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North Carolina Budget Released---Call for Action!

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Hello All,

As many of you are aware of the pending budget cuts for education and Mental

Health Services in North Carolina, there is an immediate need to get our voices

heard in Raleigh. The following is information that my local Mental Health

Office has forwarded to get out to as many people as possible. They want 14,000

people there to show the legislators what the cuts look like in faces. NAMI

provided this information. You may not have a CAP slot now, but if these cuts

happen, you will never have one and over 14,000 slots may be eliminated from the

current slots. Many people will be loosing services.

I plan on going and taking my child---who better to show the true face of DD. I

can arrange for a VAN if others are interested in going or caravaning down. I

encourage everyone to think how much difference this small effort can make. My

child nor I, could not live without the services that he receives and the

thoughts of loosing his services is enough to spur me into action. Please email

me back and let me know if you would like to join us, so I can make the plans.


NAMI News Release

On Tuesday, May 23th, Governor Easley released his proposed budget for fiscal

year 2002-03. He was proud that he had increased spending on education and

closed nearly $2 billion of the state deficit, all without raising taxes. This

miracle was accomplished throught a combination of budget cuts, fund transfers,

layoffs, delays in tax cuts and a state lottery (which doesn't exist.) BUT the

major burden falls on state agencies that were asked to shoulder over $725

million in cuts.

Hardest hit???? You guessed it, programs for Mental Health/Developmental

Disabilites and Substance Abuse. In what has become an annual ritual,

catastrophic cuts that will result in a loss of over $150 million to MH/DD/SA

services are proposed. These programs will shoulder over 50% of the cuts! The

disproportionate burden placed on persons with MH/DD/SA disabilities is an


What does this mean to me, you may ask. Well, 14,000 individuals currently

served will loose their fundings or help. It could be YOU.

How can I get my voice heard???

Legislators need to hear that we have had enough! Further cuts are not

acceptable, especially when there has been no serious consideration of raising

revenues. Legislators need to know that we will not be taken advantage of



The schedule of events is below. We need a large turnout of people telling

legislators not to cut services, consider other options to raise revenue and to


Many area Mental Health Programs are coordinating transportation by bus or van

to the rally. Call your area program director to see if transportation is

available. Please bring your own PicNic Lunch as eating options at the General

Assembly are limited.

If you plan on coming, try to make an appointment with your legislator. If you

don't know who your legislator is, or how to contact him/her go to

http://capwiz.com/cdpmi/officials/state/?state=NC and then enter your zip code.

Let's join together and be heard!


8:00AM Registration begins--back portico of Legislative Building. You will

receive a packet of information for the day.

8:30am Attend Joint Health and Human Services Appropriations Committee

Meetings. schedule available at registration.

10am Meet with members of your legislative delegation.

10:30am Press Conference

11:30M-1:00pm Popcorn served on the portico-located outside of back doors of the

Legislative Building

Afternoon- Continue visits with legislators and House and Senate Sessions.

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