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Something I wrote many moons ago~WHAT TO DO

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WHAT TO DOWhat to do with this life:This small amount of time that's been given me:What to do with knowledge and wisdom:All that I've learned and experienced all that I've accomplished in life:What to do?What

to do with all of the gifts that I've been blessed with in my life:

These gifts that I've so easily taken and so easily used: What to do

when the doors of opportunity open:But are shut by me alone never to open again:What to do?What to do with the resources that come my way:Reach for them? Grab them up? Snatch them up, orwait for something better?What

to do with my emotions, and feelings when they become obstacles or

detours: When my vision becomes blurred or blinded by them:What to do? What to do as I was created to do: God's will per say:The purpose, the reason that I am here:What to do when I keep asking what to do as I pray at night and there be no answer:Just wait? Wait for the doors to shut and the resources to fade as I keep looking for guidance:What to do?What

to do when my heart says go but my mind and body says no: Waiting and

hoping that I'm doing what I am supposed to do or feel:What to do: Place it all in Gods hands?What to do when I've run out of time like an egg timer:When I know that my past is all but gone now:What to do?Then, and only then, do I reflect and regret what I did do:And what I didn't do:What then? What to do?Written by /Karma11/1/2001 Copyright ©2005 Love~All~Ways*~Karma* ..

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