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I'm sorry for Kayla's troubles, I know from MUCH experience and many, many ER

visits. Our daughter has a VNS implant and it has been a miracle. It takes

a LONG time to adjust it to the point that it is effective so I don't think

it would make her worse...I've never heard of this. They told us not to

expect to see anything for at least 6 months and we didn't have any big

effect on seizure control for about a year...BUT we have gone from over

twenty status seizures and countless smaller seizures per year to two so far

this year. She is still on Topamax and if I mess with that we have a seizure

so maybe there is something else going on with Kayla?

Heat is one thing that used to set Emma off, our neuro explained that she

cannot regulate her body temp so we tried to avoid overheating her. Can you

bring a fan into the classroom or even a window AC? I would definitely hang

in there with the VNS, I think worse case scenario it just won't work but I

don't think it would cause seizures unless they skipped from " off " to the

highest setting.

All the best,

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  • 3 years later...

Good Morning ,

My Son has the VNS..he has had it since April of 2001.

Although the implant has decreased the seizures...it has not really PREVENTED


Our experience with it, is that if we do not catch the seizure a few minutes

before it actually happens... " swipping him with the magnet won't make a

difference. " We have found that if we catch it when we see the aura, then it

will knock out the seizure..but only prolongs the inevitable.

is the first Pediatric Patient here to have the implant and to have it

while being drug free.

He has been on a dozen meds, and none of them have ever been successful...so

his Neuro took him off of meds prior to his implant, and we have never put him

back on anything.

I am in a battle over here with the school, because THEY feel he should be put

on meds..because he has been having lots of activity in school..on the bus, and

I am up at the school at LEAST once a week to pick him up.

And so far , every month..I have to go get him from the ER..cuz they have him

transported to the hospital!

They have been asking me about meds not only for the seizures..but for the

little compulsive behaviors of his...

" sniffing REALLY DEEPLY " {cuz he doesn't blow his nose} sometimes I think he's

gonna sniff his brains out!

" the raspberries " .. which is not only annnoying, but it is disgusting..because

when he does that ..he sprays spit..and I CAN UNDERSTAND their concern about

germs !!

I am constantly wiping everything down with Lysol over here.

{although I have switched to white vinegar..less expense..and much less


He'll sometimes stomp his foot...in interviles.. every twenty seconds or so.

Or snap his fingers..

I mentioned this to the neuro last week..and she REASSURED ME that Our

decission NOT to put him on any meds is better for HIM in the long run!

So..I was so relieved to hear that...because I have been struggling with that

for some time now.

{whether or not was doing the right thing.}

She agreed that if none of the meds that he had been on were effective, that

the chances of us EVER finding one to work..is going to be slim to none..and it

is much better for him and his development ..not to put him on anything.

So...we deal with his little " tics " and the school will have to do the same.

After all...

they GET PAID to deal with it...

WE don't.

We Do it, because we have to.

Anyway...We've got an appointment with the Dermatologist in a little while...

I still have to get ready and together..

Have a blessed day

hope to hear from ya soon!


" When Life Gives Ya Lemons...Make lemonade "

and if a friend has Vodka...

Have a Party!


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Good Morning ,

We just brought in to see his Neuro last week...

it's funny that you mentioned the sleep apnea thing...because I have noticed

that since the adjustment ...he's been having a little trouble sleeping at


Up and down a few times during the night...either to have a seizure, or just

have the beginning of the seizure, then he'll nod out, and go to sleep.

He's been sleeping in school..for at least an hour and a half or so...

then he wakes and has a seizure...

either he'll have the drops..or he will have a REALLY NICE ONE!

Which , the school thinks it's a grand mal...but when the doctors have seen

that type of seizure..they told me that it's not a grand mal.

Also because , after that seizure..and the post ictle state...he bouces right

back to his old self...and if it were a grand mal...that he'd be out of it FOR


And that is what the House Doctor said to the Social Worker on Thursday, when

I had to go to the Hospital to pick my son up from there.

I know that the school is doing all that they have to do...

but ..there really isn't any need for all of that drama!

NOT to mention how it will effect .

being rushed to ER..by Ambulance, and having all of the medical staff around

him like that.


gotta run

gotta get him to the dermatologist this morning.



" When Life Gives Ya Lemons...Make lemonade "

and if a friend has Vodka...

Have a Party!


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Hi Dee, I know the reason why they checked me, because I was saying

my weight was rising and rising. But NOW I know, it was from my

hormones. For know the weight is not rising anymore, because of the

progesterone cream that I use.

And that is why they found the sleep apnea. But it never woke me up

or anything like that. Most likely waking my husband, LOL, from the

snoring. :)

SOrry to hear about your sons seizure. I used to hate if the school

called the ambulance, which was so unnecessary.

I dont blame you for feeling that way. I would not want to be

rushed to the hospital each time I have a seizure. But they do it as

a precaution and to save their skin too. FOr these days everyone is

suing one another. Everyone is scared.

Well I hope you get him checked for sleep apnea. Or get it lowered

again so he can sleep better.

take care


> Good Morning ,


> We just brought in to see his Neuro last week...

> it's funny that you mentioned the sleep apnea thing...because I

have noticed that since the adjustment ...he's been having a little

trouble sleeping at night.


> Up and down a few times during the night...either to have a

seizure, or just have the beginning of the seizure, then he'll nod

out, and go to sleep.


> He's been sleeping in school..for at least an hour and a half or


> then he wakes and has a seizure...

> either he'll have the drops..or he will have a REALLY NICE ONE!

> Which , the school thinks it's a grand mal...but when the

doctors have seen that type of seizure..they told me that it's not a

grand mal.

> Also because , after that seizure..and the post ictle state...he

bouces right back to his old self...and if it were a grand

mal...that he'd be out of it FOR HOURS!

> And that is what the House Doctor said to the Social Worker on

Thursday, when I had to go to the Hospital to pick my son up from


> I know that the school is doing all that they have to do...

> but ..there really isn't any need for all of that drama!

> NOT to mention how it will effect .

> being rushed to ER..by Ambulance, and having all of the medical

staff around him like that.


> Anyway..

> gotta run

> gotta get him to the dermatologist this morning.


> blessings,

> Dee



> " When Life Gives Ya Lemons...Make lemonade "

> and if a friend has Vodka...

> Have a Party!


> __________________________________________________


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Hi Dee,

We just had the device implanted on the 8th and it will be turned on the

22nd. I agree with you, I really do not think it will eliminate all the seizure

activity unless I catch them when they first start. I don't know if you remember

but only has nocturnal seizures and her main reason for getting the

device is to be able to sleep in her own bed... I am not going to stay up all

night to see when to swipe this magnet.

Like your child, has failed all the seizure meds and I asked the neuro

what is left to try after the VNS and she mentioned that since we are dealing

with more than one focal point the gamma knife is our last option.

I do however, feel the VNS will be good for regardless if it helps

with the seizures or not because there is a lot of depression and other

behavioral issues in my family and as you know the VNS is suupposed to help


neurotransmitter activity which may benefit in other ways. Have you noticed any

improvements such as your child being more outgoing, more motivated?

Besides the seizures, what other diagnosis does your child have? You

mentioned OCD, I have a real mild case of it. The good news is that most people


they get older the symptoms will lessen. I remember mine started roughly age


I would do stupid stuff like jump over cracks in the pavement, touch walls at

certain intervals... I also have a mild case of Tourettes' syndrome so I had

the ticks to go with it, my nose would twitch like a bunny rabbit, I wink my

eye, funky shoulder movements. But again, they have lessened with age. Also I

have learned that decreasing my stress level does wonders, it all but

eliminates them. Routines, structure and avoiding a lot of controversy helps me


well. Sometimes I feel robotic because I do things the same way every single day

but it helps me achieve peace of mind and lowers my stress level.

However, Good to hear from you.



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In a message dated 12/20/2005 5:03:48 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Traceygrubbs@... writes:

and as you know the VNS is suupposed to help stimulate

neurotransmitter activity which may benefit in other ways.

THis can also be done via Neurofeedback therapy and/or certain amino acids

and other nutrients.

Braverman, MD in NYC, Amen, MD, LA and just two docs well

qualified in these and other nutritional therapies. Braverman also has a device

called CES (cranial electrical stimulator) that attaches to the forehead and

wrist for 30 minutes a day that increase neurotransmitter activity. Nothing is


I stopped my son's gran mal seizures for years with Lobelia inflata extract,

by the way.

Hope this helps


" The Basil Book "


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Hello Dee and everyone who might find this useful.

We had seizure problems with our younger teen son for last three years

which were getting worse as time went by. I wanted for the last couple

weeks to post this reply because I saw and felt same pain in all those

who had to deal with themselves or their loved one. What we found

useful are the following:

Epilepsy & Neem

Neem leaves may help control epilepsy (Larson, 1993). A Philadelphia

doctor has reported that a patient with uncontrollable epilepsy ate

neem leaves for 30 days and suffered no serious attacks over the next

five months. These results may be due to neem's effects on the central

nervous system or its ability to increase blood flow through

vasodilatation. (Pillai and Santhakumari, 1984).




One is recommended to read Hulda 's book " CURE FOR ALL DISEASES "

or its references on the web to understand the value of Hulda 's

Zapper in treatment. Her theory about connection of seizures with

ROUNDWORMS ASCARIS in the brain seems to be right on the spot. On the

other day I was talking to the Neurologist but he was surprised to

hear connection of worms and seizures. Well pharmaceuticals only train

doctors to use their drugs just to do the band-aid help. The Zapper

and NEEM herb seems to be attacking these invaders so that patient

starts to see relief.

Please read a very touching story of small boy and how his parents

helped him fight off one the very difficult case of seizures.


Also useful:


Ear & Nerve Formula: Dr. 's Nervous System Formula is also

helpful in addition.

A boy 12 years old, was brought to me as a patient several years ago,

who was having severe epileptic seizures and these had started after

the child had received head injuries in an automobile accident. I have

had success treating epileptic patients up to this time, by using our

basics; bowel cleaning and blood purification, as well as using

antispasmodic herbs. However, none of the procedures I had used over

the years so successfully, worked at all with this new 12 year old


One night I sat alone in my office, after all my patients had left for

the day, wondering why I was not getting the results with this boy as

I had with others with the same condition. I realized that I needed

" help " and so I prayed earnestly that something could be done for this

child and after some time of praying and meditating an " idea " for a

" formula " of herbs for nerves came to my mind. I quickly wrote down:

blue cohosh, black cohosh, blue vervain, scullcap, and lobelia in a 90

proof tincture. I immediately went to the lab we had out in back of

the office, and made up the tincture. When this formula was given to

the epileptic boy patient, there was an immediate reaction, and before

long, he showed great improvement.

We found this same amazing formula would stop hiccups and was great to

use by drops in the ear with oil of garlic to clear up earaches, and

has even restored hearing in some cases. We called it B & B Tincture.

[NL 2-11]

Help by Phone

(1-800-372-8255). Between 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. Monday through

Thursday, calls are limited to 3 minutes when , M.H.,

accepts calls from the general public.


So here is my list of searches over a period of time. My sincerest

wish is, these ideas and methods can be of use to the others in need.

I am greatly thankful for this knowledge provided by the other great


Ragbir Chana


> Good Morning ,


> We just brought in to see his Neuro last week...

> it's funny that you mentioned the sleep apnea thing...because I

have noticed that since the adjustment ...he's been having a little

trouble sleeping at night.


> Up and down a few times during the night...either to have a

seizure, or just have the beginning of the seizure, then he'll nod

out, and go to sleep.


> He's been sleeping in school..for at least an hour and a half or so...

> then he wakes and has a seizure...

> either he'll have the drops..or he will have a REALLY NICE ONE!

> Which , the school thinks it's a grand mal...but when the doctors

have seen that type of seizure..they told me that it's not a grand mal.

> Also because , after that seizure..and the post ictle state...he

bouces right back to his old self...and if it were a grand mal...that

he'd be out of it FOR HOURS!

> And that is what the House Doctor said to the Social Worker on

Thursday, when I had to go to the Hospital to pick my son up from there.

> I know that the school is doing all that they have to do...

> but ..there really isn't any need for all of that drama!

> NOT to mention how it will effect .

> being rushed to ER..by Ambulance, and having all of the medical

staff around him like that.


> Anyway..

> gotta run

> gotta get him to the dermatologist this morning.


> blessings,

> Dee



> " When Life Gives Ya Lemons...Make lemonade "

> and if a friend has Vodka...

> Have a Party!


> __________________________________________________


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> >

> > Good Morning ,

> >

> > We just brought in to see his Neuro last week...

> > it's funny that you mentioned the sleep apnea thing...because I

> have noticed that since the adjustment ...he's been having a little

> trouble sleeping at night.

> >

> > Up and down a few times during the night...either to have a

> seizure, or just have the beginning of the seizure, then he'll nod

> out, and go to sleep.

> >

> > He's been sleeping in school..for at least an hour and a half or

> so...

> > then he wakes and has a seizure...

> > either he'll have the drops..or he will have a REALLY NICE ONE!

> > Which , the school thinks it's a grand mal...but when the

> doctors have seen that type of seizure..they told me that it's not a

> grand mal.

> > Also because , after that seizure..and the post ictle state...he

> bouces right back to his old self...and if it were a grand

> mal...that he'd be out of it FOR HOURS!

> > And that is what the House Doctor said to the Social Worker on

> Thursday, when I had to go to the Hospital to pick my son up from

> there.

> > I know that the school is doing all that they have to do...

> > but ..there really isn't any need for all of that drama!

> > NOT to mention how it will effect .

> > being rushed to ER..by Ambulance, and having all of the medical

> staff around him like that.

> >

> > Anyway..

> > gotta run

> > gotta get him to the dermatologist this morning.

> >

> > blessings,

> > Dee

> >

> >

> > " When Life Gives Ya Lemons...Make lemonade "

> > and if a friend has Vodka...

> > Have a Party!

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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Hi Tracey,

I'm holding thumbs for you and for tomorrow. I hope this will

bring a big improvement in her condition.

Kind regards


On Dec 21, 2005, at 12:00 AM, Traceygrubbs@... wrote:

> Hi Dee,

> We just had the device implanted on the 8th and it will be turned

> on the

> 22nd. I agree with you, I really do not think it will eliminate all

> the seizure

> activity unless I catch them when they first start. I don't know if

> you remember

> but only has nocturnal seizures and her main reason for

> getting the

> device is to be able to sleep in her own bed... I am not going to

> stay up all

> night to see when to swipe this magnet.

> Like your child, has failed all the seizure meds and I asked

> the neuro

> what is left to try after the VNS and she mentioned that since we

> are dealing

> with more than one focal point the gamma knife is our last option.

> I do however, feel the VNS will be good for regardless if it

> helps

> with the seizures or not because there is a lot of depression and

> other

> behavioral issues in my family and as you know the VNS is suupposed

> to help stimulate

> neurotransmitter activity which may benefit in other ways. Have you

> noticed any

> improvements such as your child being more outgoing, more motivated?

> Besides the seizures, what other diagnosis does your child have? You

> mentioned OCD, I have a real mild case of it. The good news is that

> most people as

> they get older the symptoms will lessen. I remember mine started

> roughly age 8-9,

> I would do stupid stuff like jump over cracks in the pavement,

> touch walls at

> certain intervals... I also have a mild case of Tourettes' syndrome

> so I had

> the ticks to go with it, my nose would twitch like a bunny rabbit,

> I wink my

> eye, funky shoulder movements. But again, they have lessened with

> age. Also I

> have learned that decreasing my stress level does wonders, it all but

> eliminates them. Routines, structure and avoiding a lot of

> controversy helps me as

> well. Sometimes I feel robotic because I do things the same way

> every single day

> but it helps me achieve peace of mind and lowers my stress level.

> However, Good to hear from you.

> Sincerely,

> Tracey




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THanks for posting this. I find the info on Neem especially interesting.

In fact I have a Neem tree within arm's reach and never knew of it's potential

in seizure disorders.

Dr 's formula can be taken every day. As I've posted before,

plain Lobelia is what I've used for years to stop my son's seizures. But the

formula's other ingredients would make it appropriate for a broader use.

THanks again


In a message dated 12/21/2005 2:21:42 AM Eastern Standard Time,

chanar@... writes:

Hello Dee and everyone who might find this useful.

We had seizure problems with our younger teen son for last three years

which were getting worse as time went by. I wanted for the last couple

weeks to post this reply because I saw and felt same pain in all those

who had to deal with themselves or their loved one. What we found

useful are the following:

Epilepsy & Neem

Neem leaves may help control epilepsy (Larson, 1993). A Philadelphia

doctor has reported that a patient with uncontrollable epilepsy ate

neem leaves for 30 days and suffered no serious attacks over the next

five months. These results may be due to neem's effects on the central

nervous system or its ability to increase blood flow through

vasodilatation. (Pillai and Santhakumari, 1984).




One is recommended to read Hulda 's book " CURE FOR ALL DISEASES "

or its references on the web to understand the value of Hulda 's

Zapper in treatment. Her theory about connection of seizures with

ROUNDWORMS ASCARIS in the brain seems to be right on the spot. On the

other day I was talking to the Neurologist but he was surprised to

hear connection of worms and seizures. Well pharmaceuticals only train

doctors to use their drugs just to do the band-aid help. The Zapper

and NEEM herb seems to be attacking these invaders so that patient

starts to see relief.

Please read a very touching story of small boy and how his parents

helped him fight off one the very difficult case of seizures.


Also useful:


Ear & Nerve Formula: Dr. 's Nervous System Formula is also

helpful in addition.

A boy 12 years old, was brought to me as a patient several years ago,

who was having severe epileptic seizures and these had started after

the child had received head injuries in an automobile accident. I have

had success treating epileptic patients up to this time, by using our

basics; bowel cleaning and blood purification, as well as using

antispasmodic herbs. However, none of the procedures I had used over

the years so successfully, worked at all with this new 12 year old


One night I sat alone in my office, after all my patients had left for

the day, wondering why I was not getting the results with this boy as

I had with others with the same condition. I realized that I needed

" help " and so I prayed earnestly that something could be done for this

child and after some time of praying and meditating an " idea " for a

" formula " of herbs for nerves came to my mind. I quickly wrote down:

blue cohosh, black cohosh, blue vervain, scullcap, and lobelia in a 90

proof tincture. I immediately went to the lab we had out in back of

the office, and made up the tincture. When this formula was given to

the epileptic boy patient, there was an immediate reaction, and before

long, he showed great improvement.

We found this same amazing formula would stop hiccups and was great to

use by drops in the ear with oil of garlic to clear up earaches, and

has even restored hearing in some cases. We called it B & B Tincture.

[NL 2-11]

Help by Phone

(1-800-372-8255). Between 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. Monday through

Thursday, calls are limited to 3 minutes when , M.H.,

accepts calls from the general public.


So here is my list of searches over a period of time. My sincerest

wish is, these ideas and methods can be of use to the others in need.

I am greatly thankful for this knowledge provided by the other great


Ragbir Chana


" The Basil Book "


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Thanks For that info.

And I am curious who the doctor was too?



> >

> > Good Morning ,

> >

> > We just brought in to see his Neuro last week...

> > it's funny that you mentioned the sleep apnea thing...because I

> have noticed that since the adjustment ...he's been having a little

> trouble sleeping at night.

> >

> > Up and down a few times during the night...either to have a

> seizure, or just have the beginning of the seizure, then he'll nod

> out, and go to sleep.

> >

> > He's been sleeping in school..for at least an hour and a half

or so...

> > then he wakes and has a seizure...

> > either he'll have the drops..or he will have a REALLY NICE ONE!

> > Which , the school thinks it's a grand mal...but when the


> have seen that type of seizure..they told me that it's not a grand


> > Also because , after that seizure..and the post ictle


> bouces right back to his old self...and if it were a grand


> he'd be out of it FOR HOURS!

> > And that is what the House Doctor said to the Social Worker on

> Thursday, when I had to go to the Hospital to pick my son up from


> > I know that the school is doing all that they have to do...

> > but ..there really isn't any need for all of that drama!

> > NOT to mention how it will effect .

> > being rushed to ER..by Ambulance, and having all of the medical

> staff around him like that.

> >

> > Anyway..

> > gotta run

> > gotta get him to the dermatologist this morning.

> >

> > blessings,

> > Dee

> >

> >

> > " When Life Gives Ya Lemons...Make lemonade "

> > and if a friend has Vodka...

> > Have a Party!

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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In a message dated 12/21/2005 5:15:39 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Traceygrubbs@... writes:

People will sell you anything for a buck.

What does this relate to please.

If you are referring a my recent post on other ways KNOWN and PROVEN to

improve and balance neurotranmitters, then I wholeheartedly disagree.


" The Basil Book "


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No actually it relates to the mixture refered to in one of the e-mails. When

first started her seizures I tried everything to stop them including

the costly Hulda remedy ie the zapper and ALL the herbs and vitamins...

about $500 worth of stuff.

Well long story short, it did not work. I think there are people out there

that will prey on the most vulnerable and let's face it, when it involves our

children whom we love so dearly, we are vulnerable. We would give our arms and

legs to save them.

So no, I apologize if you misunderstood what I was refering to.

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I read that post quite carefully. And, I've known Neem for a very long time

as an antimicrobial both for humans and agriculture.

So, in this instance, if seizures were triggered by increased body temps due

to infections of any sort, then Neem might be an option.

In the world of natural medicine, there are many antimicrobials...... raw

garlic and goldenseal amongst them. Each culture worldwide had it's own set of

antimicrobials adapted to that particular region.

I understand your frustrations..... umfortunately what works for one may not

work for another.

We knew a young lady with bad gran mals and on Depakote or Dilatin with not

good control One day, she came to visit with a 12 pack of Diet Coke. She

drank most of them in the five hours she was here. My husband took her aside

and suggested that the excitotoxins in the aspartame in the soft drink might

be the root of her seizures.

We saw her about a year later. She had stopped the Diet pop and stabilized,

then was withdrawn from the seizure drugs. Seizure free, drug free.....

And, no more soda pop of any kind.


In a message dated 12/21/2005 5:30:52 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Traceygrubbs@... writes:

No actually it relates to the mixture refered to in one of the e-mails. When

first started her seizures I tried everything to stop them including

the costly Hulda remedy ie the zapper and ALL the herbs and


about $500 worth of stuff.

Well long story short, it did not work. I think there are people out there

that will prey on the most vulnerable and let's face it, when it involves


children whom we love so dearly, we are vulnerable. We would give our arms


legs to save them.

So no, I apologize if you misunderstood what I was refering to.


" The Basil Book "


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Hello MJH,

How did you find this NEEM TREE (Azadirachta indica) ?

Medicinal properties of neem have been known to Indians since time

immemorial. The earliest Sanskrit medical writings refer to the benefits

of neem’s fruits, seeds, oil, leaves, roots and bark. Each of these has

been used in the Indian Ayurvedic and Unani systems of medicine.

I am also interested in the NEEM PLANT. The Neem has adapted to a wide

range of climates. It thrives well in hot weather, where the maximum

shade temperature is as high as 49° C and tolerates cold upto 0° C on

altitudes upto 1500 m. So this means Neem plant has to be indoors during

the Mid-West Winters.

Ragbir Chana

foxhillers@... wrote:



> Ragbir


> THanks for posting this. I find the info on Neem especially interesting.

> In fact I have a Neem tree within arm's reach and never knew of it's


> in seizure disorders.


> Dr 's formula can be taken every day. As I've posted before,

> plain Lobelia is what I've used for years to stop my son's seizures. But the

> formula's other ingredients would make it appropriate for a broader use.


> THanks again

> mjh


> In a message dated 12/21/2005 2:21:42 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> chanar@... writes:


> Hello Dee and everyone who might find this useful.

> We had seizure problems with our younger teen son for last three years

> which were getting worse as time went by. I wanted for the last couple

> weeks to post this reply because I saw and felt same pain in all those

> who had to deal with themselves or their loved one. What we found

> useful are the following:


> Epilepsy & Neem

> Neem leaves may help control epilepsy (Larson, 1993). A Philadelphia

> doctor has reported that a patient with uncontrollable epilepsy ate

> neem leaves for 30 days and suffered no serious attacks over the next

> five months. These results may be due to neem's effects on the central

> nervous system or its ability to increase blood flow through

> vasodilatation. (Pillai and Santhakumari, 1984).


> http://www.bytheplanet.com/WhatAilsYou/Epilepsy/epilepsy.htm



> http://www.neemfoundation.org/health.htm



> One is recommended to read Hulda 's book " CURE FOR ALL DISEASES "

> or its references on the web to understand the value of Hulda 's

> Zapper in treatment. Her theory about connection of seizures with

> ROUNDWORMS ASCARIS in the brain seems to be right on the spot. On the

> other day I was talking to the Neurologist but he was surprised to

> hear connection of worms and seizures. Well pharmaceuticals only train

> doctors to use their drugs just to do the band-aid help. The Zapper

> and NEEM herb seems to be attacking these invaders so that patient

> starts to see relief.


> Please read a very touching story of small boy and how his parents

> helped him fight off one the very difficult case of seizures.


> http://curezone.com/diseases/epilepsy/testimonials/Trace_grand_mal_seizure.htm



> Also useful:


> http://herballegacy.com/id79.htm


> Ear & Nerve Formula: Dr. 's Nervous System Formula is also

> helpful in addition.

> A boy 12 years old, was brought to me as a patient several years ago,

> who was having severe epileptic seizures and these had started after

> the child had received head injuries in an automobile accident. I have

> had success treating epileptic patients up to this time, by using our

> basics; bowel cleaning and blood purification, as well as using

> antispasmodic herbs. However, none of the procedures I had used over

> the years so successfully, worked at all with this new 12 year old

> patient.

> One night I sat alone in my office, after all my patients had left for

> the day, wondering why I was not getting the results with this boy as

> I had with others with the same condition. I realized that I needed

> " help " and so I prayed earnestly that something could be done for this

> child and after some time of praying and meditating an " idea " for a

> " formula " of herbs for nerves came to my mind. I quickly wrote down:

> blue cohosh, black cohosh, blue vervain, scullcap, and lobelia in a 90

> proof tincture. I immediately went to the lab we had out in back of

> the office, and made up the tincture. When this formula was given to

> the epileptic boy patient, there was an immediate reaction, and before

> long, he showed great improvement.

> We found this same amazing formula would stop hiccups and was great to

> use by drops in the ear with oil of garlic to clear up earaches, and

> has even restored hearing in some cases. We called it B & B Tincture.

> [NL 2-11]


> Help by Phone

> (1-800-372-8255). Between 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. Monday through

> Thursday, calls are limited to 3 minutes when , M.H.,

> accepts calls from the general public.

> -----------------------

> So here is my list of searches over a period of time. My sincerest

> wish is, these ideas and methods can be of use to the others in need.

> I am greatly thankful for this knowledge provided by the other great

> ones.

> Ragbir Chana






> mjh

> " The Basil Book "

> http://foxhillfarm.us/FireBasil/




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