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Re: ages and stages/developmental screening

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Hi et al

I finally got around to copying all of my developmental screening

questions out of my well child templates. It's tough to pull things

out of the to-do pile once they get there!

These are mostly just derived from the Denver instrument, which has

not stood up very well in studies of screening. But I find them

valuable reminders for me, particularly with my small infant

population (since I don't do kiddo vaccines). So use at your own risk,

YMMV, etc., etc.

Questions further down the list tend to be more advanced, so I know to

worry about them less.

2 weeks:

[Yes||No] Responds to sound by startling, blinking, crying, quieting,

or changing respiration

[Yes||No] Fixates on human face and follows with eyes

[Yes||No] Responds to parent's face and voice

[Yes||No] Has flexed posture

[Yes||No] Moves all extremities

[Yes||No] Raises head when prone

2 months:

[Yes|No] Grasps rattle or toy.

[Yes|No] Lifts head 45 degrees.

[Yes|No] Has social smile.

[Yes|No] Coos.

[Yes|No] Reacts to voice.

[Yes|No] Gives reciprocal vocalization.

[Yes|No] Regards face.

[Yes|No] Follows 90 degrees.

4 months:

[Yes|No] Holds head at 90 degrees and raises body on hands when prone.

[Yes|No] Steady head control when held upright.

[Yes|No] No head lag when pulled to sit.

[Yes|No] Rolls prone to supine.

[Yes|No] Plays with hands, holds toy.

[Yes|No] Has raking grasp.

[Yes|No] Looks at bats at mobile.

[Yes|No] Follows object 180 degrees.

[Yes|No] Recognizes sounds.

[Yes|No] Initiates social contact by smiling and cooing.

[Yes|No] Regards stranger with interest.

6 months:

[Yes|No] Rolls over.

[Yes|No] Bears weight on legs when held upright.

[Yes|No] Sits with support.

[Yes|No] Transfers objects hand to hand.

[Yes|No] Reaches for objects.

[Yes|No] Rakes small objects with hand.

[Yes|No] Turns to sound.

[Yes|No] Reacts to strangers.

[Yes|No] Vocalizes to others, laughs.

[Yes|No] Feeds self.

9 months:

[Yes|No] Sits well.

[Yes|No] Pulls to stand.

[Yes|No] Cruises.

[Yes|No] Crawls/creeps/hitches.

[Yes|No] Bangs 2 toys.

[Yes|No] Uses inferior pincer grasp.

[Yes|No] Finger-feeds partially.

[Yes|No] Mono- or polysyllabic babbling.

[Yes|No] Uses " mama " or " dada " non-specifically.

[Yes|No] Responds to name/ " no " / " where is mama? "

[Yes|No] Understands a few words - no-no/bye-bye.

[Yes|No] Enjoys peek-a-boo/pat-a-cake.

[Yes|No] Stranger anxiety.

12 months:

[Yes|No] Pulls to stand.

[Yes|No] Cruises.

[Yes|No] Walks with support.

[Yes|No] Uses precise pincer grasp.

[Yes|No] Points.

[Yes|No] Uses 1-3 meaningful words or sounds.

[Yes|No] Uses " mama " and " dada " correctly.

[Yes|No] Explores.

[Yes|No] Obeys " no " .

[Yes|No] Holds book and tries to turn pages.

15 months:

[Yes|No] Walks alone.

[Yes|No] Stoops and recovers.

[Yes|No] Uses 3-6 words.

[Yes|No] Jargons.

[Yes|No] Gestures.

[Yes|No] Understands simple commands.

[Yes|No] Uses 3 words (other than mama/dada).

[Yes|No] Points to 1-2 body parts.

[Yes|No] Uses toys correctly.

[Yes|No] Stacks 2 cubes.

[Yes|No] Plays ball.

[Yes|No] Gives and takes toy.

[Yes|No] Drinks from a cup.

18 months:

[Yes|No] Walks up stairs with one hand held.

[Yes|No] Sits in chair.

[Yes|No] Kicks ball.

[Yes|No] Throws ball.

[Yes|No] Scribbles.

[Yes|No] Stacks 3-4 cubes.

[Yes|No] Uses 4-10 words.

[Yes|No] Voices 2 or more wants.

[Yes|No] Feeds self with spoon.

[Yes|No] Imitates crayon stroke.

[Yes|No] Dumps raisin from bottle.

[Yes|No] Puckers lip and kisses.

[Yes|No] Enjoys reading.

2 years:

[Yes|No|] Climbs and descends steps holding rail.

[Yes|No|] Kicks ball forward.

[Yes|No|] Stacks 5-6 cubes.

[Yes|No|] Uses 20+ words.

[Yes|No|] Half of speech is intelligible.

[Yes|No|] Refers to self by name.

[Yes|No|] Uses 2-word phrases with pronouns.

[Yes|No|] Responds to 2-part verbal commands.

[Yes|No|] Interest in bowel and bladder control.

[Yes|No|] Helps in house.

[Yes|No|] s book around and reads spontaneously.

3 years:

[Yes|No] Jumps from height.

[Yes|No] Stands briefly on one foot.

[Yes|No] Pedals tricycle.

[Yes|No] Builds 9 cube tower.

[Yes|No] Builds 3 cube bridge.

[Yes|No] Uses plurals.

[Yes|No] Speaks intelligibly with dysfluency

[Yes|No] Knows name/age/sex.

[Yes|No] Uses 3-4 word sentences.

[Yes|No] Copies circle.

[Yes|No] Mature crayon grasp.

[Yes|No] Puts on clothing.

[Yes|No] Washes hands.

[Yes|No] Recognizes some colors.

[Yes|No] Holds book without help.

[Yes|No] Sits for 5 minute story.

4 years:

[Yes|No] Balances on 1 foot for 5 seconds.

[Yes|No] Alternates feet descending stairs.

[Yes|No] Hops on 1 foot.

[Yes|No] Jumps with both feet.

[Yes|No] Climbs ladder.

[Yes|No] Builds 8 cube tower.

[Yes|No] Can cut and paste.

[Yes|No] Copies cross and circle.

[Yes|No] Draws a person with 2-3 parts.

[Yes|No] Comprehends cold, tired, hungry, age.

[Yes|No] Names 3-4 colors.

[Yes|No] Counts to 5.

[Yes|No] Dresses and undresses with supervision.

[Yes|No] Make-believe play.

[Yes|No] Gender identification.

[Yes|No] Retells familiar story.

[Yes|No] Turns one page at a time.

[Yes|No] Tries or pretends to read and write.

5 years:

[Yes|No|] Skips.

[Yes|No|] Walks on tiptoes.

[Yes|No|] Heel-to-toe walk.

[Yes|No|] Catches bounced ball.

[Yes|No|] Balances on 1 foot for 10 seconds.

[Yes|No|] Broad jumps.

[Yes|No|] Identifies coins.

[Yes|No|] Identifies 4-5 colors.

[Yes|No|] Defines at least one word.

[Yes|No|] Dresses and undresses without supervision.

[Yes|No|] Copies triangle.

[Yes|No|] Draws a person wtih head, body, arms, legs.

[Yes|No|] Displays sexual curiosity.

[Yes|No|] Sits for 10-20 minute stories.

6-7 years:

[Yes|No|] Rides bicycle.

[Yes|No|] Ties shoelaces.

[Yes|No|] Counts and prints numbers up to 10.

[Yes|No|] Prints first name.

[Yes|No|] Knows right from left.

[Yes|No|] Draws a person with 6 body parts, including clothing.

8-9 years:

[Yes|No|] Tells time.

[Yes|No|] Reads for pleasure.

[Yes|No|] Sense of humor.

[Yes|No|] Prints first name.

[Yes|No|] Accepts rules and chores.


> ,




> Could you share your screening questions or templates?




> A. Eads, M.D.


> Pinnacle Family Medicine, PLLC


> phone fax


> P.O. Box 7275


> Woodland Park, CO 80863


> www.PinnacleFamilyMedicine.com

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Thanks !

Subject: Re: ages and stages/developmental screeningTo: Date: Sunday, December 21, 2008, 10:34 PM

Hi et alI finally got around to copying all of my developmental screeningquestions out of my well child templates. It's tough to pull thingsout of the to-do pile once they get there!These are mostly just derived from the Denver instrument, which hasnot stood up very well in studies of screening. But I find themvaluable reminders for me, particularly with my small infantpopulation (since I don't do kiddo vaccines). So use at your own risk,YMMV, etc., etc.Questions further down the list tend to be more advanced, so I know toworry about them less.2 weeks:[Yes||No] Responds to sound by startling, blinking, crying, quieting,or changing respiration[Yes||No] Fixates on human face and follows with eyes[Yes||No] Responds to parent's face and voice[Yes||No] Has flexed posture[Yes||No] Moves all extremities[Yes||No] Raises head when prone2

months:[Yes|No] Grasps rattle or toy.[Yes|No] Lifts head 45 degrees.[Yes|No] Has social smile.[Yes|No] Coos.[Yes|No] Reacts to voice.[Yes|No] Gives reciprocal vocalization.[Yes|No] Regards face.[Yes|No] Follows 90 degrees.4 months:[Yes|No] Holds head at 90 degrees and raises body on hands when prone.[Yes|No] Steady head control when held upright.[Yes|No] No head lag when pulled to sit.[Yes|No] Rolls prone to supine.[Yes|No] Plays with hands, holds toy.[Yes|No] Has raking grasp.[Yes|No] Looks at bats at mobile.[Yes|No] Follows object 180 degrees.[Yes|No] Recognizes sounds.[Yes|No] Initiates social contact by smiling and cooing.[Yes|No] Regards stranger with interest.6 months:[Yes|No] Rolls over.[Yes|No] Bears weight on legs when held upright.[Yes|No] Sits with support.[Yes|No] Transfers objects hand to hand.[Yes|No] Reaches for

objects.[Yes|No] Rakes small objects with hand.[Yes|No] Turns to sound.[Yes|No] Reacts to strangers.[Yes|No] Vocalizes to others, laughs.[Yes|No] Feeds self.9 months:[Yes|No] Sits well.[Yes|No] Pulls to stand.[Yes|No] Cruises.[Yes|No] Crawls/creeps/ hitches.[Yes|No] Bangs 2 toys.[Yes|No] Uses inferior pincer grasp.[Yes|No] Finger-feeds partially.[Yes|No] Mono- or polysyllabic babbling.[Yes|No] Uses "mama" or "dada" non-specifically.[Yes|No] Responds to name/"no"/"where is mama?"[Yes|No] Understands a few words - no-no/bye-bye.[Yes|No] Enjoys peek-a-boo/pat- a-cake.[Yes|No] Stranger anxiety.12 months:[Yes|No] Pulls to stand.[Yes|No] Cruises.[Yes|No] Walks with support.[Yes|No] Uses precise pincer grasp.[Yes|No] Points.[Yes|No] Uses 1-3 meaningful words or sounds.[Yes|No] Uses "mama" and "dada" correctly.[Yes|No] Explores.[Yes|No]

Obeys "no".[Yes|No] Holds book and tries to turn pages.15 months:[Yes|No] Walks alone.[Yes|No] Stoops and recovers.[Yes|No] Uses 3-6 words.[Yes|No] Jargons.[Yes|No] Gestures.[Yes|No] Understands simple commands.[Yes|No] Uses 3 words (other than mama/dada).[Yes|No] Points to 1-2 body parts.[Yes|No] Uses toys correctly.[Yes|No] Stacks 2 cubes.[Yes|No] Plays ball.[Yes|No] Gives and takes toy.[Yes|No] Drinks from a cup.18 months:[Yes|No] Walks up stairs with one hand held.[Yes|No] Sits in chair.[Yes|No] Kicks ball.[Yes|No] Throws ball.[Yes|No] Scribbles.[Yes|No] Stacks 3-4 cubes.[Yes|No] Uses 4-10 words.[Yes|No] Voices 2 or more wants.[Yes|No] Feeds self with spoon.[Yes|No] Imitates crayon stroke.[Yes|No] Dumps raisin from bottle.[Yes|No] Puckers lip and kisses.[Yes|No] Enjoys reading.2 years:[Yes|No|] Climbs and descends

steps holding rail.[Yes|No|] Kicks ball forward.[Yes|No|] Stacks 5-6 cubes.[Yes|No|] Uses 20+ words.[Yes|No|] Half of speech is intelligible.[Yes|No|] Refers to self by name.[Yes|No|] Uses 2-word phrases with pronouns.[Yes|No|] Responds to 2-part verbal commands.[Yes|No|] Interest in bowel and bladder control.[Yes|No|] Helps in house.[Yes|No|] s book around and reads spontaneously.3 years:[Yes|No] Jumps from height.[Yes|No] Stands briefly on one foot.[Yes|No] Pedals tricycle.[Yes|No] Builds 9 cube tower.[Yes|No] Builds 3 cube bridge.[Yes|No] Uses plurals.[Yes|No] Speaks intelligibly with dysfluency[Yes|No] Knows name/age/sex.[Yes|No] Uses 3-4 word sentences.[Yes|No] Copies circle.[Yes|No] Mature crayon grasp.[Yes|No] Puts on clothing.[Yes|No] Washes hands.[Yes|No] Recognizes some colors.[Yes|No] Holds book without help.[Yes|No] Sits for

5 minute story.4 years:[Yes|No] Balances on 1 foot for 5 seconds.[Yes|No] Alternates feet descending stairs.[Yes|No] Hops on 1 foot.[Yes|No] Jumps with both feet.[Yes|No] Climbs ladder.[Yes|No] Builds 8 cube tower.[Yes|No] Can cut and paste.[Yes|No] Copies cross and circle.[Yes|No] Draws a person with 2-3 parts.[Yes|No] Comprehends cold, tired, hungry, age.[Yes|No] Names 3-4 colors.[Yes|No] Counts to 5.[Yes|No] Dresses and undresses with supervision.[Yes|No] Make-believe play.[Yes|No] Gender identification.[Yes|No] Retells familiar story.[Yes|No] Turns one page at a time.[Yes|No] Tries or pretends to read and write.5 years:[Yes|No|] Skips.[Yes|No|] Walks on tiptoes.[Yes|No|] Heel-to-toe walk.[Yes|No|] Catches bounced ball.[Yes|No|] Balances on 1 foot for 10 seconds.[Yes|No|] Broad jumps.[Yes|No|] Identifies coins.[Yes|No|] Identifies

4-5 colors.[Yes|No|] Defines at least one word.[Yes|No|] Dresses and undresses without supervision.[Yes|No|] Copies triangle.[Yes|No|] Draws a person wtih head, body, arms, legs.[Yes|No|] Displays sexual curiosity.[Yes|No|] Sits for 10-20 minute stories.6-7 years:[Yes|No|] Rides bicycle.[Yes|No|] Ties shoelaces.[Yes|No|] Counts and prints numbers up to 10.[Yes|No|] Prints first name.[Yes|No|] Knows right from left.[Yes|No|] Draws a person with 6 body parts, including clothing.8-9 years:[Yes|No|] Tells time.[Yes|No|] Reads for pleasure.[Yes|No|] Sense of humor.[Yes|No|] Prints first name.[Yes|No|] Accepts rules and chores.>> ,> > > >

Could you share your screening questions or templates?> > > > A. Eads, M.D.> > Pinnacle Family Medicine, PLLC> > phone fax> > P.O. Box 7275> > Woodland Park, CO 80863> > www.PinnacleFamilyM edicine.com

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