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ACTION ALERT: Your Child's Due Process Rights Threatened - Contact Senators: No on Homeland security bill

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Sunday, November 17, 2002


* Save Your Vaccination, Due Process Rights: Tell Your Senators Vote NO

to Homeland Security Bill! See " TAKE ACTION " Instructions Below if

you are opposed to this legislation.

* Autistic Children Face Lawsuit Limits: Article


* . . .To Save Your Vaccination Rights: Tell Your Senators Vote NO

to Homeland Security Bill! See " TAKE ACTION! " section below.

Autistic Children Face Lawsuit Limits

A Measure Slipped In The Homeland security bill would mean those injured by

childhood vaccines could collect only $250,000.

[by Sara Fritz, St. sburg Times.]


If the long-awaited homeland security bill passes Congress next week

as expected, it could mean a big setback for parents of autistic children

like 4-year-old Liu.

and Mache Liu are among the parents of some 150 autistic

children who have filed suit against the drug industry in the past two

years, alleging their children's conditions were caused by Thimerosal, a

mercury preservative once included in childhood vaccines designed to prevent

measles, mumps and rubella.

Although the bill is intended to create a federal Homeland Security

Department, it includes a little-known, last-minute amendment that will

effectively end legal battles for compensation from several major drug


The amendment would keep the lawsuits out of state courts, preventing

huge judgments, and instead send complaints to a 14-year-old federal program

limiting compensation for children who suffer side effects of vaccines to


The amendment is one of more than a half-dozen tacked onto the bill.

The homeland security bill has been agreed to by House and Senate leaders,

but it is not expected to come to a final vote in the Senate until shortly

before Congress adjourns next week.

Some Senate Democrats want to challenge the amendments, but that would

be difficult because the House went home for the year after passing the

bill. House members would have to be called back to Washington to approve

the amended bill and get it to President Bush. House leaders have said they

don't want to call representatives back.

" Does this have anything at all to do with homeland security? The

answer is no, " Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., told the Associated Press. " This

is bad legislation. "

As usual, nobody in Congress is taking direct responsibility for

adding the drugmaker amendment, which will save the pharmaceutical industry

millions, if not billions, of dollars.

Rep. Dick Armey, R-Texas, has denied reports that he wrote the

amendment at the urging of White House officials. Armey's spokesman said it

came from Sen. Bill Frist, R-Tenn. Frist's aides said that while he wrote a

similar provision that never passed, he had nothing to do with putting it

into the homeland security bill.

Executives of Eli Lilly & Co., a leading defendant in the parents'

lawsuits, say they are pleased with the amendment but have no idea how it

wound up being attached to the homeland security bill.

The pharmaceutical industry contributed more than $14-million to

congressional candidates before the Nov. 5 election, more than

three-quarters of it to Republicans. Lilly alone contributed $1.6-million,

making it the most generous political donor in the industry. Democrats,

meanwhile, were heavily backed by trial lawyers in this year's elections.

Attorneys for the autistic children were stunned to learn of the


" Holy smokes! " declared Jack Marstall, a lawyer in Louisiana.

" I guess my 4-year-old client represents a threat to homeland

security, " added S. Siegel of Dallas.

" The industry has seized the opportunity presented by a Republican

House and Senate to immediately pass legislation to get the industry off the

hook, " Dallas lawyer Waters told the Washington Post. " To me, it

looks like payback for the fact that the industry spent millions bankrolling

Republican campaigns. "

Siegel's clients, the Liu family, are seeking compensation from the

drug companies for medical and educational expenses, as well as for pain and

suffering, on grounds the industry failed to warn parents of the potential

danger of Thimerosal. No compensation figure is specified in their suit.

According to Siegel, Lilly executives told top White House officials

recently that their company would not participate in the administration's

program to produce smallpox vaccine unless it got immunity from suits filed

by those who suffer from side effects of the vaccine.

Lilly spokesman Sagbiel said the allegation was " absolutely

false. " He said the purpose of the amendment was to " stem the tide of

frivolous lawsuits " filed by plaintiffs' lawyers against pharmaceutical and

other industries.

Sidney Taurel, Lilly's chairman, president and chief executive, is a

member of the White House Advisory Council on Homeland Security.

By executive order after Sept. 11, 2001, President Bush declared that

makers of smallpox vaccine will be protected from any liability by the

government if they are sued in the future for adverse reactions among

patients. The administration has already indemnified Wyeth and Aventis

Pasteur on that basis, and a third company is awaiting approval.

Both Sagbiel and Diamond, spokesman for Armey, said the

legislation was simply designed to clarify the intent of the 14-year-old

National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.

Lilly has not manufactured Thimerosal for 20 years, Sagbiel said, and

the industry now relies on a different preservative in MMR vaccine. Medical

research has not established a link between autism and Thimerosal.

Siegel said he does not understand why the drug industry needs help

from Congress if their legal case is already so strong. " To say this is not

an Eli Lilly bailout is ridiculous, " he added.

Liu of Pflugerville, Texas, was developing normally until he

turned 16 months old, Siegel said. " Then he completely changed, as his

parents say, retreating into his own world. "

He said the parents are convinced the change was linked to the vaccine

he received from his physician.

For more details, go to: -AuTeach/message/2010



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* * *


To Senator Lott From a Parent on Provision Prohibiting Vaccine-Injury


From: Kassandra

Dear Senator Lott,

Please allot me a few moments of your time to tell you about my

daughter . She is such a beautiful, bright and special little girl.

She is also so very frustrated at not being able to do the things she used

to do. is a victim of vaccine related autism. She could once eat

everything she wanted to and played with her cousins at the playground. She

walked around the farm and helped me feed the animals. She was speaking 14

words and putting two together. She used to call me Mama. I've not witnessed

her open beauty in so very long. She keeps it all inside now, tucked away in

a little box.

My daughter instead of going to the park everyday after school, goes

to a Dr to get treatments for her allergies to nearly everything as well as

treatments for her immune system. I've had to stop working because she is

not well enough to be in school regularly. No employer will make provisions

for a mother who comes and goes more then she comes. My husband, bless him,

works day and night, unable to spend those special moments with his sweet

" peanut " to make ends meat. So she can go to the Doctor, who is kind enough

to lower the treatment costs.

My daughter is on a slow road to recovery and the road has it's bumps

but she is getting there. I noticed symptoms right after got the

first vaccine in the hospital Hepatitis B; she wouldn't nurse. Then she

turned jaundice and it was said she had " breast-feeding " jaundice. I now

know this wasn't breast-feeding jaundice.

It was because she was given a vaccine that wasn't necessary at too

early an age when her liver wasn't even fully developed yet. Every vaccine

thereafter would causes her to regress for a period of about a week or two.

After that period she would come back again and was completely normal. I

informed the Dr of her reactions. Her reply to me was I am a new mother and

am being overly paranoid. My story is not the only story like this. Nearly

all the mothers I've spoken to and there are hundreds of them have been

through the same ordeal.

I was taught growing up that I should follow what happens in the

government to offer my support on causes I have " researched " . Yet, the

government is not doing the same. The research done on the cases of all of

these autistic children, which is now one in every 119, has been political.

I don't understand, how I am to support a government that is supposed to

protect us when I am seeing all of the underhandedness spilling out on to

our children? One child in every 119. That many wouldn't get wiped out in a

war. If this many children are affected, who will fight our wars in the


Our childrens futures are in your hands and every persons hands who

this bill crosses. Can you feel its weight? Can you look down and see all

the childrens faces filled with hope from the safety of their parents arms,

all looking upon you to make a decision which will help their future.

Nothing about this extra underhanded incentive will help warfare. Why are

they taking this out on our kids?

Please, please help us

Kassandra L Standley iamguido@... Miami, FL

For more details, go to: -AuTeach/message/2010

* * *


Save Your Vaccination Rights: Tell Your Senators Vote NO to Homeland Sec.


[From the Dr. Mercola Website.]


If you:

Value your right to refuse vaccinations based on religious, medical or

personal reasons Do not want to allow the government to let Eli Lily off the

hook for thimerosal-based vaccine-induced injuries and deaths Want to

maintain certain rights and freedoms if you are put into quarantine by the

government Then I urge you to email or phone your two U.S. Senators today

and tell them to vote AGAINST the current Homeland Security Bill they are

about to vote on! Tell everyone you know and ask them to do the same.


In the Homeland Security Bill (see Title III, section 304 (start at

page 74) of HR 5710) http://hsc.house.gov/legislation/hr5710.pdf,

certain “pork” – provisions added by certain politicians with special

interests, often without any public/media awareness at all – was inserted

late in the bill’s life, and apparently without the knowledge of many

members of the House of Representatives who already passed the bill on

November 13.

One such piece of pork would give the Secretary of the HHS the

authority to call for universal smallpox vaccination and other smallpox

interventions with absolutely NO personal, NO religious and NO medical

exemptions allowed! You’ll also find by reading Title III, section 304 of

the bill that there are NO guarantees for humane quarantine laws.

Yet another sneaky insertion into this bill would allow the

pharmaceutical manufacturer Eli Lily to go scot-free regarding any injuries

and deaths caused by their thimerosal-based vaccines

http://www.mercola.com/2002/mar/30/mercury_vaccine.htm. vaccines that

contain mercury, in other words, and are likely at least partly responsible

for the epidemic rise in autism, Alzheimer’s and other neurological

disorders. Obviously a politician who thought this was a clever way to

covertly pass his or her deal with a lobbyist added this rotten piece of

pork; it has nothing to do with our nation’s security, except to cause us

more harm.

Again, please contact your two U.S. senators –

click here to find your Senators’ contact information


-- and tell them to vote against the current Homeland Security Bill, HR

5710, for the reasons stated above. If nothing more, write “Vote NO to

Current Homeland Security Bill, HR 5710” in an email subject line, cut and

paste this article into the body of an email, and above it write “As a

resident of your state, I urge you to vote NO to the current Homeland

Security Bill, HR 5710, for the following reasons:” and then email it to

your Senators.



For more details: -AuTeach/message/2010


Lenny Schafer, schafer@... Kay Stammers Decelie

CALENDAR EVENTS@... Guppy Ron Sleith

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