felt. Does Mike seem to drink or urinate a lot?


> >>just

> >> >had her bloodwork for JRA (all negative) and when we rule out the CP


> >> >she will see a ped rheumatologist to finish the JRA workup. They


> >>she

> >> >has the serum negative JRA (I think its called Still's disease). Any

> >> >thoughts? Is Mike's SED and CRP elevated a lot? Is his Rh factor

> >>positive?

> >> >JRA is all new to us but the PT she started this month seems to be

> >>helping

> >>a

> >> >lot. Macey's immunologist says that autoimmune diseases and PID's are

> >>very

> >> >much related and is not surprised that she might have JRA.

> >> >

> >> >Annette - when is Alissa's endocrinology consult scheduled for?

> >> >

> >> >Kirstie - how did the ENT appointment go? Any news? Hope things are

> >> >getting better and I'm glad to hear you're all settled in.

> >> >

> >> >Ursula - & Macey (4 yr old w/CVID) mom

> >> >

> >> >>This forum is open to parents and caregivers of children diagnosed


> >>a

> >>Primary Immune Deficiency. Opinions or medical advice stated here are


> >>sole responsibility of the poster and should not be taken as


> >>advice.

> >>

> >>

> >>------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >>This forum is open to parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with


> >>Primary Immune Deficiency. Opinions or medical advice stated here are


> >>sole responsibility of the poster and should not be taken as


> >>advice.

> >><< text3.html >>

> >

> >>This forum is open to parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with


>Primary Immune Deficiency. Opinions or medical advice stated here are the

>sole responsibility of the poster and should not be taken as professional





>This forum is open to parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with a

>Primary Immune Deficiency. Opinions or medical advice stated here are the

>sole responsibility of the poster and should not be taken as professional


><< text3.html >>

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