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Re: RE: Glutathione-Cream or liquid?? / Activated charcoal

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DAN's believe in glutathione as our kids are low and the nythalation cycle can't happen with out it, there is break down in the cycle or pattern that has to happen to detox, that is why if they are low they can't detox with out it. so going ON glutathione can trigger detox to start back up

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Re: RE: Glutathione-Cream or liquid?? / Activated charcoal

Did you ask her what research her opinion was based on? The majority of DANs go full steam ahead on glutathione. It doesn't mean they are right. Just like the majority of DAN's use certain chelation methods because "everybody else does".Andy Cutler doesn't think direct glutatione supplementation is a good idea. Rooney has come to the same conclusion when reviewing the research. Both those guys seem to have a much better knowledge of biochemisty than most DAN doctor's I've talked to. Maybe your DAN doctor is different and they're very well read. But just trusting people's opinions is what got me into this mess in the first place. So you might want to look into it a bit further.CheersMaurine Meleck wrote:

had a phone consult with our DAN yesterday and she totally disagreed with that statement. Glutathione does not move metals around. Perhaps there is something else going on that is causing the awakenings.

Mjsthorpe <jsthorpesurewest (DOT) net> wrote:

Hi from Sue,

We have found activated charcoal VERY beneficial

for binding toxins and seems to be preventing metals from

recirculating while using

LW Yage Glutathione patches ----as per the concern

from 's paper from Rooney on chelation...

and also helps with night awakenings.


Re: Glutathione- Cream or liquid??

Posted by: " Reynolds" peteralkamy rollinreynolds

Tue Apr 15, 2008 7:32 am (PDT)

The glutathione maybe moving metals around without chelating them, where as the DMSA is chelating them.Have you read the Rooney chelation paper?puddens3 wrote:>> My son cannot tolerate Glutathione at all Makes him so hyper When we> try to reintroduce it he is up all night for few nights..Yet he> tolerates DMSA no problem..> >>>

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